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System error codes

Kung Knut edited this page Dec 27, 2017 · 4 revisions

System errors are errors that are internal to the server, that don't really concern the user, so we masquerade them behind the "A system error has been encountered. Please try again." message.

But when debugging we need to know what actually went wrong, hence the error codes appended to the end of the error message. And here is what they mean:

  • #01: (login) Failed to add a new session for the user (Failed to get the user from database / Failed to add the session to the database)
  • #02: (activate) Account has already been activated
  • #03: (addUser) Failed to insert new row into users table
  • #04: (addUser) Failed to update new user row in user table
  • #05: (deleteUser) Failed to delete user from user table
  • #06: (deleteUser) Failed to delete user's session from session table
  • #07: (deleteUser) Failed to delete user's requests from request table
  • #08: (addRequest) Request type is invalid
  • #09: (addRequest) Failed to insert row into request table
  • #10: (addRequest) Failed to send activation / reset email (Sendmail / SMTP problem)
  • #11: (resetPass) Failed to get user from user table
  • #12: (resetPass) Failed to update user's password in user table
  • #13: (changePassword) Failed to get user from user table
  • #14: (changeEmail) Failed to get user from user table
  • #15: (changeEmail) Failed to update user's email in user table
  • #16: (Language) Translation failed
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