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Neovim is stuck a 100% CPU #77

Clonkk opened this issue Apr 7, 2021 · 12 comments

Neovim is stuck a 100% CPU #77

Clonkk opened this issue Apr 7, 2021 · 12 comments


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Clonkk commented Apr 7, 2021

When opening a Nim file with Neovim, it gets stucks at 100% CPU after the file is opened for a while. Some action (?) will trigger the bug instantly (inserting "{" will do that for instance).

The bug happpend when opening the file

Here is the log when using nimlsp in debug mode :

Version: 0.3.1

explicitSourcePath: /home/rcaillaud/.choosenim/toolchains/nim-1.4.4

Trying to read frame

Got frame:

Got valid Request message of type initialize

Got initialize request, answering

Trying to read frame

Got frame:

Unable to parse data as RequestMessage

Got valid Notification message of type initialized

Properly initialized

Trying to read frame

Got frame:
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"textDocument/didOpen","params":{"textDocument":{"uri":"file:///home/rcaillaud/Workspace/localws/ForkedProjects/flambeau/flambeau/raw_bindings/tensors.nim","languageId":"nim","version":1,"text":"# Flambeau\n# Copyright (c) 2020 Mamy André-Ratsimbazafy\n# Licensed and distributed under either of\n#   * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at\n#   * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at\n# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.\n\nimport\n  # Standard library\n  std/complex,\n  # Internal\n  ../cpp/std_cpp,\n  ../libtorch,\n  ./c10\n\n# (Almost) raw bindings to PyTorch Tensors\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n#\n# This provides almost raw bindings to PyTorch tensors.\n#\n# \"Nimification\" (camelCase), ergonomic indexing and interoperability with Nim types is left to the \"high-level\" bindings.\n# This should ease searching PyTorch and libtorch documentation,\n# and make C++ tutorials easily applicable.\n#\n# Nonetheless some slight modifications were given to the raw bindings:\n# - `&=`, `|=` and `^=` have been renamed bitand, bitor, bitxor\n# - `[]` and `[]=` are not exported as index and index_put are more flexible\n#   and we want to leave those symbols available for Numpy-like ergonomic indexing.\n# - Nim's `index_fill_mut` and `masked_fill_mut` are mapped to the in-place\n#   C++ `index_fill_` and `masked_fill_`.\n#   The original out-of-place versions are doing clone+in-place mutation\n\n# C++ interop\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n{.push cdecl.}\n{.push header: torchHeader.}\n\n# #######################################################################\n#\n#                         Context\n#\n# #######################################################################\n\ntype Torch* = object\n\n# Random Number Generation\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nproc manual_seed*(_: type Torch, seed: uint64) {.sideeffect, importcpp: \"torch::manual_seed(@)\".}\n  ## Set torch random number generator seed\n\n# Backends\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nproc hasCuda*(_: type Torch): bool{.sideeffect, importcpp: \"torch::hasCuda()\".}\n  ## Returns true if libtorch was compiled with CUDA support\nproc cuda_is_available*(_: type Torch): bool{.sideeffect, importcpp: \"torch::cuda::is_available()\".}\n  ## Returns true if libtorch was compiled with CUDA support\n  ## and at least one CUDA device is available\nproc cudnn_is_available*(_: type Torch): bool {.sideeffect, importcpp: \"torch::cuda::cudnn_is_available()\".}\n  ## Returns true if libtorch was compiled with CUDA and CuDNN support\n  ## and at least one CUDA device is available\n\n# #######################################################################\n#\n#                         Tensor Metadata\n#\n# #######################################################################\n\n# Backend Device\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n# libtorch/include/c10/core/DeviceType.h\n# libtorch/include/c10/core/Device.h\n\ntype\n  DeviceIndex = int16\n\n  DeviceKind* {.importc: \"c10::DeviceType\",\n                size: sizeof(int16).} = enum\n    kCPU = 0\n    kCUDA = 1\n    kMKLDNN = 2\n    kOpenGL = 3\n    kOpenCL = 4\n    kIDEEP = 5\n    kHIP = 6\n    kFPGA = 7\n    kMSNPU = 8\n    kXLA = 9\n    kVulkan = 10\n\n  Device* {.importc: \"c10::Device\", bycopy.} = object\n    kind: DeviceKind\n    index: DeviceIndex\n\nfunc init*(T: type Device, kind: DeviceKind): T {.constructor, importcpp: \"torch::Device(#)\".}\n\n# Datatypes\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n# libtorch/include/torch/csrc/api/include/torch/types.h\n# libtorch/include/c10/core/ScalarType.h\n\ntype\n  ScalarKind* {.importc: \"torch::ScalarType\",\n                size: sizeof(int8).} = enum\n    kUint8 = 0       # kByte\n    kInt8 = 1        # kChar\n    kInt16 = 2       # kShort\n    kInt32 = 3       # kInt\n    kInt64 = 4       # kLong\n    kFloat16 = 5     # kHalf\n    kFloat32 = 6     # kFloat\n    kFloat64 = 7     # kDouble\n    kComplexF16 = 8  # kComplexHalf\n    kComplexF32 = 9  # kComplexFloat\n    kComplexF64 = 10 # kComplexDouble\n    kBool = 11\n    kQint8 = 12      # Quantized int8\n    kQuint8 = 13     # Quantized uint8\n    kQint32 = 14     # Quantized int32\n    kBfloat16 = 15   # Brain float16\n\n\n  SomeTorchType* = uint8|byte or SomeSignedInt or\n                   SomeFloat or Complex[float32] or Complex[float64]\n  ## Torch Tensor type mapped to Nim type\n\n# TensorOptions\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n# libtorch/include/c10/core/TensorOptions.h\n\ntype\n  TensorOptions* {.importcpp: \"torch::TensorOptions\", bycopy.} = object\n\nfunc init*(T: type TensorOptions): TensorOptions {.constructor, importcpp: \"torch::TensorOptions\".}\n\n# Scalars\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n# Scalars are defined in libtorch/include/c10/core/Scalar.h\n# as tagged unions of double, int64, complex\n# And C++ types are implicitly convertible to Scalar\n#\n# Hence in Nim we don't need to care about Scalar or defined converters\n# (except maybe for complex)\ntype Scalar* = SomeNumber or bool\n\n# TensorAccessors\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n# libtorch/include/ATen/core/TensorAccessors.h\n#\n# Tensor accessors gives \"medium-level\" access to a Tensor raw-data\n# - Compared to low-level \"data_ptr\" they take care of striding and shape\n# - Compared to high-level functions they don't provide any parallelism.\n\n# #######################################################################\n#\n#                            Tensors\n#\n# #######################################################################\n\n# Tensors\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\ntype\n  Tensor* {.importcpp: \"torch::Tensor\", bycopy.} = object\n\n# Strings & Debugging\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nproc print*(self: Tensor) {.sideeffect, importcpp: \"torch::print(@)\".}\n\n# Metadata\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nfunc dim*(self: Tensor): int64 {.importcpp: \"#.dim()\".}\n  ## Number of dimensions\nfunc reset*(self: var Tensor) {.importcpp: \"#.reset()\".}\nfunc is_same*(self, other: Tensor): bool {.importcpp: \"#.is_same(#)\".}\n  ## Reference equality\n  ## Do the tensors use the same memory.\n\nfunc sizes*(self: Tensor): IntArrayRef {.importcpp: \"#.sizes()\".}\n  ## This is Arraymancer and Numpy \"shape\"\n\nfunc strides*(self: Tensor): IntArrayRef {.importcpp: \"#.strides()\".}\n\nfunc ndimension*(self: Tensor): int64 {.importcpp: \"#.ndimension()\".}\n  ## This is Arraymancer rank\nfunc nbytes*(self: Tensor): uint {.importcpp: \"#.nbytes()\".}\n  ## Bytes-size of the Tensor\nfunc numel*(self: Tensor): int64 {.importcpp: \"#.numel()\".}\n  ## This is Arraymancer and Numpy \"size\"\n\nfunc size*(self: Tensor, axis: int64): int64 {.importcpp: \"#.size(#)\".}\nfunc itemsize*(self: Tensor): uint {.importcpp: \"#.itemsize()\".}\nfunc element_size*(self: Tensor): int64 {.importcpp: \"#.element_size()\".}\n\n# Accessors\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nfunc data_ptr*(self: Tensor, T: typedesc[SomeTorchType]): ptr UncheckedArray[T] {.importcpp: \"#.data_ptr<'2>(#)\".}\n  ## Gives raw access to a tensor data of type T.\n  ##\n  ## This is a very low-level procedure. You need to take care\n  ## of the tensor shape and strides yourself.\n  ##\n  ## It is recommended to use this only on contiguous tensors\n  ## (freshly created or freshly cloned) and to avoid\n  ## sliced tensors.\n\n# Backend\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nfunc has_storage*(self: Tensor): bool {.importcpp: \"#.has_storage()\".}\nfunc get_device*(self: Tensor): int64 {.importcpp: \"#.get_device()\".}\nfunc is_cuda*(self: Tensor): bool {.importcpp: \"#.is_cuda()\".}\nfunc is_hip*(self: Tensor): bool {.importcpp: \"#.is_hip()\".}\nfunc is_sparse*(self: Tensor): bool {.importcpp: \"#.is_sparse()\".}\nfunc is_mkldnn*(self: Tensor): bool {.importcpp: \"#.is_mkldnn()\".}\nfunc is_vulkan*(self: Tensor): bool {.importcpp: \"#.is_vulkan()\".}\nfunc is_quantized*(self: Tensor): bool {.importcpp: \"#.is_quantized()\".}\nfunc is_meta*(self: Tensor): bool {.importcpp: \"#.is_meta()\".}\n\nfunc cpu*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.cpu()\".}\nfunc cuda*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.cuda()\".}\nfunc hip*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.hip()\".}\nfunc vulkan*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.vulkan()\".}\nfunc to*(self: Tensor, device: DeviceKind): Tensor {.importcpp: \"\".}\nfunc to*(self: Tensor, device: Device): Tensor {.importcpp: \"\".}\n\n# dtype\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nfunc to*(self: Tensor, dtype: ScalarKind): Tensor {.importcpp: \"\".}\nfunc scalarType*(self: Tensor): ScalarKind {.importcpp: \"#.scalar_type()\".}\n\n# Constructors\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n# DeviceType and ScalarType are auto-convertible to TensorOptions\n\nfunc init*(T: type Tensor): Tensor {.constructor, importcpp: \"torch::Tensor\".}\n\nfunc from_blob*(data: pointer, sizes: IntArrayRef, options: TensorOptions): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::from_blob(@)\".}\nfunc from_blob*(data: pointer, sizes: IntArrayRef, scalarKind: ScalarKind): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::from_blob(@)\".}\nfunc from_blob*(data: pointer, sizes: IntArrayRef, device: DeviceKind): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::from_blob(@)\".}\n\nfunc from_blob*(data: pointer, sizes: int64, options: TensorOptions): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::from_blob(@)\".}\nfunc from_blob*(data: pointer, sizes: int64, scalarKind: ScalarKind): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::from_blob(@)\".}\nfunc from_blob*(data: pointer, sizes: int64, device: DeviceKind): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::from_blob(@)\".}\n\nfunc from_blob*(data: pointer, sizes, strides: IntArrayRef, options: TensorOptions): Tensor {.\n    importcpp: \"torch::from_blob(@)\".}\nfunc from_blob*(data: pointer, sizes, strides: IntArrayRef, scalarKind: ScalarKind): Tensor {.\n    importcpp: \"torch::from_blob(@)\".}\nfunc from_blob*(data: pointer, sizes, strides: IntArrayRef, device: DeviceKind): Tensor {.\n    importcpp: \"torch::from_blob(@)\".}\n\nfunc empty*(size: IntArrayRef, options: TensorOptions): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::empty(@)\".