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A library of composable ARM templates (with supporting documentation) that embody the best practices identified by p&p.

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Blue Prints Readme

The following readme goes over the requirements to run and test the blue print deployments. The scripts support Linux or a Windows deployment.


Running the Blue Print scripts

Copy the files to a location on your targeted


  • Open a command windows
  • Navigate to file location
  • Run the selected scipts


Linux deployments are using SSH public/private keys to log on to the linux deployment. To generate your public private key pair, run the following command and provide it with the name for your key.

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048

The key will be generated at the location "/home/username/.ssh/".
Provide this full path when the script ask for your public key. For example:

./ your-subscription-id

Enter username: name you'll use to logon to the box

Enter public Key file: /home/username/.ssh/

To login into your Linux box with your SSH key.

ssh user@yourmachine -i fullpathforprivatekeyfile

Running test to validate the Blue Print deployments

Under the test folder are some tools to help validate your deployment or search through the log file for a mistakes.

ValidateRG tool validates your blueprint deployment based on known deployment in a JSON file.

Here's how you run the tool:

ValidateRG.cmd your-subscription-id name-of-your-targeted-RG select-desiredstate.JSON

For example

ValidateRG.cmd your-subscription-id my-singlevm-RG singlevm-desiredstate.json

Creating a desiredstate.json

The desiredstate.json file is created from the following steps.

  1. Locate a resource group you want to use as your baseline to test against.
  2. Create a JSON of this deployment by running the following command: "azure group show --name --subscription --json > somename-desiredstate.json
  3. Edit generated JSON file
    1. Keep JSON entry for "name" and "resources" array. Remove all entries, they aren't used
    2. Change "name" value to somename-desiredstate
  4. Save this file. It's now your JSON baseline of your desired state.

Running Unit Test against

To test the code. 12 JSON files were created under .\unittestjson\ directory.

Run "unit-test-ValudateRG.cmd" to the desired state against test json files to validate failures are found.

They will test that the code can test for the following 4 issues:

  1. Not enough assets were found in the deployment
  2. Extra assets were found in the deployment
  3. An asset is missing from the deployment
  4. Azure asset found that isn't specified in the baseline

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A library of composable ARM templates (with supporting documentation) that embody the best practices identified by p&p.






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