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High level library for Paseto

Used libs

Based on paseto.js but provide a higher level of abstraction.

If you need typedef for paseto.js can download it here) (Big up to sloonz for his original .d.ts).

How to

Use the global scope initiator

The global scope initiator is used to simplify the creation and the use of keys.

import { addInstanceFactory, getInstance } from 'pasetohlvl';

const KnownLocalKey = Buffer.from('DL/1XkMvU6Qw8OXgA430Fm4BdkCmyjnlG+NsZvM5VCc=', 'base64');
const knownPrivateKey = Buffer.from('2lR/xbDCIT1CHec7zz96//iyxQ4xv+MYBtrOVV11k6gPo8OLG1+o+07E+ZwIBI72wA4DD7A+7GwebzCL0fwWkw==', 'base64');

addInstanceFactory('local', async (factory) => ({
    local: await factory.getLocalKey(),
    private: await factory.getPrivateKey(knownPrivateKey),

addInstanceFactory('private', async (factory) => ({
    private: await factory.getPrivateKey(),

async function useInstances () {
    const { local } = await getInstance('local');
    const { private, public} = await getInstance('private');

Use this lib as a JWT like

Instantiate with a symmetric key (local)

This exemple use randomly generated key.

import * as assert from 'assert';
import { PasetoFactory, PasetoVersion } from 'PasetoHlvl';

const pasetoFactory = PasetoFactory.createInstance(PasetoVersion.v2);
const paseto = await pasetoFactory.getLocalKey();
const crypted = await paseto.encrypt('Hello world');

    await paseto.decrypt(crypted),
    'Hello world',

With a constant key.

import * as assert from 'assert';
import { PasetoFactory, PasetoVersion } from 'PasetoHlvl';

const localKey = Buffer.from('DL/1XkMvU6Qw8OXgA430Fm4BdkCmyjnlG+NsZvM5VCc=', 'base64');

const pasetoFactory = PasetoFactory.createInstance(PasetoVersion.v2);
const pasetoLocal = await pasetoFactory.getLocalKey(localKey);
const cryptedMessage = await pasetoLocal.encrypt('Hello world');
const message = await pasetoLocal.decrypt(cryptedMessage);

    'hello world'

Write a complex message

import * as assert from 'assert';
import {
} from 'PasetoHlvl';

const durationOfFiveMinutes = Duration.shortDuration(5);
const durationOfTwoYearOneMounth = new Duration(2, 1);
const longLivingMessageFactory = new MessageFactory({ duration: durationOfTwoYearOneMounth });
const shortLivingMessageFactory = new MessageFactory({ duration: durationOfFiveMinutes });
const localKey = Buffer.from('DL/1XkMvU6Qw8OXgA430Fm4BdkCmyjnlG+NsZvM5VCc=', 'base64');

const pasetoFactory = PasetoFactory.createInstance(PasetoVersion.v2);
const pasetoLocal = await pasetoFactory.getLocalKey(localKey);
const longTimeCryptedMessage = await pasetoLocal.encrypt(longLivingMessageFactory.createMessage({hello: 'world'}));
const shortTimeCryptedMessage = await pasetoLocal.encrypt(shortLivingMessageFactory.createMessage({hello: 'world'}));
let message = await pasetoLocal.decrypt(longTimeCryptedMessage);


message = await pasetoLocal.decrypt(shortTimeCryptedMessage);


Message Validation

To validate et message you can use the MessageValidator class

const message = await pasetoLocal.decrypt(token);

Equivalent to :
const validatorFactory = new ValidatorFactory(options)
const messageValidator = validatorFactory.validator(message, moreSpecificOptions)
const messageValidator = new MessageValidator(message);

// checks dates for (Expiration, Not Before, Issued At)
assert.ok(!messageValidator.isValid({now: new Date(0)}));
    audience: '',
    tokenIdentifier: '87IFSGFgPNtQNNuw0AtuLttPYFfYwOkjhqdWcLoYQHvL',
    issuer: '',
    subject: 'documentation',
// To force the check even if an element is not present in the message (does not apply to expire)
    audience: '',
    tokenIdentifier: '87IFSGFgPNtQNNuw0AtuLttPYFfYwOkjhqdWcLoYQHvL',
    issuer: '',
    subject: 'documentation',

It is also possible to call :

validatorFactory.isValidStrict(message, {
    audience: '';
    tokenIdentifier: '87IFSGFgPNtQNNuw0AtuLttPYFfYwOkjhqdWcLoYQHvL';
    issuer: '';
    subject: 'documentation'