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Cog: Admin

PKlempe edited this page Dec 30, 2020 · 5 revisions

A cog containing commands which only the server owner should be able to use.


Hint: Arguments between angled brackets <> are required while the ones between squared brackets [] are only optional.

Usage Example Description
echo [channel] <text> !echo #offtopic Hello World! Posts a simple message to the mentioned channel or the current one if none has been specified.
embed <channel> <color> <text> !embed #offtopic ffffff New embed | This is an embed. Posts a basic embed in the specified channel with color, title and text. The title and text are separated by the '|' character.
embed json <channel> <json_string> !embed json #offtopic {"title": "Hello World!", ...} Posts an embed in the specified channel corresponding to the provided json data.
edit content <message> <new_content> !edit content 123456789123456789 This is the new message. Edits the content of a message posted by the bot.
edit embed <message> <json_string> !edit embed 123456789123456789 {"title": "New Embed!", ...} Edits the embed of a message posted by the bot.
bot cogs !bot cogs Shows a list of all available cogs and their current status (eg. un-/loaded).
bot cog load/unload/reload <name> !bot reload utility Loads/Unloads/Reloads the specified cog.
bot cog reload all !bot cog reload all Reloads all of the bots cogs.
bot presence watching/listening/playing [status] <name> !bot presence listening Blink-182 Changes the bots Discord presence to the specified activity with the given name. If a status has been specified, it will also be changed accordingly.
bot presence streaming <url> [status] <name> !bot streaming Super Mario 64 Speedrun Changes the bots Discord presence to streaming with the given stream name. If a status has been specified, it will also be changed accordingly.
bot presence clear !bot presence clear Clears the currently set activity and sets the bots status back to "Online".
botonly [channel] !botonly #logging Marks the mentioned channel or the current one if none has been specified as "botonly". Every message not posted by a bot will then be immediately deleted.
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