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Mike Klimek edited this page Dec 7, 2016 · 3 revisions

This wiki page covers some of the features of Arden Syntax. If you want to know more, you might be interested in a paper introducing Arden Syntax written by George Hripcsak. The Arden Syntax ANSI standard is released by HL7.

Sample Medical Logic Modules (MLM)

Example 1

This MLM recieves some values via the ARGUMENT statement, calculates a value and returns it via the RETURN statement.

    title: GFR Calculator ;;
    mlmname: gfr_calculator;;
    arden: version 2.5;;
    version: 1.0;;
    institution: Peter L. Reichertz Institut;;
    author: Mike Klimek;;
    specialist: Mike Klimek;;
    date: 2016-07-02;;
    validation: testing;;

    purpose: Calculate the estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR or eGFR);;
    	This MLM is used to calculated the GFR (in mL/min/1.73m^2) from a patients latest creatinine value,
    	age, race and sex. This allows to check for renal insufficiency, e.g. values < 30.
    	The calculation is based on the CKD-EPI referenced creatinine method.
    keywords: GFR; eGFR; Glomerular Filtration Rate; creatinine; kindey function; CKD-EPI;;
    	1. SUPPORT Levey A. A New Equation to Estimate Glomerular Filtration Rate.
    	   Annals of Internal Medicine. 2009;150(9):604.
    links: URL 'Calculate eGFR using the CKD-EPI formula', "";;

    type: data_driven;;

    	(creatinine, age, race, sex) := ARGUMENT;

    evoke: ;;

    	IF sex = "M" THEN
    	    K := 0.9;
    	    A := -0.411;
    	    S := 1;
	    	K := 0.7;
	    	A := -0.329;
	    	S := 1.018;

    	IF race IS IN ("African-American", "Black") THEN
    		R := 1.159;
			R := 1;

    	age_in_years := age / 1 YEAR;
    	GFR := 141 * MIN(creatinine/K, 1)**A * MAX(creatinine/K, 1)**(-1.209) * 0.993**age_in_years * S * R;




Example 2

This MLM is activated by an event. It reads some values with the READ statement and uses the above MLM to calculate a result. It may then, if necessary, send a message with the WRITE statement.

	title: CT study order for patient with renal insufficiency;;
	mlmname: ct_contrast_renal_insufficiency_check;;
	arden: version 2.5;;
	version: 1.0;;
	institution: Peter L. Reichertz Institut;;
	author: Mike Klimek;;
	specialist: Mike Klimek;;
	date: 2016-07-01;;
	validation: testing;;

		Send an alert when a physician orders a CT study with contrast in a patient with renal insufficiency
		When a physician orders a CT scan with contrast, this MLM calculates the estimated Glomerular
		Filtration Rate (eGFR) from the patients most recent serum creatinine.
		The incidence of contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN) in patients with eGFR less than 30 is greater
		than 10% in large cohorts. Therefore if the eGFR is less than 30 the system issues an alert to the
		physician to consider the possibility that his patient has renal insufficiency, and to use other
		contrast dyes.
		A notice is also issued, if there are no serum creatinine values more recent than 6 weeks old.
	keywords: renal insufficiency; CT; contrast; creatinine; eGFR; nephropathy; CIN;;

	type: data_driven;;

		ct_contrast_order := EVENT {ct contrast order};
		gfr_calculator := MLM 'gfr_calculator';

		(birthdate, sex, race) := READ {birthdate, sex, race};
		creatinine := READ LATEST {Creatinine levels} WHERE THEY OCCURRED WITHIN THE PAST 6 WEEKS; // in mg/dL

	evoke: ct_contrast_order;;

			info := "No recent serum creatinine available. Consider patient's kidney function before ordering
					 contrast studies.";

		age := NOW - birthdate;
		gfr := CALL gfr_calculator WITH creatinine, age, race, sex; // in ml/min/1.73 m^2
		IF gfr < 30 THEN
			info := "Consider impaired kidney function when ordering contrast studies for this patient.

					 eGFR: " || gfr || " on: " || TIME OF creatinine;

		WRITE info;


Medical Logic Module Structure

A Medical Logic Module (MLM) consists of three parts or categories, namely maintenance, library and knowledge.
These categories are marked with their corresponding names and a colon.
The categories make up the top level of the MLM structure as presented in the following (incomplete) MLM:

  /* maintenance slots appear here */

  /* here goes the library metadata */

  /* actual program logic goes here */

Maintenance category

The maintenance category covers general information used for developing the MLM.

The metadata consists of the following slots:

  • title: A short title.
  • mlmname: A name, that allows the MLM to be called by other MLMs. Only letters, digits and underscores are allowed (no spaces).
  • arden: The used Arden Syntax version, e.g. 'Version 2.5'.
  • version: The version of the MLM.
  • institution: The institution. Allows distinguishing MLMs with the same mlmname.
  • author: The author of the MLM.
  • specialist: The developer or technical contact.
  • date: The date of creation in ISO 8601 format.
  • validation: Valid values are
    • production - MLM is production ready
    • research - MLM is for research purposes
    • testing - MLM is used for debugging and sharing
    • expired - MLM is no longer in use

All slots are required, but for some, like institution, author and specialist the content may be left blank.

