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Support Efficient Use of the PCORnet Data Network

Dan Connolly edited this page Apr 3, 2017 · 4 revisions


In collaboration with the PCORnet Coordinating Center (and its Distributed Research Network Operations Center) and the Research Committee Front Door Working Group, a PDC working group will

  1. specify, review, and oversee processes for requesting access to the Distributed Research Network (DRN) query tool; and
  2. monitor and assess the PopMedNet (PMN) Query tool usage.

Workgroup Members:

  • Shawn Murphy (lead)
  • Rachel Hess
  • Daniella Meeker


  • Work collaboratively with the Coordinating Center to define process and standard operating procedures for requesting access to DRN query tool and metrics (with definitions)

Procedural Metrics:

  • Number of requests
  • Number of approved requests/number of rejections
  • Time to approval/rejection
  • Number of queries distributed through PMN
  • Number of responses received
  • Average response time

Strategic Metrics:

  • The Data Committee will work collaboratively with the Research Committee and Coordinating Center to develop processes that allow PCORnet to evaluate the strategic impact of the DRN by tying procedural metrics to impactful scientific translations (publications, grants/contracts, other dissemination methods).


The PCORNet Distributed Research Network should be used efficiently without incurring undue burden to contributors. This WG will create recommendations for approaches and practices that can support this objective.