}\n  ## Create an uninitialized tensor of shape `size`\n  ## The tensor data must be filled manually\n  ##\n  ## The output tensor will be row major (C contiguous)\nfunc empty*(size: IntArrayRef, scalarKind: ScalarKind): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::empty(@)\".}\nfunc empty*(size: IntArrayRef, device: DeviceKind): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::empty(@)\".}\n  ## Create an uninitialized tensor of shape `size`\n  ## The tensor data must be filled manually.\n  ##\n  ## If device is NOT on CPU make sure to use specialized\n  ## copy operations. For example to update on Cuda devices\n  ## use cudaMemcpy not[i] = 123\n  ##\n  ## The output tensor will be row major (C contiguous)\n\nfunc clone*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.clone()\".}\n\n# Random sampling\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nfunc random_mut*(self: var Tensor, start, stopEx: int64) {.importcpp: \"#.random_(@)\".}\nfunc randint*(start, stopEx: int64): Tensor {.varargs, importcpp: \"torch::randint(#, #, {@})\".}\nfunc randint*(start, stopEx: int64, size: IntArrayRef): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::randint(@)\".}\n\nfunc rand_like*(self: Tensor, options: TensorOptions): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::rand_like(@)\".}\nfunc rand_like*(self: Tensor, options: ScalarKind): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::rand_like(@)\".}\nfunc rand_like*(self: Tensor, options: DeviceKind): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::rand_like(@)\".}\nfunc rand_like*(self: Tensor, options: Device): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::rand_like(@)\".}\nfunc rand_like*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::rand_like(@)\".}\n\n\n# func rand*(size: IntArrayRef, options: TensorOptions): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::rand(@)\"}\nfunc rand*(size: IntArrayRef, options: ScalarKind): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::rand(@)\".}\n# func rand*(size: IntArrayRef, options: DeviceKind): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::rand(@)\"}\n# func rand*(size: IntArrayRef, options: Device): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::rand(@)\"}\nfunc rand*(size: IntArrayRef): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::rand(@)\".}\n\n# Indexing\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n# TODO throw IndexDefect when bounds checking is active\n# libtorch/include/ATen/TensorIndexing.h\n# and\n\nfunc item*(self: Tensor, T: typedesc): T {.importcpp: \"#.item<'0>()\".}\n  ## Extract the scalar from a 0-dimensional tensor\n\n# Unsure what those corresponds to in Python\n# func `[]`*(self: Tensor, index: Scalar): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#[#]\".}\n# func `[]`*(self: Tensor, index: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#[#]\".}\n# func `[]`*(self: Tensor, index: int64): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#[#]\".}\n\nfunc index*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.varargs, importcpp: \"#.index({@})\".}\n  ## Tensor indexing. It is recommended\n  ## to Nimify this in a high-level wrapper.\n  ## `tensor.index(indexers)`\n\n# We can't use the construct `#.index_put_({@}, #)`\n# so hardcode sizes,\n# 6d seems reasonable, that would be a batch of 3D videos (videoID/batchID, Time, Color Channel, Height, Width, Depth)\n# If you need more you likely aren't indexing individual values.\n\nfunc index_put*(self: var Tensor, i0: auto, val: Scalar or Tensor) {.importcpp: \"#.index_put_({#}, #)\".}\n  ## Tensor mutation at index. It is recommended\n  ## to Nimify this in a high-level wrapper.\nfunc index_put*(self: var Tensor, i0, i1: auto, val: Scalar or Tensor) {.importcpp: \"#.index_put_({#, #}, #)\".}\n  ## Tensor mutation at index. It is recommended\n  ## to Nimify this in a high-level wrapper.\nfunc index_put*(self: var Tensor, i0, i1, i2: auto, val: Scalar or Tensor) {.importcpp: \"#.index_put_({#, #, #}, #)\".}\n  ## Tensor mutation at index. It is recommended\n  ## to Nimify this in a high-level wrapper.\nfunc index_put*(self: var Tensor, i0, i1, i2, i3: auto, val: Scalar or Tensor) {.importcpp: \"#.index_put_({#, #, #, #}, #)\".}\n  ## Tensor mutation at index. It is recommended\n  ## to Nimify this in a high-level wrapper.\nfunc index_put*(self: var Tensor, i0, i1, i2, i3, i4: auto, val: Scalar or Tensor) {.importcpp: \"#.index_put_({#, #, #, #, #}, #)\".}\n  ## Tensor mutation at index. It is recommended\n  ## to Nimify this in a high-level wrapper.\nfunc index_put*(self: var Tensor, i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5: auto, val: Scalar or Tensor) {.importcpp: \"#.index_put_({#, #, #, #, #, #}, #)\".}\n  ## Tensor mutation at index. It is recommended\n  ## to Nimify this in a high-level wrapper.\n\n# Fancy Indexing\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nfunc index_select*(self: Tensor, axis: int64, indices: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.index_select(@)\".}\nfunc masked_select*(self: Tensor, mask: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.masked_select(@)\".}\n\n# PyTorch exposes in-place `index_fill_` and `masked_fill_`\n# and out-of-place `index_fill` and `masked_fill`\n# that does in-place + clone\n# we only exposes the in-place version.\n\nfunc index_fill_mut*(self: var Tensor, mask: Tensor, value: Scalar or Tensor) {.importcpp: \"#.index_fill_(@)\".}\nfunc masked_fill_mut*(self: var Tensor, mask: Tensor, value: Scalar or Tensor) {.importcpp: \"#.masked_fill_(@)\".}\n\n# Shapeshifting\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nfunc reshape*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.varargs, importcpp: \"#.reshape({@})\".}\nfunc view*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.varargs, importcpp: \"#.reshape({@})\".}\n\n# Automatic Differentiation\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nfunc backward*(self: var Tensor){.importcpp: \"#.backward()\".}\n\n# Low-level slicing API\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\ntype\n  TorchSlice* {.importcpp: \"torch::indexing::Slice\", bycopy.} = object\n  # libtorch/include/ATen/TensorIndexing.h\n\n  TensorIndexType*{.size: sizeof(cint), bycopy, importcpp: \"torch::indexing::TensorIndexType\".} = enum\n    ## This is passed to torchSlice functions\n    IndexNone = 0\n    IndexEllipsis = 1\n    IndexInteger = 2\n    IndexBoolean = 3\n    IndexSlice = 4\n    IndexTensor = 5\n\n  SomeSlicer* = TensorIndexType or SomeSignedInt\n\nproc SliceSpan*(): TorchSlice {.importcpp: \"at::indexing::Slice()\".}\n    ## This is passed to the \"index\" function\n    ## This is Python \":\", span / whole dimension\n\nfunc torchSlice*(){.importcpp: \"torch::indexing::Slice(@)\", constructor.}\nfunc torchSlice*(start: SomeSlicer): TorchSlice {.importcpp: \"torch::indexing::Slice(@)\", constructor.}\nfunc torchSlice*(start: SomeSlicer, stop: SomeSlicer): TorchSlice {.importcpp: \"torch::indexing::Slice(@)\", constructor.}\nfunc torchSlice*(start: SomeSlicer, stop: SomeSlicer, step: SomeSlicer): TorchSlice {.importcpp: \"torch::indexing::Slice(@)\", constructor.}\nfunc start*(s: TorchSlice): int64 {.importcpp: \"#.start()\".}\nfunc stop*(s: TorchSlice): int64 {.importcpp: \"#.stop()\".}\nfunc step*(s: TorchSlice): int64 {.importcpp: \"#.step()\".}\n\n# Operators\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nfunc `not`*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"(~#)\".}\nfunc `-`*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"(-#)\".}\n\nfunc `+`*(self: Tensor, b: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"(# + #)\".}\nfunc `-`*(self: Tensor, b: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"(# - #)\".}\nfunc `*`*(self: Tensor, b: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"(# * #)\".}\n\nfunc `*`*(a: cfloat or cdouble, b: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"(# * #)\".}\nfunc `*`*(self: Tensor, b: cfloat or cdouble): Tensor {.importcpp: \"(# * #)\".}\n\nfunc `+=`*(self: var Tensor, b: Tensor) {.importcpp: \"(# += #)\".}\nfunc `+=`*(self: var Tensor, s: Scalar) {.importcpp: \"(# += #)\".}\nfunc `-=`*(self: var Tensor, b: Tensor) {.importcpp: \"(# -= #)\".}\nfunc `-=`*(self: var Tensor, s: Scalar) {.importcpp: \"(# -= #)\".}\nfunc `*=`*(self: var Tensor, b: Tensor) {.importcpp: \"(# *= #)\".}\nfunc `*=`*(self: var Tensor, s: Scalar) {.importcpp: \"(# *= #)\".}\nfunc `/=`*(self: var Tensor, b: Tensor) {.importcpp: \"(# /= #)\".}\nfunc `/=`*(self: var Tensor, s: Scalar) {.importcpp: \"(# /= #)\".}\n\nfunc `and`*(self: Tensor, b: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.bitwise_and(#)\".}\n  ## bitwise `and`.\nfunc `or`*(self: Tensor, b: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.bitwise_or(#)\".}\n  ## bitwise `or`.\nfunc `xor`*(self: Tensor, b: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.bitwise_xor(#)\".}\n  ## bitwise `xor`.\n\nfunc bitand_mut*(self: var Tensor, s: Tensor) {.importcpp: \"#.bitwise_and_(#)\".}\n  ## In-place bitwise `and`.\nfunc bitor_mut*(self: var Tensor, s: Tensor) {.importcpp: \"#.bitwise_or_(#)\".}\n  ## In-place bitwise `or`.\nfunc bitxor_mut*(self: var Tensor, s: Tensor) {.importcpp: \"#.bitwise_xor_(#)\".}\n  ## In-place bitwise `xor`.\n\nfunc eq*(a, b: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.eq(#)\".}\n  ## Equality of each tensor values\nfunc equal*(a, b: Tensor): bool {.importcpp: \"#.equal(#)\".}\ntemplate `==`*(a, b: Tensor): bool =\n  a.equal(b)\n\n# Functions.h\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nfunc toType*(self: Tensor, dtype: ScalarKind): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.toType(@)\".}\nfunc toSparse*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.to_sparse()\".}\nfunc toSparse*(self: Tensor, sparseDim: int64): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.to_sparse(@)\".}\n\nfunc eye*(n: int64): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::eye(@)\".}\nfunc eye*(n: int64, options: TensorOptions): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::eye(@)\".}\nfunc eye*(n: int64, scalarKind: ScalarKind): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::eye(@)\".}\nfunc eye*(n: int64, device: DeviceKind): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::eye(@)\".}\n\nfunc zeros*(dim: int64): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::zeros(@)\".}\nfunc zeros*(dim: IntArrayRef): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::zeros(@)\".}\nfunc zeros*(dim: IntArrayRef, options: TensorOptions): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::zeros(@)\".}\nfunc zeros*(dim: IntArrayRef, scalarKind: ScalarKind): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::zeros(@)\".}\nfunc zeros*(dim: IntArrayRef, device: DeviceKind): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::zeros(@)\".}\n\nfunc linspace*(start, stop: Scalar, steps: int64, options: TensorOptions) : Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::linspace(@)\".}\nfunc linspace*(start, stop: Scalar, steps: int64, options: ScalarKind) : Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::linspace(@)\".}\nfunc linspace*(start, stop: Scalar, steps: int64, options: DeviceKind) : Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::linspace(@)\".}\nfunc linspace*(start, stop: Scalar, steps: int64, options: Device) : Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::linspace(@)\".}\nfunc linspace*(start, stop: Scalar, steps: int64) : Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::linspace(@)\".}\nfunc linspace*(start, stop: Scalar) : Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::linspace(@)\".