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PEDASI System Administrator Guide


Please read the User Guide<guide_user> first to give you an overview of the PEDASI platform and how to use its features before reading this guide.


This guide is for system administrators wishing to deploy a PEDASI instance, either for production or locally for development.

Production Deployment


A deployment of PEDASI is done automatically to a remote Ubuntu server via a preconfigured Ansible script, which performs the following tasks:

  1. Install prerequisites
  2. Configure databases
  3. Install PEDASI
  4. Configure and start webserver

See the playbook.yml Ansible file in the PEDASI repository's root directory for more details.


Ensure you have the following prerequisites before you begin:

  • Ubuntu 18.04 LTS server with:
    • The latest security updates
    • A static IP address
    • A user account with external SSH access enabled and with sudo access privileges (e.g. 'ubuntu' - ubuntu will be used throughout this documentation)
  • A Linux or Mac OS X local machine with the following installed:
    • Ansible v2.7.1 or above
    • Git command line client v2 or above

Cloning the PEDASI Repository

On your local machine, first clone the PEDASI repository:

$ git clone


It it necessary to provide some configuration before deploying PEDASI.

  1. Tell Ansible to which machine PEDASI should be deployed:
  1. Provide required configuration for Django - the required and optional settings are described in pedasi.settings. The required settings are:
SECRET_KEY=<random string>



You may now deploy PEDASI using the Ansible provisioning script. If you have set up your Ubuntu instance to use SSH passwordless access, with passwordless sudo, do the following:

$ ansible-playbook -v -i inventory.yml playbook.yml -u <your username on the remote host>

If you need to provide a password to log in via SSH, add a -k flag. If you need to provide a password to sudo, add a -K flag.

Create Administrator Account

After deploying PEDASI you must create and activate an initial PEDASI Central Administrator account:

$ sudo -s
$ cd /var/www/pedasi
$ source env/bin/activate
$ python createsuperuser --username <username> --email <email address>

Once created, you can access your deployment at https://<server_address>.

Assigning Data or Application Provider Roles to Accounts

To add Data and/or Application Provider roles to an existing PEDASI User account:

  1. Ensure you are logged in as the PEDASI Central Administrator account
  2. Go to the administrator pages at https://<server_address>/admin
  3. Select Users from the PROFILES subsection to display a list of all system users
  4. Select the user account you wish to change, to edit that user's profile
  5. Under the Groups section under Permissions, select Data Provider or Application Provider and select the right arrow to add this role to the user's profile
  6. Select SAVE at the bottom of the page

Development Deployment


A development instance of PEDASI can be automatically and rapidly deployed using Vagrant. It uses VirtualBox as a virtual machine (VM) management tool to provision a Vagrant-style VM and provisions a PEDASI instance within that VM.


Ensure you have the following prerequisites before you begin:

  • A Linux or Mac OS X local machine with the following installed:
    • Vagrant v2.2.0 or above
    • VirtualBox v5.2.0 or above
    • Git command line client v2.0 or above

Cloning the PEDASI Repository

On your local machine, from a shell first clone the PEDASI repository:

$ git clone

Configuring Deployment

First, check the settings in the Vagrantfile in the repository's root directory to ensure any provisioned VM will not conflict with any other resources running on the default ports.

Then create a new .env file in the repository's deploy/ directory with the following contents (replacing some_test_key with a string of your choice):


Managing Deployment

To deploy the Vagrant instance, provision the instance, and deploy PEDASI within it, within the PEDASI repository root directory:

$ vagrant up

The Vagrant instance will now be visible within VirtualBox, and the PEDASI service visible from a browser at http://localhost:8888/.

To access the Vagrant instance from the command line:

$ vagrant ssh

Please see the Vagrant documentation for more details on how to use Vagrant, including shutting down and destroying Vagrant instances.

Creating Administrator and Provider Accounts

Follow the instructions in the Create Administrator Account subsection of the Production Deployment section above to set up an administrator user, as well as the Assigning Data or Application Provider Roles to Accounts subsection if required for other non-administrator users.


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