Library category

The library category contains additional metadata about the medical knowledge contained in the MLM. It allows to categorize the MLM and to put it in context of scientific research.

The slots are:

  • purpose: Short descriptive text about the purpose of the MLM.
  • explanation: A longer plain text explanation of what this MLM does.
  • keywords: List of keywords, delimited by a semicolons.
  • (optional) citations: A numbered list of citations in Vancouver style, that 'SUPPORT' or 'REFUTE' the knowledge in this MLM. See example 1.
  • (optional) links: A list of relevant links. See example 1.

All of these fields may be left blank if the information is not available.

Knowledge category

This is where the actual code goes.

The knowledge category consists of these slots:

  • type: This is always data_driven.
  • data: In this slot, data may be read from a database or initialized from constants.
  • (optional) priority: A number between 1 and 99 that decides the order of execution, when multiple MLMs triggered by the same event.
  • evoke: This slot tells when the MLM should be triggered. See Scheduling for more information.
  • logic: This slots contains program logic needed to make a decision. It can either conclude to FALSE (no action is needed) or to TRUE.
  • action: If the logic slot concludes TRUE, this slot is executed. Mostly, a message is printed out in this slot.
  • (optional) urgency: A number or variable between 1 and 99, that tells the environment how important the actions of the action slot are.

Data slot

In this slot, variables may be initialized from external data or constants.

All institution specific statements (statements with curly braces) belong in this slot. For example the following read statement

systolic_blood_pressure := READ LAST {systolic blood pressure measurements};

is supposed to read a list of blood pressure values and take the last one of these values as denoted by the LAST operator. The part in the curly braces can be any text, and is compiler- or institution specific.

This example

systolic_blood_pressure_list := READ {systolic blood pressure measurements};

reads the whole list.

Another example would be:

(systolic_blood_pressure, pulse) := READ LAST {systolic blood pressure measurements, pulse measurements};

This example reads the last value of each of the two different data rows. As you can see, multiple values may be assigned at once.

You can also assign constant values to variables:

a_string := "a string";
a_number := 3.141;
a_time := 2015-11-27T00:00:00;
a_duration := 5 WEEKS;
a_boolean := FALSE;
a_list := ("another string", 5, FALSE, a_time);

Unset variables will return NULL when used.
Arden Syntax is weakly typed, so a variable that holds a string can be assigned again to hold a number.
Variable identifiers are not case sensitive. They have to begin with a letter and may contain digits and underscores in the subsequent characters.

Objects can be defined in the data slot:

Patient := OBJECT [Name, DateOfBirth, Sex];
john := NEW Patient WITH "John Doe", 1970-01-01, "M";
john.Name := "John Roe";

There are a number of special objects, like events, MLMs or messages:

warning := MESSAGE {WARNING: Your food may be toxic};
email := DESTINATION {email: ""};
an_event := EVENT {something happens};
another_mlm := MLM 'another_mlm' FROM INSTITUTION "my institution";
web_service := INTERFACE {};
(arg1, arg2, arg3) := ARGUMENT;

Note that the parts in between curly braces are institution specific.

Logic slot

In this slot, computations are done in order to make a decision.

If a CONCLUDE TRUE statement is executed during this section, the action slot is run immediately, skipping the rest of the logic slot. Accordingly, on CONCLUDE FALSE or when the end of the logic slot is reached, the action slot will not be executed.
Complex expression are also possible, for example:

CONCLUDE systolic_blood_pressure >= systolic_pressure_threshold;

This is equivalent to the following code:

IF systolic_blood_pressure >= systolic_pressure_threshold THEN

Loops are also possible:

sum_to_100 := 0;
    sum_to_100 := sum_to_100 + i;

Other MLMs can be called with multiple arguments:

calculated_value := CALL other_mlm WITH 123, an_argument, "a string";

Action slot

The action slot contains the actions that need to be taken if the conditions of the logic slot are met.

There are three possible kinds of actions:

  • Return a value to a calling MLM using the RETURN statement.
    This is usually not combined with the other two kinds of actions.
    Multiple return values are possible:

    RETURN a_variable, "a string", 5.34;
  • Write a message using the WRITE statement:

    WRITE "Hello World!";
    WRITE email AT email_destination;

    How this is handled is institution specific. Possible scenarios:

    • Printing a notification message on the screen
    • Sending an e-mail
    • Triggering an alarm
    • etc...
  • Trigger an event or other MLMs without waiting for them to finish using the CALL statement.
    This can be done with a delay:

    CALL other_mlm WITH 123, an_argument, "a string";
    CALL other_mlm WITH 123, an_argument, "a string" DELAY 10 MINUTES;
    CALL an_event DELAY 10 MINUTES;