}\n\nfunc logspace*(start, stop: Scalar, steps, base: int64, options: TensorOptions) : Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::logspace(@)\".}\nfunc logspace*(start, stop: Scalar, steps, base: int64, options: ScalarKind) : Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::logspace(@)\".}\nfunc logspace*(start, stop: Scalar, steps, base: int64, options: DeviceKind) {.importcpp: \"torch::logspace(@)\".}\nfunc logspace*(start, stop: Scalar, steps, base: int64, options: Device)  : Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::logspace(@)\".}\nfunc logspace*(start, stop: Scalar, steps, base: int64) : Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::logspace(@)\".}\nfunc logspace*(start, stop: Scalar, steps: int64)  : Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::logspace(@)\".}\nfunc logspace*(start, stop: Scalar)  : Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::logspace(@)\".}\n\nfunc arange*(stop: Scalar, options: TensorOptions) : Tensor  {.importcpp: \"torch::arange(@)\".}\nfunc arange*(stop: Scalar, options: ScalarKind) : Tensor  {.importcpp: \"torch::arange(@)\".}\nfunc arange*(stop: Scalar, options: DeviceKind) : Tensor  {.importcpp: \"torch::arange(@)\".}\nfunc arange*(stop: Scalar, options: Device) : Tensor  {.importcpp: \"torch::arange(@)\".}\nfunc arange*(stop: Scalar) : Tensor  {.importcpp: \"torch::arange(@)\".}\n\nfunc arange*(start, stop: Scalar, options: TensorOptions) : Tensor  {.importcpp: \"torch::arange(@)\".}\nfunc arange*(start, stop: Scalar, options: ScalarKind) : Tensor  {.importcpp: \"torch::arange(@)\".}\nfunc arange*(start, stop: Scalar, options: DeviceKind) : Tensor  {.importcpp: \"torch::arange(@)\".}\nfunc arange*(start, stop: Scalar, options: Device) : Tensor  {.importcpp: \"torch::arange(@)\".}\nfunc arange*(start, stop: Scalar) : Tensor  {.importcpp: \"torch::arange(@)\".}\n\nfunc arange*(start, stop, step: Scalar, options: TensorOptions) : Tensor  {.importcpp: \"torch::arange(@)\".}\nfunc arange*(start, stop, step: Scalar, options: ScalarKind) : Tensor  {.importcpp: \"torch::arange(@)\".}\nfunc arange*(start, stop, step: Scalar, options: DeviceKind) : Tensor  {.importcpp: \"torch::arange(@)\".}\nfunc arange*(start, stop, step: Scalar, options: Device) : Tensor  {.importcpp: \"torch::arange(@)\".}\nfunc arange*(start, stop, step: Scalar) : Tensor  {.importcpp: \"torch::arange(@)\".}\n\n# Operations\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\nfunc add*(self: Tensor, other: Tensor, alpha: Scalar = 1): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.add(@)\".}\nfunc add*(self: Tensor, other: Scalar, alpha: Scalar = 1): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.add(@)\".}\nfunc addmv*(self: Tensor, mat: Tensor, vec: Tensor, beta: Scalar = 1, alpha: Scalar = 1): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.addmv(@)\".}\nfunc addmm*(t, mat1, mat2: Tensor, beta: Scalar = 1, alpha: Scalar = 1): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.addmm(@)\".}\nfunc mm*(t, other: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"\".}\nfunc matmul*(t, other: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.matmul(@)\".}\nfunc bmm*(t, other: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.bmm(@)\".}\n\nfunc luSolve*(t, data, pivots: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.lu_solve(@)\".}\n\nfunc qr*(self: Tensor, some: bool = true): CppTuple2[Tensor, Tensor] {.importcpp: \"#.qr(@)\".}\n  ## Returns a tuple:\n  ## - Q of shape (∗,m,k)\n  ## - R of shape (∗,k,n)\n  ## with k=min(m,n) if some is true otherwise k=m\n  ##\n  ## The QR decomposition is batched over dimension(s) *\n  ## t = QR\n\n# addr?\nfunc all*(self: Tensor, axis: int64): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.all(@)\".}\nfunc all*(self: Tensor, axis: int64, keepdim: bool): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.all(@)\".}\nfunc allClose*(t, other: Tensor, rtol: float64 = 1e-5, abstol: float64 = 1e-8, equalNan: bool = false): bool {.importcpp: \"#.allclose(@)\".}\nfunc any*(self: Tensor, axis: int64): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.any(@)\".}\nfunc any*(self: Tensor, axis: int64, keepdim: bool): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.any(@)\".}\nfunc argmax*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.argmax()\".}\nfunc argmax*(self: Tensor, axis: int64, keepdim: bool = false): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.argmax(@)\".}\nfunc argmin*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.argmin()\".}\nfunc argmin*(self: Tensor, axis: int64, keepdim: bool = false): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.argmin(@)\".}\n\n# aggregate\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n# sum needs wrapper procs/templates to allow for using nim arrays and single axis.\nfunc sum*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.sum()\".}\nfunc sum*(self: Tensor, dtype: ScalarKind): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.sum(@)\".}\nfunc sum*(self: Tensor, axis: int64, keepdim: bool = false): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.sum(@)\".}\nfunc sum*(self: Tensor, axis: int64, keepdim: bool = false, dtype: ScalarKind): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.sum(@)\".}\nfunc sum*(self: Tensor, axis: IntArrayRef, keepdim: bool = false): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.sum(@)\".}\nfunc sum*(self: Tensor, axis: IntArrayRef, keepdim: bool = false, dtype: ScalarKind): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.sum(@)\".}\n\n# mean as well\nfunc mean*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.mean()\".}\nfunc mean*(self: Tensor, dtype: ScalarKind): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.mean(@)\".}\nfunc mean*(self: Tensor, axis: int64, keepdim: bool = false): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.mean(@)\".}\nfunc mean*(self: Tensor, axis: int64, keepdim: bool = false, dtype: ScalarKind): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.mean(@)\".}\nfunc mean*(self: Tensor, axis: IntArrayRef, keepdim: bool = false): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.mean(@)\".}\nfunc mean*(self: Tensor, axis: IntArrayRef, keepdim: bool = false, dtype: ScalarKind): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.mean(@)\".}\n\n# median requires std::tuple\n\nfunc prod*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"\".}\nfunc prod*(self: Tensor, dtype: ScalarKind): Tensor {.importcpp: \"\".}\nfunc prod*(self: Tensor, axis: int64, keepdim: bool = false): Tensor {.importcpp: \"\".}\nfunc prod*(self: Tensor, axis: int64, keepdim: bool = false, dtype: ScalarKind): Tensor {.importcpp: \"\".}\n\nfunc min*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.min()\".}\nfunc min*(self: Tensor, axis: int64, keepdim: bool = false): CppTuple2[Tensor, Tensor] {.importcpp: \"torch::min(@)\".}\n  ## Returns a tuple (values, indices) of type (TensorT, TensorInt64)\n  ## of the minimum values and their index in the specified axis\n\nfunc max*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.max()\".}\nfunc max*(self: Tensor, axis: int64, keepdim: bool = false): CppTuple2[Tensor, Tensor] {.importcpp: \"torch::max(@)\".}\n  ## Returns a tuple (values, indices) of type (TensorT, TensorInt64)\n  ## of the maximum values and their index in the specified axis\n\nfunc variance*(self: Tensor, unbiased: bool = true): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.var(@)\".} # can't use `var` because of keyword.\nfunc variance*(self: Tensor, axis: int64, unbiased: bool = true, keepdim: bool = false): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.var(@)\".}\nfunc variance*(self: Tensor, axis: IntArrayRef, unbiased: bool = true, keepdim: bool = false): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.var(@)\".}\n\nfunc stddev*(self: Tensor, unbiased: bool = true): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.std(@)\".}\nfunc stddev*(self: Tensor, axis: int64, unbiased: bool = true, keepdim: bool = false): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.std(@)\".}\nfunc stddev*(self: Tensor, axis: IntArrayRef, unbiased: bool = true, keepdim: bool = false): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.std(@)\".}\n\n# algorithms:\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nfunc sort*(self: Tensor, axis: int64 = -1, descending: bool = false): CppTuple2[Tensor, Tensor] {.importcpp: \"#.sort(@)\".}\n  ## Sorts the elements of the input tensor along a given dimension in ascending order by value.\n  ## If dim is not given, the last dimension of the input is chosen (dim=-1).\n  ## Returns (values, originalIndices) or type (TensorT, TensorInt64)\n  ## where originalIndices is the original index of each values (before sorting)\nfunc argsort*(self: Tensor, axis: int64 = -1, descending: bool = false): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.argsort(@)\".}\n\n# math\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\nfunc abs*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.abs()\".}\nfunc absolute*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.absolute()\".}\nfunc angle*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.angle()\".}\nfunc sgn*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.sgn()\".}\nfunc conj*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.conj()\".}\nfunc acos*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.acos()\".}\nfunc arccos*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.arccos()\".}\nfunc acosh*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.acosh()\".}\nfunc arccosh*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.arccosh()\".}\nfunc asinh*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.asinh()\".}\nfunc arcsinh*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.arcsinh()\".}\nfunc atanh*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.atanh()\".}\nfunc arctanh*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.arctanh()\".}\nfunc asin*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.asin()\".}\nfunc arcsin*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.arcsin()\".}\nfunc atan*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.atan()\".}\nfunc arctan*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.arctan()\".}\nfunc cos*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.cos()\".}\nfunc sin*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.sin()\".}\nfunc tan*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.tan()\".}\nfunc exp*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.exp()\".}\nfunc exp2*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.exp2()\".}\nfunc erf*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.erf()\".}\nfunc erfc*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.erfc()\".}\nfunc reciprocal*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.reciprocal()\".}\nfunc neg*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.neg()\".}\nfunc clamp*(self: Tensor, min, max: Scalar): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.clamp(@)\".}\nfunc clampMin*(self: Tensor, min: Scalar): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.clamp_min(@)\".}\nfunc clampMax*(self: Tensor, max: Scalar): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.clamp_max(@)\".}\n\nfunc dot*(self: Tensor, other: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"\".}\n\nfunc squeeze*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.squeeze()\".}\nfunc squeeze*(self: Tensor, axis: int64): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.squeeze(@)\".