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Releases: Ozillion/Ozian-Resource-Pack

v1.7.10a - Now using new alternate blocks system!

03 Aug 15:15
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-made wheat look "golden"
-slowed down lava bucket animation(as suggested by generalawesome10)
-brought back atmospheric sky and fog colormaps
-made planks tile better
-added folder with items without animations to ALT(assets/minecraft/ALT/textures/items/NOT ANIMATED)
-added old water to ALT(assets/minecraft/ALT/textures/blocks/water/my watah)
-fixed furnace container gui
-changed rain particles to white
-made underwater bubbles partciles more visible
-updated gravel ctm
-made podzol top smoother
-updated podzol top ctm
-made mycelium top and side a bit smoother
-updated mycelium top ctm
-changed cobblestone(mossy)
-changed stone bricks(mossy,cracked,chisled)
-changed wet sponge(1.8)
-changed prismarine bricks(1.8)
-deleted glowstone texture
-reverted obsidian texture
-changed nether bricks
-reverted nether rack texture
-made two-block tall grass and fern smoother
-made sandstone top smoother
-added gold axe variation to ALT
-changed enchanting glint
-changed option backround
-changed traped chest
-added some planks to ALT
-changed mob spawner
-changed red sand
-changed coarse dirt(1.8)
-changed sandstone(top,bottom,smooth,carved)
-changed sand
-changed mushrooms
-changed TNT lable
-changed GUI potion effect icons
-changed pack icon
-updated language file
-changed bookshelves to use new vanilla alt blocks system
-changed gravel to use vanilla alt blocks system
-changed buttons and pressure plates to use vanilla alt blocks system
-changed sand to use vanilla alt blocks system
-changed hardened clay to use vanilla alt blocks system
-changed lever to use vanilla alt blocks system
-reverted potion particles

v1.8b - Now with more models!

02 Feb 21:31
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-added models for powered detector rail
-changed grass colormap
-finished opaque gui
-darkened wild grass, fern, vine etc.
-changed block model of oak and iron trapdoors
-changed sign texture
-changed texture of chest and trapped chest
-changed block model of crafting table
-changed block model of noteblock and jukebox
-changed item model of all shovels s player is holding them properly
-changed item model of clock so it's smaller
-fixed compas texure
-changed item model of compass so it's smaller
-changed texture of redstone ore and lit redstone ore
-changed block model for few overworld ores
-naturalised sponge and wet sponge
-changed block model of cocoa beans
-changed plank textures
-changed barrier item texture
-changed bow texture

v1.8a - 3D Model Galore

12 Sep 20:20
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-changed prismarine brick to be more 'connecty'
-updated credits file
-updated ALT folder
-naturalized ores
-naturalized stone
-naturalized bedrock
-naturalized soul sand
-naturalized snow
-fixed dark oak leaves not displaying properly when on fast graphics
-naturalized leaves
-naturalized cracked and mossy stone bricks
-naturalized hardened clays
-changed a bit daylight detector top
-changed a bit inverted daylight detector top
-changed Armor Stand to fit oak plank and stone slab textures
-fixed and changed Banner texture to fit plank texture
-changed red sand
-changed smooth and chisled red sandstone
-changed item frame framing to oak planks
-changed icons (xp meter, boss health meter, horse jump meter, armor icons)
-added 3D block models for rails
-added 3D block model for ladder
-added 3D block model for oak wood door
-changed oak wood door block texture
-changed oak wood door item texture
-changed crafting table's bottom texture
-added spectator widget GUI
-added server selection GUI
-changed iron door item texture
-added 3D block model for iron door
-naturalized sandstone top and bottom
-naturalized andesite, granite, diorite(WIP)
-changed cobblestone and mossy cobblestone
-all new doors will use textures from 14w32d
-changed Villagers, Witch and Steve?
-fixed upside down stairs and slabs top/bottom textures (you're welcome mojang)

v1.7.9a - Bugfixes and new version format!

24 Apr 17:59
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-now using new version format
-fixed not animated iron hoe
-changed horse, inventory, cretive inventory GUI background colours(idea from zer0o1)
-changed sandstone(all variations)
-adapted sandstone CTM
-changed sign entity to fit planks
-changed sign item texture to fit sign entity
-brightened ender pearl
-removed custom nametag by Rhodox and friends, the creators of Painterly Pack
-fixed achievement screen for white bare GUI
-retired broken fire to ALT
-added new reduced fire as a replacement
-added new flint and steal texture
-changed pack image(might be temporary)