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Releases: PIC-IRIS/PH5


06 Jun 19:38
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  • ph5.utilities.ph5validate
    • new functionality
  • ph5.core.ph5api
    • fix cut method
  • ph5.clients.ph5torec
    • Fixed bug not properly applying reduction velocity
  • ph5.utilities.resp_load
    • handle missing response table data gracefully
  • ph5.utilities.keftocsv
    • new utility
  • ph5.utilities.csvtokef
    • new utility
  • ph5.utilities.ph5tostationxml
    • Fixed bug causing arrays with same station id_s to be filtered out
  • ph5.utilities.kefedit
    • Fixed not being able to save directly to PH5 (issue #193)
  • ph5.clients.ph5view
    • Handle node > 3 channel bug
  • ph5.core.segd2ph5
    • fix for reading SEG-D where the number of channel sets exceeds the number of channels (component)
  • ph5.clients.ph5view
    • Better handling of experiments with missing tables
  • ph5.clients.ph5toexml
    • Remove new line from geocsv field_unit header line
  • ph5.utilities.kefedit
    • Fix bugs caused when loading PH5 experiment without offset tables
  • ph5.clients.ph5tostationxml
    • Address issue #181
    • print to stdout by default
  • ph5.clients.ph5toms
    • Add ph5toms support for the web service GeoCSV timeseries data format.


13 Feb 20:47
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  • ph5.clients.ph5toexml
    • Fix case where station does not have a key of 1
    • Add geocsv format to ph5toexml that is equivalent to the shottext format
    • No longer require the user to enter a network or report number
    • No longer print to a file by default, but still provide an option. Instead print the event data to stdout by default.
    • No longer show users a stack trace. Instead show a shortened error message.
  • ph5.clients.ph5toms
    • Fix ph5toms not returning data
    • Fix bug that caused ph5toms to crash when passed an empty DAS_t after filtering
  • ph5.utilities.ph5_validate
    • New functionality for checking stations
  • ph5.utilities.kef2kml
    • Fix bug reading kef
  • ph5.utilities.kefedit
    • Fix bug reading kef


30 Nov 18:56
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  • ph5.utilities.resp_load
    • resp_load now handles nuking and loading tables for the user
  • ph5.utilities.ph5validate
    • New validation utility
  • ph5.utilities.pforma
    • Skip files that do not exist
  • ph5.utilities.nuke_table
    • Remove Oppenheimer/Bhagavad Gita references.
    • Add delete_table as alias for nuke_table
  • ph5.utilities.dumpfair
    • Print trace values
  • ph5.utilities.time_kef_gen
    • Fixed bug caused by attemtping to run time_kef_gen on node data
  • ph5.clients.ph5tostationxml
    • Always takes in to account deployments
  • ph5.utilities.nuke_table
    • Nuke_table now creates file back ups
  • ph5.clients.ph5toevt
    • Updated to also accept external shot files
  • ph5.clients.ph5torec
    • Updated to also accept external shot files
  • ph5.core.external_file
    • new core component for external array or shot files
  • ph5.clients.ph5toms
    • ph5toms now uses multiprocessing
  • ph5.clients.ph5toms (issue #127)
    • Updated ph5toms to write SAC header values properly


17 Oct 23:15
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v4.0.5 Pre-release
  • ph5.clients.ph5toevt
    • Updated to check the array table for response_n_i
  • ph5.clients.ph5torec
    • Updated to check the array table for response_n_i
  • ph5.clients.ph5tostationxml
    • Added SACPZ and stationtxt to command line output option
  • ph5.core.experiment
    • Add expectedrows when creating tables
  • ph5.core.ph5utils
    • Doy_breakup can now accept variable time lengths for breakup. Default is 1 day
  • ph5.clients.ph5tostationxml
    • Fixed array number bug
    • Use Hash for station comparison to speed up read_stations()
  • ph5.clients.ph5toms
    • Fixed array number bug
    • Added LENGTH global variable to adjust file cuts
  • ph5.core.ph5api
    • Enhancement in cut to be able to pass the das_t instead of rereading the das_t in cut
  • ph5.core.ph5api (issue #141)
    • Addressed bug not reading all data of channels < 1 sps
  • ph5.utilities.segd2ph5 (issue #138)
    • Added SEED station name to array creation
  • ph5.utilities.resp_load
    • Fix array parse bug
  • ph5.utilities.resp_load (issue #114)
    • New software added


02 Oct 17:54
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  • ph5.core.ph5api(issue #134)
    • fixes error catching in response table function
    • Standardized GUI and command line names
  • ph5.utilities.pforma_io
    • Fix renaming of cl programs
  • ph5.utilities.set_n_i_response
    • Fix renaming of cl programs
  • ph5.clients.ph5tostationxml (issue #126)
    • Only add a network, station, or channel to inventory if it hasn;t already been added
  • ph5.utilities.dumpsgy
    • Fix issues caused by adding main procedure
  • ph5.utilities.ph5_merge_helper
    • Fix issues caused by adding main procedure
  • ph5.utilities.fix_3chan_texan
    • Fix issues caused by adding main procedure
  • ph5.utilities.index_offset_t
    • Make offset table name required
  • ph5.utilities.meta_data_gen
    • Fix issues caused by adding main procedure
  • ph5.utilities.unsimpleton
    • Check for failure to create hard link


29 Aug 20:08
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  • ph5.clients.ph5tostationxml (issue #111)
    • ph5tostationxml accepts list of requests for given experiment
  • ph5.clients.ph5torec
    • Write node ID to log file
  • ph5.clients.ph5toevt
    • Write node ID to log file
  • ph5.clients.ph5view.ph5_viewer (issue #116)
    • if no config file is present create a default config file


18 Aug 21:04
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  • ph5.clients.ph5toms (issue #100)
    • Fixed memory leak bug and reduced memory usage
  • ph5.clients.ph5tostationxml (issue #107)
    • added receiver-id to obspy inventory and added an extra attribute at the channel level
  • ph5.clients.ph5toexml
    • added to


10 Aug 19:11
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  • ph5.clients.ph5tostationxml
    • updated to work with latest obspy response code


04 Aug 21:31
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Initial github release of PH5 version 4