}\nfunc unsqueeze*(self: Tensor, axis: int64): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.unsqueeze(@)\".}\n\n{.pop.}\n\nfunc inv*(self: Tensor) : Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.linalg_inv(@)\", header: \"linalg.h\".}\n\n# FFT\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n{.push header: \"fft.h\".}\nfunc fftshift*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_fftshift(@)\".}\nfunc fftshift*(self: Tensor, dim: IntArrayRef): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_ifftshift(@)\".}\nfunc ifftshift*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_fftshift(@)\".}\nfunc ifftshift*(self: Tensor, dim: IntArrayRef): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_ifftshift(@)\".}\n\nlet defaultNorm : CppString = initCppString(\"backward\")\n\nfunc fft*(self: Tensor, n: int64, dim: int64 = -1, norm: CppString = defaultNorm): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_fft(@)\".}\n## Compute the 1-D Fourier transform\n## ``n`` represents signal size. If given, each dimension dim[i] will either be zero padded or trimmed to the length s[i] before computing the FFT.\n## ``norm`` can be :\n##    * \"forward\" - normalize by 1/n\n##    * \"backward\" - no normalization\n##    * \"ortho\" - normalize by 1/sqrt(n)\nfunc fft*(self: Tensor, dim: int64 = -1, norm: CppString = defaultNorm): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_fft(@)\".}\n## Compute the 1-D Fourier transform\n\nfunc ifft*(self: Tensor, n: int64, dim: int64 = -1, norm: CppString = defaultNorm): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::ifft_ifft(@)\".}\n## Compute the 1-D Fourier transform\n## ``norm`` can be :\n##   * \"forward\" - no normalization\n##   * \"backward\" - normalization by 1/n\n##   * \"ortho\" - normalization by 1/sqrt(n)\nfunc ifft*(self: Tensor, dim: int64 = -1, norm: CppString = defaultNorm): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::ifft_ifft(@)\".}\n## Compute the 1-D Fourier transform\n\nfunc fft2*(self: Tensor, s: IntArrayRef, dim: IntArrayRef, norm: CppString = defaultNorm): Tensor {.\n    importcpp: \"torch::fft_fft2(@)\".}\n## Compute the 2-D Fourier transform\n## ``s`` represents signal size. If given, each dimension dim[i] will either be zero padded or trimmed to the length s[i] before computing the FFT.\n## ``norm`` can be :\n##    * \"forward\" - normalize by 1/n\n##    * \"backward\" - no normalization\n##    * \"ortho\" - normalize by 1/sqrt(n)\n## With n the logical FFT size: ``n = prod(s)``.\nfunc fft2*(self: Tensor, s: IntArrayRef): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_fft2(@)\".}\n## Compute the 2-D Fourier transform\n## ``s`` represents signal size. If given, each dimension dim[i] will either be zero padded or trimmed to the length s[i] before computing the FFT.\nfunc fft2*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_fft2(@)\".}\n## Compute the 2-D Fourier transform\n\nfunc ifft2*(self: Tensor, s: IntArrayRef, dim: IntArrayRef, norm: CppString = defaultNorm): Tensor {.\n    importcpp: \"torch::fft_ifft2(@)\".}\n## Compute the 2-D Inverse Fourier transform\n## ``s`` represents signal size. If given, each dimension dim[i] will either be zero padded or trimmed to the length s[i] before computing the FFT.\n## ``norm`` can be :\n##   * \"forward\" - no normalization\n##   * \"backward\" - normalization by 1/n\n##   * \"ortho\" - normalization by 1/sqrt(n)\n## With n the logical FFT size: ``n = prod(s)``.\nfunc ifft2*(self: Tensor, s: IntArrayRef): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_ifft2(@)\".}\n## Compute the 2-D Inverse Fourier transform\n## ``s`` represents signal size. If given, each dimension dim[i] will either be zero padded or trimmed to the length s[i] before computing the FFT.\nfunc ifft2*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_ifft2(@)\".}\n## Compute the 2-D Inverse Fourier transform\n\nfunc fftn*(self: Tensor, s: IntArrayRef, dim: IntArrayRef, norm: CppString = defaultNorm): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_fftn(@)\".}\n## Compute the N-D Fourier transform\n## ``s`` represents signal size. If given, each dimension dim[i] will either be zero padded or trimmed to the length s[i] before computing the FFT.\n## ``norm`` can be :\n##    * \"forward\" normalize by 1/n\n##    * \"backward\" - no normalization\n##    * \"ortho\" normalize by 1/sqrt(n)\n## With n the logical FFT size: ``n = prod(s)``.\nfunc fftn*(self: Tensor, s: IntArrayRef): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_fftn(@)\".}\n## Compute the N-D Fourier transform\n## ``s`` represents signal size. If given, each dimension dim[i] will either be zero padded or trimmed to the length s[i] before computing the FFT.\nfunc fftn*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_fftn(@)\".}\n## Compute the N-D Fourier transform\n\nfunc ifftn*(self: Tensor, s: IntArrayRef, dim: IntArrayRef, norm: CppString = defaultNorm): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_ifftn(@)\".}\n## Compute the N-D Inverse Fourier transform\n## ``s`` represents signal size. If given, each dimension dim[i] will either be zero padded or trimmed to the length s[i] before computing the FFT.\n## ``norm`` can be :\n##   * \"forward\" - no normalization\n##   * \"backward\" - normalization by 1/n\n##   * \"ortho\" - normalization by 1/sqrt(n)\n## With n the logical FFT size: ``n = prod(s)``.\nfunc ifftn*(self: Tensor, s: IntArrayRef): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_ifftn(@)\".}\n## Compute the N-D Inverse Fourier transform\n## ``s`` represents signal size. If given, each dimension dim[i] will either be zero padded or trimmed to the length s[i] before computing the FFT.\nfunc ifftn*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_ifftn(@)\".}\n## Compute the N-D Inverse Fourier transform\n\nfunc rfft*(self: Tensor, n: int64, dim: int64 = -1, norm: CppString = defaultNorm): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_rfft\".}\n## Computes the one dimensional Fourier transform of real-valued input.\nfunc rfft*(self: Tensor, dim: int64 = -1, norm: CppString = defaultNorm): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_rfft\".}\n## Computes the one dimensional Fourier transform of real-valued input.\n\nfunc irfft*(self: Tensor, n: int64, dim: int64 = -1, norm: CppString = defaultNorm): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_irfft\".}\n## Computes the one dimensional Fourier transform of real-valued input.\nfunc irfft*(self: Tensor, dim: int64 = -1, norm: CppString = defaultNorm): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_irfft\".}\n## Computes the one dimensional Fourier transform of real-valued input.\n\nfunc rfft2*(self: Tensor, s: IntArrayRef, dim: IntArrayRef, norm: CppString = defaultNorm): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_rfft2(@)\".}\n## Compute the N-D Fourier transform\n## ``s`` represents signal size. If given, each dimension dim[i] will either be zero padded or trimmed to the length s[i] before computing the FFT.\n## ``norm`` can be :\n##    * \"forward\" - normalize by 1/n\n##    * \"backward\" - no normalization\n##    * \"ortho\" - normalize by 1/sqrt(n)\n## With n the logical FFT size: ``n = prod(s)``.\nfunc rfft2*(self: Tensor, s: IntArrayRef): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_rfft2(@)\".}\n## Compute the N-D Fourier transform\n## ``s`` represents signal size. If given, each dimension dim[i] will either be zero padded or trimmed to the length s[i] before computing the FFT.\nfunc rfft2*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_rfft2(@)\".}\n## Compute the N-D Fourier transform\n\nfunc irfft2*(self: Tensor, s: IntArrayRef, dim: IntArrayRef, norm: CppString = defaultNorm): Tensor {.\n    importcpp: \"torch::fft_irfft2(@)\".}\n## Compute the N-D Inverse Fourier transform\n## ``s`` represents signal size. If given, each dimension dim[i] will either be zero padded or trimmed to the length s[i] before computing the FFT.\n## ``norm`` can be :\n##   * \"forward\" - no normalization\n##   * \"backward\" - normalization by 1/n\n##   * \"ortho\" - normalization by 1/sqrt(n)\n## With n the logical FFT size: ``n = prod(s)``.\nfunc irfft2*(self: Tensor, s: IntArrayRef): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_irfft2(@)\".}\n## Compute the N-D Inverse Fourier transform\n## ``s`` represents signal size. If given, each dimension dim[i] will either be zero padded or trimmed to the length s[i] before computing the FFT.\nfunc irfft2*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_irfft2(@)\".}\n## Compute the N-D Inverse Fourier transform\n\n\nfunc rfftn*(self: Tensor, s: IntArrayRef, dim: IntArrayRef, norm: CppString = defaultNorm): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_rfftn(@)\".}\n## Compute the N-D Fourier transform\n## ``s`` represents signal size. If given, each dimension dim[i] will either be zero padded or trimmed to the length s[i] before computing the FFT.\n## ``norm`` can be :\n##    * \"forward\" - normalize by 1/n\n##    * \"backward\" - no normalization\n##    * \"ortho\" - normalize by 1/sqrt(n)\n## With n the logical FFT size: ``n = prod(s)``.\nfunc rfftn*(self: Tensor, s: IntArrayRef): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_rfftn(@)\".}\n## Compute the N-D Fourier transform\n## ``s`` represents signal size. If given, each dimension dim[i] will either be zero padded or trimmed to the length s[i] before computing the FFT.\nfunc rfftn*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_rfftn(@)\".}\n## Compute the N-D Fourier transform\n\nfunc irfftn*(self: Tensor, s: IntArrayRef, dim: IntArrayRef, norm: CppString = defaultNorm): Tensor {.\n    importcpp: \"torch::fft_irfftn(@)\".}\n## Compute the N-D Inverse Fourier transform\n## ``s`` represents signal size. If given, each dimension dim[i] will either be zero padded or trimmed to the length s[i] before computing the FFT.\n## ``norm`` can be :\n##   * \"forward\" - no normalization\n##   * \"backward\" - normalization by 1/n\n##   * \"ortho\" - normalization by 1/sqrt(n)\n## With n the logical FFT size: ``n = prod(s)``.\nfunc irfftn*(self: Tensor, s: IntArrayRef): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_irfftn(@)\".}\n## Compute the N-D Inverse Fourier transform\n## ``s`` represents signal size. If given, each dimension dim[i] will either be zero padded or trimmed to the length s[i] before computing the FFT.\nfunc irfftn*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_irfftn(@)\".}\n## Compute the N-D Inverse Fourier transform\n\nfunc hfft*(self: Tensor, n: int64, dim: int64 = -1, norm: CppString = defaultNorm) : Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::hfft\".}\n## Computes the 1 dimensional FFT of a onesided Hermitian signal.\nfunc hfft*(self: Tensor, dim: int64 = -1, norm: CppString = defaultNorm) : Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::hfft\".}\n## Computes the 1 dimensional FFT of a onesided Hermitian signal.\nfunc ihfft*(self: Tensor, n: int64, dim: int64 = -1, norm: CppString = defaultNorm) : Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::ihfft\".}\n## Computes the inverse FFT of a real-valued Fourier domain signal.\nfunc ihfft*(self: Tensor, dim: int64 = -1, norm: CppString = defaultNorm) : Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::ihfft\".}\n## Computes the inverse FFT of a real-valued Fourier domain signal.\n\n#func convolution*(self: Tensor, weight: Tensor, bias: Tensor, stride, padding, dilation: int64, transposed: bool, outputPadding: int64, groups: int64): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::convolution(@)\".}\n"}}}

Unable to parse data as RequestMessage

Got valid Notification message of type textDocument/didOpen

New document opened for URI: file:///home/rcaillaud/Workspace/localws/ForkedProjects/flambeau/flambeau/raw_bindings/tensors.nim saving to /tmp/nimlsp/00000000FF0711BA.nim

Initialising project with /home/rcaillaud/Workspace/localws/ForkedProjects/flambeau/flambeau.nim:/home/rcaillaud/.choosenim/toolchains/nim-1.4.4

Trying to read frame

Got frame:
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"textDocument/didChange","params":{"textDocument":{"uri":"file:///home/rcaillaud/Workspace/localws/ForkedProjects/flambeau/flambeau/raw_bindings/tensors.nim","version":2},"contentChanges":[{"text":"# Flambeau\n# Copyright (c) 2020 Mamy André-Ratsimbazafy\n# Licensed and distributed under either of\n#   * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at\n#   * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at\n# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.\n\nimport\n  # Standard library\n  std/complex,\n  # Internal\n  ../cpp/std_cpp,\n  ../libtorch,\n  ./c10\n\n# (Almost) raw bindings to PyTorch Tensors\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n#\n# This provides almost raw bindings to PyTorch tensors.\n#\n# \"Nimification\" (camelCase), ergonomic indexing and interoperability with Nim types is left to the \"high-level\" bindings.\n# This should ease searching PyTorch and libtorch documentation,\n# and make C++ tutorials easily applicable.\n#\n# Nonetheless some slight modifications were given to the raw bindings:\n# - `&=`, `|=` and `^=` have been renamed bitand, bitor, bitxor\n# - `[]` and `[]=` are not exported as index and index_put are more flexible\n#   and we want to leave those symbols available for Numpy-like ergonomic indexing.\n# - Nim's `index_fill_mut` and `masked_fill_mut` are mapped to the in-place\n#   C++ `index_fill_` and `masked_fill_`.\n#   The original out-of-place versions are doing clone+in-place mutation\n\n# C++ interop\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n{.push cdecl.}\n{.push header: torchHeader.}\n\n# #######################################################################\n#\n#                         Context\n#\n# #######################################################################\n\ntype Torch* = object\n\n# Random Number Generation\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nproc manual_seed*(_: type Torch, seed: uint64) {.sideeffect, importcpp: \"torch::manual_seed(@)\".}\n  ## Set torch random number generator seed\n\n# Backends\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nproc hasCuda*(_: type Torch): bool{.sideeffect, importcpp: \"torch::hasCuda()\".}\n  ## Returns true if libtorch was compiled with CUDA support\nproc cuda_is_available*(_: type Torch): bool{.sideeffect, importcpp: \"torch::cuda::is_available()\".}\n  ## Returns true if libtorch was compiled with CUDA support\n  ## and at least one CUDA device is available\nproc cudnn_is_available*(_: type Torch): bool {.sideeffect, importcpp: \"torch::cuda::cudnn_is_available()\".}\n  ## Returns true if libtorch was compiled with CUDA and CuDNN support\n  ## and at least one CUDA device is available\n\n# #######################################################################\n#\n#                         Tensor Metadata\n#\n# #######################################################################\n\n# Backend Device\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n# libtorch/include/c10/core/DeviceType.h\n# libtorch/include/c10/core/Device.h\n\ntype\n  DeviceIndex = int16\n\n  DeviceKind* {.importc: \"c10::DeviceType\",\n                size: sizeof(int16).} = enum\n    kCPU = 0\n    kCUDA = 1\n    kMKLDNN = 2\n    kOpenGL = 3\n    kOpenCL = 4\n    kIDEEP = 5\n    kHIP = 6\n    kFPGA = 7\n    kMSNPU = 8\n    kXLA = 9\n    kVulkan = 10\n\n  Device* {.importc: \"c10::Device\", bycopy.} = object\n    kind: DeviceKind\n    index: DeviceIndex\n\nfunc init*(T: type Device, kind: DeviceKind): T {.constructor, importcpp: \"torch::Device(#)\".}\n\n# Datatypes\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n# libtorch/include/torch/csrc/api/include/torch/types.h\n# libtorch/include/c10/core/ScalarType.h\n\ntype\n  ScalarKind* {.importc: \"torch::ScalarType\",\n                size: sizeof(int8).} = enum\n    kUint8 = 0       # kByte\n    kInt8 = 1        # kChar\n    kInt16 = 2       # kShort\n    kInt32 = 3       # kInt\n    kInt64 = 4       # kLong\n    kFloat16 = 5     # kHalf\n    kFloat32 = 6     # kFloat\n    kFloat64 = 7     # kDouble\n    kComplexF16 = 8  # kComplexHalf\n    kComplexF32 = 9  # kComplexFloat\n    kComplexF64 = 10 # kComplexDouble\n    kBool = 11\n    kQint8 = 12      # Quantized int8\n    kQuint8 = 13     # Quantized uint8\n    kQint32 = 14     # Quantized int32\n    kBfloat16 = 15   # Brain float16\n\n\n  SomeTorchType* = uint8|byte or SomeSignedInt or\n                   SomeFloat or Complex[float32] or Complex[float64]\n  ## Torch Tensor type mapped to Nim type\n\n# TensorOptions\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n# libtorch/include/c10/core/TensorOptions.h\n\ntype\n  TensorOptions* {.importcpp: \"torch::TensorOptions\", bycopy.} = object\n\nfunc init*(T: type TensorOptions): TensorOptions {.constructor, importcpp: \"torch::TensorOptions\".}\n\n# Scalars\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n# Scalars are defined in libtorch/include/c10/core/Scalar.h\n# as tagged unions of double, int64, complex\n# And C++ types are implicitly convertible to Scalar\n#\n# Hence in Nim we don't need to care about Scalar or defined converters\n# (except maybe for complex)\ntype Scalar* = SomeNumber or bool\n\n# TensorAccessors\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n# libtorch/include/ATen/core/TensorAccessors.h\n#\n# Tensor accessors gives \"medium-level\" access to a Tensor raw-data\n# - Compared to low-level \"data_ptr\" they take care of striding and shape\n# - Compared to high-level functions they don't provide any parallelism.\n\n# #######################################################################\n#\n#                            Tensors\n#\n# #######################################################################\n\n# Tensors\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\ntype\n  Tensor* {.importcpp: \"torch::Tensor\", bycopy.} = object\n\n# Strings & Debugging\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nproc print*(self: Tensor) {.sideeffect, importcpp: \"torch::print(@)\".}\n\n# Metadata\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nfunc dim*(self: Tensor): int64 {.importcpp: \"#.dim()\".}\n  ## Number of dimensions\nfunc reset*(self: var Tensor) {.importcpp: \"#.reset()\".}\nfunc is_same*(self, other: Tensor): bool {.importcpp: \"#.is_same(#)\".}\n  ## Reference equality\n  ## Do the tensors use the same memory.\n\nfunc sizes*(self: Tensor): IntArrayRef {.importcpp: \"#.sizes()\".}\n  ## This is Arraymancer and Numpy \"shape\"\n\nfunc strides*(self: Tensor): IntArrayRef {.importcpp: \"#.strides()\".}\n\nfunc ndimension*(self: Tensor): int64 {.importcpp: \"#.ndimension()\".}\n  ## This is Arraymancer rank\nfunc nbytes*(self: Tensor): uint {.importcpp: \"#.nbytes()\".}\n  ## Bytes-size of the Tensor\nfunc numel*(self: Tensor): int64 {.importcpp: \"#.numel()\".}\n  ## This is Arraymancer and Numpy \"size\"\n\nfunc size*(self: Tensor, axis: int64): int64 {.importcpp: \"#.size(#)\".}\nfunc itemsize*(self: Tensor): uint {.importcpp: \"#.itemsize()\".}\nfunc element_size*(self: Tensor): int64 {.importcpp: \"#.element_size()\".}\n\n# Accessors\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nfunc data_ptr*(self: Tensor, T: typedesc[SomeTorchType]): ptr UncheckedArray[T] {.importcpp: \"#.data_ptr<'2>(#)\".}\n  ## Gives raw access to a tensor data of type T.\n  ##\n  ## This is a very low-level procedure. You need to take care\n  ## of the tensor shape and strides yourself.\n  ##\n  ## It is recommended to use this only on contiguous tensors\n  ## (freshly created or freshly cloned) and to avoid\n  ## sliced tensors.\n\n# Backend\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nfunc has_storage*(self: Tensor): bool {.importcpp: \"#.has_storage()\".}\nfunc get_device*(self: Tensor): int64 {.importcpp: \"#.get_device()\".}\nfunc is_cuda*(self: Tensor): bool {.importcpp: \"#.is_cuda()\".}\nfunc is_hip*(self: Tensor): bool {.importcpp: \"#.is_hip()\".}\nfunc is_sparse*(self: Tensor): bool {.importcpp: \"#.is_sparse()\".}\nfunc is_mkldnn*(self: Tensor): bool {.importcpp: \"#.is_mkldnn()\".}\nfunc is_vulkan*(self: Tensor): bool {.importcpp: \"#.is_vulkan()\".}\nfunc is_quantized*(self: Tensor): bool {.importcpp: \"#.is_quantized()\".}\nfunc is_meta*(self: Tensor): bool {.importcpp: \"#.is_meta()\".}\n\nfunc cpu*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.cpu()\".}\nfunc cuda*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.cuda()\".}\nfunc hip*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.hip()\".}\nfunc vulkan*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.vulkan()\".}\nfunc to*(self: Tensor, device: DeviceKind): Tensor {.importcpp: \"\".}\nfunc to*(self: Tensor, device: Device): Tensor {.importcpp: \"\".}\n\n# dtype\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nfunc to*(self: Tensor, dtype: ScalarKind): Tensor {.importcpp: \"\".}\nfunc scalarType*(self: Tensor): ScalarKind {.importcpp: \"#.scalar_type()\".}\n\n# Constructors\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n# DeviceType and ScalarType are auto-convertible to TensorOptions\n\nfunc init*(T: type Tensor): Tensor {.constructor, importcpp: \"torch::Tensor\".}\n\nfunc from_blob*(data: pointer, sizes: IntArrayRef, options: TensorOptions): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::from_blob(@)\".}\nfunc from_blob*(data: pointer, sizes: IntArrayRef, scalarKind: ScalarKind): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::from_blob(@)\".}\nfunc from_blob*(data: pointer, sizes: IntArrayRef, device: DeviceKind): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::from_blob(@)\".}\n\nfunc from_blob*(data: pointer, sizes: int64, options: TensorOptions): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::from_blob(@)\".}\nfunc from_blob*(data: pointer, sizes: int64, scalarKind: ScalarKind): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::from_blob(@)\".}\nfunc from_blob*(data: pointer, sizes: int64, device: DeviceKind): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::from_blob(@)\".}\n\nfunc from_blob*(data: pointer, sizes, strides: IntArrayRef, options: TensorOptions): Tensor {.\n    importcpp: \"torch::from_blob(@)\".}\nfunc from_blob*(data: pointer, sizes, strides: IntArrayRef, scalarKind: ScalarKind): Tensor {.\n    importcpp: \"torch::from_blob(@)\".}\nfunc from_blob*(data: pointer, sizes, strides: IntArrayRef, device: DeviceKind): Tensor {.\n    importcpp: \"torch::from_blob(@)\".}\n\nfunc empty*(size: IntArrayRef, options: TensorOptions): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::empty(@)\".}\n  ## Create an uninitialized tensor of shape `size`\n  ## The tensor data must be filled manually\n  ##\n  ## The output tensor will be row major (C contiguous)\nfunc empty*(size: IntArrayRef, scalarKind: ScalarKind): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::empty(@)\".}\nfunc empty*(size: IntArrayRef, device: DeviceKind): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::empty(@)\".}\n  ## Create an uninitialized tensor of shape `size`\n  ## The tensor data must be filled manually.\n  ##\n  ## If device is NOT on CPU make sure to use specialized\n  ## copy operations. For example to update on Cuda devices\n  ## use cudaMemcpy not[i] = 123\n  ##\n  ## The output tensor will be row major (C contiguous)\n\nfunc clone*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.clone()\".}\n\n# Random sampling\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nfunc random_mut*(self: var Tensor, start, stopEx: int64) {.importcpp: \"#.random_(@)\".}\nfunc randint*(start, stopEx: int64): Tensor {.varargs, importcpp: \"torch::randint(#, #, {@})\".}\nfunc randint*(start, stopEx: int64, size: IntArrayRef): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::randint(@)\".}\n\nfunc rand_like*(self: Tensor, options: TensorOptions): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::rand_like(@)\".}\nfunc rand_like*(self: Tensor, options: ScalarKind): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::rand_like(@)\".}\nfunc rand_like*(self: Tensor, options: DeviceKind): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::rand_like(@)\".}\nfunc rand_like*(self: Tensor, options: Device): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::rand_like(@)\".}\nfunc rand_like*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::rand_like(@)\".}\n\n\n# func rand*(size: IntArrayRef, options: TensorOptions): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::rand(@)\"}\nfunc rand*(size: IntArrayRef, options: ScalarKind): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::rand(@)\".}\n# func rand*(size: IntArrayRef, options: DeviceKind): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::rand(@)\"}\n# func rand*(size: IntArrayRef, options: Device): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::rand(@)\"}\nfunc rand*(size: IntArrayRef): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::rand(@)\".}\n\n# Indexing\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n# TODO throw IndexDefect when bounds checking is active\n# libtorch/include/ATen/TensorIndexing.h\n# and\n\nfunc item*(self: Tensor, T: typedesc): T {.importcpp: \"#.item<'0>()\".}\n  ## Extract the scalar from a 0-dimensional tensor\n\n# Unsure what those corresponds to in Python\n# func `[]`*(self: Tensor, index: Scalar): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#[#]\".}\n# func `[]`*(self: Tensor, index: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#[#]\".}\n# func `[]`*(self: Tensor, index: int64): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#[#]\".}\n\nfunc index*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.varargs, importcpp: \"#.index({@})\".}\n  ## Tensor indexing. It is recommended\n  ## to Nimify this in a high-level wrapper.\n  ## `tensor.index(indexers)`\n\n# We can't use the construct `#.index_put_({@}, #)`\n# so hardcode sizes,\n# 6d seems reasonable, that would be a batch of 3D videos (videoID/batchID, Time, Color Channel, Height, Width, Depth)\n# If you need more you likely aren't indexing individual values.\n\nfunc index_put*(self: var Tensor, i0: auto, val: Scalar or Tensor) {.importcpp: \"#.index_put_({#}, #)\".}\n  ## Tensor mutation at index. It is recommended\n  ## to Nimify this in a high-level wrapper.\nfunc index_put*(self: var Tensor, i0, i1: auto, val: Scalar or Tensor) {.importcpp: \"#.index_put_({#, #}, #)\".}\n  ## Tensor mutation at index. It is recommended\n  ## to Nimify this in a high-level wrapper.\nfunc index_put*(self: var Tensor, i0, i1, i2: auto, val: Scalar or Tensor) {.importcpp: \"#.index_put_({#, #, #}, #)\".}\n  ## Tensor mutation at index. It is recommended\n  ## to Nimify this in a high-level wrapper.\nfunc index_put*(self: var Tensor, i0, i1, i2, i3: auto, val: Scalar or Tensor) {.importcpp: \"#.index_put_({#, #, #, #}, #)\".}\n  ## Tensor mutation at index. It is recommended\n  ## to Nimify this in a high-level wrapper.\nfunc index_put*(self: var Tensor, i0, i1, i2, i3, i4: auto, val: Scalar or Tensor) {.importcpp: \"#.index_put_({#, #, #, #, #}, #)\".}\n  ## Tensor mutation at index. It is recommended\n  ## to Nimify this in a high-level wrapper.\nfunc index_put*(self: var Tensor, i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5: auto, val: Scalar or Tensor) {.importcpp: \"#.index_put_({#, #, #, #, #, #}, #)\".}\n  ## Tensor mutation at index. It is recommended\n  ## to Nimify this in a high-level wrapper.\n\n# Fancy Indexing\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nfunc index_select*(self: Tensor, axis: int64, indices: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.index_select(@)\".}\nfunc masked_select*(self: Tensor, mask: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.masked_select(@)\".}\n\n# PyTorch exposes in-place `index_fill_` and `masked_fill_`\n# and out-of-place `index_fill` and `masked_fill`\n# that does in-place + clone\n# we only exposes the in-place version.\n\nfunc index_fill_mut*(self: var Tensor, mask: Tensor, value: Scalar or Tensor) {.importcpp: \"#.index_fill_(@)\".}\nfunc masked_fill_mut*(self: var Tensor, mask: Tensor, value: Scalar or Tensor) {.importcpp: \"#.masked_fill_(@)\".}\n\n# Shapeshifting\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nfunc reshape*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.varargs, importcpp: \"#.reshape({@})\".}\nfunc view*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.varargs, importcpp: \"#.reshape({@})\".}\n\n# Automatic Differentiation\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nfunc backward*(self: var Tensor){.importcpp: \"#.backward()\".}\n\n# Low-level slicing API\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\ntype\n  TorchSlice* {.importcpp: \"torch::indexing::Slice\", bycopy.} = object\n  # libtorch/include/ATen/TensorIndexing.h\n\n  TensorIndexType*{.size: sizeof(cint), bycopy, importcpp: \"torch::indexing::TensorIndexType\".} = enum\n    ## This is passed to torchSlice functions\n    IndexNone = 0\n    IndexEllipsis = 1\n    IndexInteger = 2\n    IndexBoolean = 3\n    IndexSlice = 4\n    IndexTensor = 5\n\n  SomeSlicer* = TensorIndexType or SomeSignedInt\n\nproc SliceSpan*(): TorchSlice {.importcpp: \"at::indexing::Slice()\".}\n    ## This is passed to the \"index\" function\n    ## This is Python \":\", span / whole dimension\n\nfunc torchSlice*(){.importcpp: \"torch::indexing::Slice(@)\", constructor.}\nfunc torchSlice*(start: SomeSlicer): TorchSlice {.importcpp: \"torch::indexing::Slice(@)\", constructor.}\nfunc torchSlice*(start: SomeSlicer, stop: SomeSlicer): TorchSlice {.importcpp: \"torch::indexing::Slice(@)\", constructor.}\nfunc torchSlice*(start: SomeSlicer, stop: SomeSlicer, step: SomeSlicer): TorchSlice {.importcpp: \"torch::indexing::Slice(@)\", constructor.}\nfunc start*(s: TorchSlice): int64 {.importcpp: \"#.start()\".}\nfunc stop*(s: TorchSlice): int64 {.importcpp: \"#.stop()\".}\nfunc step*(s: TorchSlice): int64 {.importcpp: \"#.step()\".}\n\n# Operators\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nfunc `not`*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"(~#)\".}\nfunc `-`*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"(-#)\".}\n\nfunc `+`*(self: Tensor, b: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"(# + #)\".}\nfunc `-`*(self: Tensor, b: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"(# - #)\".}\nfunc `*`*(self: Tensor, b: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"(# * #)\".}\n\nfunc `*`*(a: cfloat or cdouble, b: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"(# * #)\".}\nfunc `*`*(self: Tensor, b: cfloat or cdouble): Tensor {.importcpp: \"(# * #)\".}\n\nfunc `+=`*(self: var Tensor, b: Tensor) {.importcpp: \"(# += #)\".}\nfunc `+=`*(self: var Tensor, s: Scalar) {.importcpp: \"(# += #)\".}\nfunc `-=`*(self: var Tensor, b: Tensor) {.importcpp: \"(# -= #)\".}\nfunc `-=`*(self: var Tensor, s: Scalar) {.importcpp: \"(# -= #)\".}\nfunc `*=`*(self: var Tensor, b: Tensor) {.importcpp: \"(# *= #)\".}\nfunc `*=`*(self: var Tensor, s: Scalar) {.importcpp: \"(# *= #)\".}\nfunc `/=`*(self: var Tensor, b: Tensor) {.importcpp: \"(# /= #)\".}\nfunc `/=`*(self: var Tensor, s: Scalar) {.importcpp: \"(# /= #)\".}\n\nfunc `and`*(self: Tensor, b: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.bitwise_and(#)\".}\n  ## bitwise `and`.\nfunc `or`*(self: Tensor, b: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.bitwise_or(#)\".}\n  ## bitwise `or`.\nfunc `xor`*(self: Tensor, b: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.bitwise_xor(#)\".}\n  ## bitwise `xor`.\n\nfunc bitand_mut*(self: var Tensor, s: Tensor) {.importcpp: \"#.bitwise_and_(#)\".}\n  ## In-place bitwise `and`.\nfunc bitor_mut*(self: var Tensor, s: Tensor) {.importcpp: \"#.bitwise_or_(#)\".}\n  ## In-place bitwise `or`.\nfunc bitxor_mut*(self: var Tensor, s: Tensor) {.importcpp: \"#.bitwise_xor_(#)\".}\n  ## In-place bitwise `xor`.\n\nfunc eq*(a, b: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.eq(#)\".}\n  ## Equality of each tensor values\nfunc equal*(a, b: Tensor): bool {.importcpp: \"#.equal(#)\".}\ntemplate `==`*(a, b: Tensor): bool =\n  a.equal(b)\n\n# Functions.h\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nfunc toType*(self: Tensor, dtype: ScalarKind): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.toType(@)\".}\nfunc toSparse*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.to_sparse()\".}\nfunc toSparse*(self: Tensor, sparseDim: int64): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.to_sparse(@)\".}\n\nfunc eye*(n: int64): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::eye(@)\".}\nfunc eye*(n: int64, options: TensorOptions): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::eye(@)\".}\nfunc eye*(n: int64, scalarKind: ScalarKind): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::eye(@)\".}\nfunc eye*(n: int64, device: DeviceKind): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::eye(@)\".}\n\nfunc zeros*(dim: int64): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::zeros(@)\".}\nfunc zeros*(dim: IntArrayRef): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::zeros(@)\".}\nfunc zeros*(dim: IntArrayRef, options: TensorOptions): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::zeros(@)\".}\nfunc zeros*(dim: IntArrayRef, scalarKind: ScalarKind): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::zeros(@)\".}\nfunc zeros*(dim: IntArrayRef, device: DeviceKind): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::zeros(@)\".}\n\nfunc linspace*(start, stop: Scalar, steps: int64, options: TensorOptions) : Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::linspace(@)\".}\nfunc linspace*(start, stop: Scalar, steps: int64, options: ScalarKind) : Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::linspace(@)\".}\nfunc linspace*(start, stop: Scalar, steps: int64, options: DeviceKind) : Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::linspace(@)\".}\nfunc linspace*(start, stop: Scalar, steps: int64, options: Device) : Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::linspace(@)\".}\nfunc linspace*(start, stop: Scalar, steps: int64) : Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::linspace(@)\".}\nfunc linspace*(start, stop: Scalar) : Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::linspace(@)\".}\n\nfunc logspace*(start, stop: Scalar, steps, base: int64, options: TensorOptions) : Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::logspace(@)\".}\nfunc logspace*(start, stop: Scalar, steps, base: int64, options: ScalarKind) : Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::logspace(@)\".}\nfunc logspace*(start, stop: Scalar, steps, base: int64, options: DeviceKind) {.importcpp: \"torch::logspace(@)\".}\nfunc logspace*(start, stop: Scalar, steps, base: int64, options: Device)  : Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::logspace(@)\".}\nfunc logspace*(start, stop: Scalar, steps, base: int64) : Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::logspace(@)\".}\nfunc logspace*(start, stop: Scalar, steps: int64)  : Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::logspace(@)\".}\nfunc logspace*(start, stop: Scalar)  : Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::logspace(@)\".}\n\nfunc arange*(stop: Scalar, options: TensorOptions) : Tensor  {.importcpp: \"torch::arange(@)\".}\nfunc arange*(stop: Scalar, options: ScalarKind) : Tensor  {.importcpp: \"torch::arange(@)\".}\nfunc arange*(stop: Scalar, options: DeviceKind) : Tensor  {.importcpp: \"torch::arange(@)\".}\nfunc arange*(stop: Scalar, options: Device) : Tensor  {.importcpp: \"torch::arange(@)\".}\nfunc arange*(stop: Scalar) : Tensor  {.importcpp: \"torch::arange(@)\".}\n\nfunc arange*(start, stop: Scalar, options: TensorOptions) : Tensor  {.importcpp: \"torch::arange(@)\".}\nfunc arange*(start, stop: Scalar, options: ScalarKind) : Tensor  {.importcpp: \"torch::arange(@)\".}\nfunc arange*(start, stop: Scalar, options: DeviceKind) : Tensor  {.importcpp: \"torch::arange(@)\".}\nfunc arange*(start, stop: Scalar, options: Device) : Tensor  {.importcpp: \"torch::arange(@)\".}\nfunc arange*(start, stop: Scalar) : Tensor  {.importcpp: \"torch::arange(@)\".}\n\nfunc arange*(start, stop, step: Scalar, options: TensorOptions) : Tensor  {.importcpp: \"torch::arange(@)\".}\nfunc arange*(start, stop, step: Scalar, options: ScalarKind) : Tensor  {.importcpp: \"torch::arange(@)\".}\nfunc arange*(start, stop, step: Scalar, options: DeviceKind) : Tensor  {.importcpp: \"torch::arange(@)\".}\nfunc arange*(start, stop, step: Scalar, options: Device) : Tensor  {.importcpp: \"torch::arange(@)\".}\nfunc arange*(start, stop, step: Scalar) : Tensor  {.importcpp: \"torch::arange(@)\".}\n\n# Operations\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\nfunc add*(self: Tensor, other: Tensor, alpha: Scalar = 1): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.add(@)\".}\nfunc add*(self: Tensor, other: Scalar, alpha: Scalar = 1): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.add(@)\".}\nfunc addmv*(self: Tensor, mat: Tensor, vec: Tensor, beta: Scalar = 1, alpha: Scalar = 1): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.addmv(@)\".}\nfunc addmm*(t, mat1, mat2: Tensor, beta: Scalar = 1, alpha: Scalar = 1): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.addmm(@)\".}\nfunc mm*(t, other: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"\".}\nfunc matmul*(t, other: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.matmul(@)\".}\nfunc bmm*(t, other: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.bmm(@)\".}\n\nfunc luSolve*(t, data, pivots: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.lu_solve(@)\".}\n\nfunc qr*(self: Tensor, some: bool = true): CppTuple2[Tensor, Tensor] {.importcpp: \"#.qr(@)\".}\n  ## Returns a tuple:\n  ## - Q of shape (∗,m,k)\n  ## - R of shape (∗,k,n)\n  ## with k=min(m,n) if some is true otherwise k=m\n  ##\n  ## The QR decomposition is batched over dimension(s) *\n  ## t = QR\n\n# addr?\nfunc all*(self: Tensor, axis: int64): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.all(@)\".}\nfunc all*(self: Tensor, axis: int64, keepdim: bool): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.all(@)\".}\nfunc allClose*(t, other: Tensor, rtol: float64 = 1e-5, abstol: float64 = 1e-8, equalNan: bool = false): bool {.importcpp: \"#.allclose(@)\".}\nfunc any*(self: Tensor, axis: int64): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.any(@)\".}\nfunc any*(self: Tensor, axis: int64, keepdim: bool): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.any(@)\".}\nfunc argmax*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.argmax()\".}\nfunc argmax*(self: Tensor, axis: int64, keepdim: bool = false): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.argmax(@)\".}\nfunc argmin*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.argmin()\".}\nfunc argmin*(self: Tensor, axis: int64, keepdim: bool = false): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.argmin(@)\".}\n\n# aggregate\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n# sum needs wrapper procs/templates to allow for using nim arrays and single axis.\nfunc sum*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.sum()\".}\nfunc sum*(self: Tensor, dtype: ScalarKind): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.sum(@)\".}\nfunc sum*(self: Tensor, axis: int64, keepdim: bool = false): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.sum(@)\".}\nfunc sum*(self: Tensor, axis: int64, keepdim: bool = false, dtype: ScalarKind): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.sum(@)\".}\nfunc sum*(self: Tensor, axis: IntArrayRef, keepdim: bool = false): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.sum(@)\".}\nfunc sum*(self: Tensor, axis: IntArrayRef, keepdim: bool = false, dtype: ScalarKind): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.sum(@)\".}\n\n# mean as well\nfunc mean*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.mean()\".}\nfunc mean*(self: Tensor, dtype: ScalarKind): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.mean(@)\".}\nfunc mean*(self: Tensor, axis: int64, keepdim: bool = false): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.mean(@)\".}\nfunc mean*(self: Tensor, axis: int64, keepdim: bool = false, dtype: ScalarKind): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.mean(@)\".}\nfunc mean*(self: Tensor, axis: IntArrayRef, keepdim: bool = false): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.mean(@)\".}\nfunc mean*(self: Tensor, axis: IntArrayRef, keepdim: bool = false, dtype: ScalarKind): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.mean(@)\".}\n\n# median requires std::tuple\n\nfunc prod*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"\".}\nfunc prod*(self: Tensor, dtype: ScalarKind): Tensor {.importcpp: \"\".}\nfunc prod*(self: Tensor, axis: int64, keepdim: bool = false): Tensor {.importcpp: \"\".}\nfunc prod*(self: Tensor, axis: int64, keepdim: bool = false, dtype: ScalarKind): Tensor {.importcpp: \"\".}\n\nfunc min*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.min()\".}\nfunc min*(self: Tensor, axis: int64, keepdim: bool = false): CppTuple2[Tensor, Tensor] {.importcpp: \"torch::min(@)\".}\n  ## Returns a tuple (values, indices) of type (TensorT, TensorInt64)\n  ## of the minimum values and their index in the specified axis\n\nfunc max*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.max()\".}\nfunc max*(self: Tensor, axis: int64, keepdim: bool = false): CppTuple2[Tensor, Tensor] {.importcpp: \"torch::max(@)\".}\n  ## Returns a tuple (values, indices) of type (TensorT, TensorInt64)\n  ## of the maximum values and their index in the specified axis\n\nfunc variance*(self: Tensor, unbiased: bool = true): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.var(@)\".} # can't use `var` because of keyword.\nfunc variance*(self: Tensor, axis: int64, unbiased: bool = true, keepdim: bool = false): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.var(@)\".}\nfunc variance*(self: Tensor, axis: IntArrayRef, unbiased: bool = true, keepdim: bool = false): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.var(@)\".}\n\nfunc stddev*(self: Tensor, unbiased: bool = true): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.std(@)\".}\nfunc stddev*(self: Tensor, axis: int64, unbiased: bool = true, keepdim: bool = false): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.std(@)\".}\nfunc stddev*(self: Tensor, axis: IntArrayRef, unbiased: bool = true, keepdim: bool = false): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.std(@)\".}\n\n# algorithms:\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nfunc sort*(self: Tensor, axis: int64 = -1, descending: bool = false): CppTuple2[Tensor, Tensor] {.importcpp: \"#.sort(@)\".}\n  ## Sorts the elements of the input tensor along a given dimension in ascending order by value.\n  ## If dim is not given, the last dimension of the input is chosen (dim=-1).\n  ## Returns (values, originalIndices) or type (TensorT, TensorInt64)\n  ## where originalIndices is the original index of each values (before sorting)\nfunc argsort*(self: Tensor, axis: int64 = -1, descending: bool = false): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.argsort(@)\".}\n\n# math\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\nfunc abs*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.abs()\".}\nfunc absolute*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.absolute()\".}\nfunc angle*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.angle()\".}\nfunc sgn*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.sgn()\".}\nfunc conj*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.conj()\".}\nfunc acos*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.acos()\".}\nfunc arccos*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.arccos()\".}\nfunc acosh*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.acosh()\".}\nfunc arccosh*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.arccosh()\".}\nfunc asinh*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.asinh()\".}\nfunc arcsinh*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.arcsinh()\".}\nfunc atanh*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.atanh()\".}\nfunc arctanh*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.arctanh()\".}\nfunc asin*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.asin()\".}\nfunc arcsin*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.arcsin()\".}\nfunc atan*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.atan()\".}\nfunc arctan*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.arctan()\".}\nfunc cos*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.cos()\".}\nfunc sin*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.sin()\".}\nfunc tan*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.tan()\".}\nfunc exp*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.exp()\".}\nfunc exp2*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.exp2()\".}\nfunc erf*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.erf()\".}\nfunc erfc*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.erfc()\".}\nfunc reciprocal*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.reciprocal()\".}\nfunc neg*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.neg()\".}\nfunc clamp*(self: Tensor, min, max: Scalar): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.clamp(@)\".}\nfunc clampMin*(self: Tensor, min: Scalar): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.clamp_min(@)\".}\nfunc clampMax*(self: Tensor, max: Scalar): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.clamp_max(@)\".}\n\nfunc dot*(self: Tensor, other: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"\".}\n{\nfunc squeeze*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.squeeze()\".}\nfunc squeeze*(self: Tensor, axis: int64): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.squeeze(@)\".}\nfunc unsqueeze*(self: Tensor, axis: int64): Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.unsqueeze(@)\".}\n\n{.pop.}\n\nfunc inv*(self: Tensor) : Tensor {.importcpp: \"#.linalg_inv(@)\", header: \"linalg.h\".}\n\n# FFT\n# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n{.push header: \"fft.h\".}\nfunc fftshift*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_fftshift(@)\".}\nfunc fftshift*(self: Tensor, dim: IntArrayRef): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_ifftshift(@)\".}\nfunc ifftshift*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_fftshift(@)\".}\nfunc ifftshift*(self: Tensor, dim: IntArrayRef): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_ifftshift(@)\".}\n\nlet defaultNorm : CppString = initCppString(\"backward\")\n\nfunc fft*(self: Tensor, n: int64, dim: int64 = -1, norm: CppString = defaultNorm): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_fft(@)\".}\n## Compute the 1-D Fourier transform\n## ``n`` represents signal size. If given, each dimension dim[i] will either be zero padded or trimmed to the length s[i] before computing the FFT.\n## ``norm`` can be :\n##    * \"forward\" - normalize by 1/n\n##    * \"backward\" - no normalization\n##    * \"ortho\" - normalize by 1/sqrt(n)\nfunc fft*(self: Tensor, dim: int64 = -1, norm: CppString = defaultNorm): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_fft(@)\".}\n## Compute the 1-D Fourier transform\n\nfunc ifft*(self: Tensor, n: int64, dim: int64 = -1, norm: CppString = defaultNorm): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::ifft_ifft(@)\".}\n## Compute the 1-D Fourier transform\n## ``norm`` can be :\n##   * \"forward\" - no normalization\n##   * \"backward\" - normalization by 1/n\n##   * \"ortho\" - normalization by 1/sqrt(n)\nfunc ifft*(self: Tensor, dim: int64 = -1, norm: CppString = defaultNorm): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::ifft_ifft(@)\".}\n## Compute the 1-D Fourier transform\n\nfunc fft2*(self: Tensor, s: IntArrayRef, dim: IntArrayRef, norm: CppString = defaultNorm): Tensor {.\n    importcpp: \"torch::fft_fft2(@)\".}\n## Compute the 2-D Fourier transform\n## ``s`` represents signal size. If given, each dimension dim[i] will either be zero padded or trimmed to the length s[i] before computing the FFT.\n## ``norm`` can be :\n##    * \"forward\" - normalize by 1/n\n##    * \"backward\" - no normalization\n##    * \"ortho\" - normalize by 1/sqrt(n)\n## With n the logical FFT size: ``n = prod(s)``.\nfunc fft2*(self: Tensor, s: IntArrayRef): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_fft2(@)\".}\n## Compute the 2-D Fourier transform\n## ``s`` represents signal size. If given, each dimension dim[i] will either be zero padded or trimmed to the length s[i] before computing the FFT.\nfunc fft2*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_fft2(@)\".}\n## Compute the 2-D Fourier transform\n\nfunc ifft2*(self: Tensor, s: IntArrayRef, dim: IntArrayRef, norm: CppString = defaultNorm): Tensor {.\n    importcpp: \"torch::fft_ifft2(@)\".}\n## Compute the 2-D Inverse Fourier transform\n## ``s`` represents signal size. If given, each dimension dim[i] will either be zero padded or trimmed to the length s[i] before computing the FFT.\n## ``norm`` can be :\n##   * \"forward\" - no normalization\n##   * \"backward\" - normalization by 1/n\n##   * \"ortho\" - normalization by 1/sqrt(n)\n## With n the logical FFT size: ``n = prod(s)``.\nfunc ifft2*(self: Tensor, s: IntArrayRef): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_ifft2(@)\".}\n## Compute the 2-D Inverse Fourier transform\n## ``s`` represents signal size. If given, each dimension dim[i] will either be zero padded or trimmed to the length s[i] before computing the FFT.\nfunc ifft2*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_ifft2(@)\".}\n## Compute the 2-D Inverse Fourier transform\n\nfunc fftn*(self: Tensor, s: IntArrayRef, dim: IntArrayRef, norm: CppString = defaultNorm): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_fftn(@)\".}\n## Compute the N-D Fourier transform\n## ``s`` represents signal size. If given, each dimension dim[i] will either be zero padded or trimmed to the length s[i] before computing the FFT.\n## ``norm`` can be :\n##    * \"forward\" normalize by 1/n\n##    * \"backward\" - no normalization\n##    * \"ortho\" normalize by 1/sqrt(n)\n## With n the logical FFT size: ``n = prod(s)``.\nfunc fftn*(self: Tensor, s: IntArrayRef): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_fftn(@)\".}\n## Compute the N-D Fourier transform\n## ``s`` represents signal size. If given, each dimension dim[i] will either be zero padded or trimmed to the length s[i] before computing the FFT.\nfunc fftn*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_fftn(@)\".}\n## Compute the N-D Fourier transform\n\nfunc ifftn*(self: Tensor, s: IntArrayRef, dim: IntArrayRef, norm: CppString = defaultNorm): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_ifftn(@)\".}\n## Compute the N-D Inverse Fourier transform\n## ``s`` represents signal size. If given, each dimension dim[i] will either be zero padded or trimmed to the length s[i] before computing the FFT.\n## ``norm`` can be :\n##   * \"forward\" - no normalization\n##   * \"backward\" - normalization by 1/n\n##   * \"ortho\" - normalization by 1/sqrt(n)\n## With n the logical FFT size: ``n = prod(s)``.\nfunc ifftn*(self: Tensor, s: IntArrayRef): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_ifftn(@)\".}\n## Compute the N-D Inverse Fourier transform\n## ``s`` represents signal size. If given, each dimension dim[i] will either be zero padded or trimmed to the length s[i] before computing the FFT.\nfunc ifftn*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_ifftn(@)\".}\n## Compute the N-D Inverse Fourier transform\n\nfunc rfft*(self: Tensor, n: int64, dim: int64 = -1, norm: CppString = defaultNorm): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_rfft\".}\n## Computes the one dimensional Fourier transform of real-valued input.\nfunc rfft*(self: Tensor, dim: int64 = -1, norm: CppString = defaultNorm): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_rfft\".}\n## Computes the one dimensional Fourier transform of real-valued input.\n\nfunc irfft*(self: Tensor, n: int64, dim: int64 = -1, norm: CppString = defaultNorm): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_irfft\".}\n## Computes the one dimensional Fourier transform of real-valued input.\nfunc irfft*(self: Tensor, dim: int64 = -1, norm: CppString = defaultNorm): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_irfft\".}\n## Computes the one dimensional Fourier transform of real-valued input.\n\nfunc rfft2*(self: Tensor, s: IntArrayRef, dim: IntArrayRef, norm: CppString = defaultNorm): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_rfft2(@)\".}\n## Compute the N-D Fourier transform\n## ``s`` represents signal size. If given, each dimension dim[i] will either be zero padded or trimmed to the length s[i] before computing the FFT.\n## ``norm`` can be :\n##    * \"forward\" - normalize by 1/n\n##    * \"backward\" - no normalization\n##    * \"ortho\" - normalize by 1/sqrt(n)\n## With n the logical FFT size: ``n = prod(s)``.\nfunc rfft2*(self: Tensor, s: IntArrayRef): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_rfft2(@)\".}\n## Compute the N-D Fourier transform\n## ``s`` represents signal size. If given, each dimension dim[i] will either be zero padded or trimmed to the length s[i] before computing the FFT.\nfunc rfft2*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_rfft2(@)\".}\n## Compute the N-D Fourier transform\n\nfunc irfft2*(self: Tensor, s: IntArrayRef, dim: IntArrayRef, norm: CppString = defaultNorm): Tensor {.\n    importcpp: \"torch::fft_irfft2(@)\".}\n## Compute the N-D Inverse Fourier transform\n## ``s`` represents signal size. If given, each dimension dim[i] will either be zero padded or trimmed to the length s[i] before computing the FFT.\n## ``norm`` can be :\n##   * \"forward\" - no normalization\n##   * \"backward\" - normalization by 1/n\n##   * \"ortho\" - normalization by 1/sqrt(n)\n## With n the logical FFT size: ``n = prod(s)``.\nfunc irfft2*(self: Tensor, s: IntArrayRef): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_irfft2(@)\".}\n## Compute the N-D Inverse Fourier transform\n## ``s`` represents signal size. If given, each dimension dim[i] will either be zero padded or trimmed to the length s[i] before computing the FFT.\nfunc irfft2*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_irfft2(@)\".}\n## Compute the N-D Inverse Fourier transform\n\n\nfunc rfftn*(self: Tensor, s: IntArrayRef, dim: IntArrayRef, norm: CppString = defaultNorm): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_rfftn(@)\".}\n## Compute the N-D Fourier transform\n## ``s`` represents signal size. If given, each dimension dim[i] will either be zero padded or trimmed to the length s[i] before computing the FFT.\n## ``norm`` can be :\n##    * \"forward\" - normalize by 1/n\n##    * \"backward\" - no normalization\n##    * \"ortho\" - normalize by 1/sqrt(n)\n## With n the logical FFT size: ``n = prod(s)``.\nfunc rfftn*(self: Tensor, s: IntArrayRef): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_rfftn(@)\".}\n## Compute the N-D Fourier transform\n## ``s`` represents signal size. If given, each dimension dim[i] will either be zero padded or trimmed to the length s[i] before computing the FFT.\nfunc rfftn*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_rfftn(@)\".}\n## Compute the N-D Fourier transform\n\nfunc irfftn*(self: Tensor, s: IntArrayRef, dim: IntArrayRef, norm: CppString = defaultNorm): Tensor {.\n    importcpp: \"torch::fft_irfftn(@)\".}\n## Compute the N-D Inverse Fourier transform\n## ``s`` represents signal size. If given, each dimension dim[i] will either be zero padded or trimmed to the length s[i] before computing the FFT.\n## ``norm`` can be :\n##   * \"forward\" - no normalization\n##   * \"backward\" - normalization by 1/n\n##   * \"ortho\" - normalization by 1/sqrt(n)\n## With n the logical FFT size: ``n = prod(s)``.\nfunc irfftn*(self: Tensor, s: IntArrayRef): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_irfftn(@)\".}\n## Compute the N-D Inverse Fourier transform\n## ``s`` represents signal size. If given, each dimension dim[i] will either be zero padded or trimmed to the length s[i] before computing the FFT.\nfunc irfftn*(self: Tensor): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::fft_irfftn(@)\".}\n## Compute the N-D Inverse Fourier transform\n\nfunc hfft*(self: Tensor, n: int64, dim: int64 = -1, norm: CppString = defaultNorm) : Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::hfft\".}\n## Computes the 1 dimensional FFT of a onesided Hermitian signal.\nfunc hfft*(self: Tensor, dim: int64 = -1, norm: CppString = defaultNorm) : Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::hfft\".}\n## Computes the 1 dimensional FFT of a onesided Hermitian signal.\nfunc ihfft*(self: Tensor, n: int64, dim: int64 = -1, norm: CppString = defaultNorm) : Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::ihfft\".}\n## Computes the inverse FFT of a real-valued Fourier domain signal.\nfunc ihfft*(self: Tensor, dim: int64 = -1, norm: CppString = defaultNorm) : Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::ihfft\".}\n## Computes the inverse FFT of a real-valued Fourier domain signal.\n\n#func convolution*(self: Tensor, weight: Tensor, bias: Tensor, stride, padding, dilation: int64, transposed: bool, outputPadding: int64, groups: int64): Tensor {.importcpp: \"torch::convolution(@)\".}\n"}]}}

Unable to parse data as RequestMessage

Got valid Notification message of type textDocument/didChange

Got document change for URI: file:///home/rcaillaud/Workspace/localws/ForkedProjects/flambeau/flambeau/raw_bindings/tensors.nim saving to /tmp/nimlsp/00000000FF0711BA.nim

Got diagnostics: @[(section: ideChk, symKind: skUnknown, qualifiedPath: , forth: Hint, filePath: ???, line: 0, column: -1, doc: tensors [Processing], quality: 0, line: 0, prefix: None), (section: ideChk, symKind: skUnknown, qualifiedPath: , forth: Hint, filePath: /home/rcaillaud/Workspace/localws/ForkedProjects/flambeau/flambeau/raw_bindings/tensors.nim, line: 50, column: 47, doc: template/generic instantiation from here, quality: 0, line: 50, prefix: None), (section: ideChk, symKind: skUnknown, qualifiedPath: , forth: Error, filePath: /home/rcaillaud/Workspace/localws/ForkedProjects/flambeau/flambeau/raw_bindings/tensors.nim, line: 37, column: 13, doc: string literal expected, quality: 0, line: 37, prefix: None), (section: ideChk, symKind: skUnknown, qualifiedPath: , forth: Hint, filePath: /home/rcaillaud/Workspace/localws/ForkedProjects/flambeau/flambeau/raw_bindings/tensors.nim, line: 56, column: 34, doc: template/generic instantiation from here, quality: 0, line: 56, prefix: None), (section: ideChk, symKind: skUnknown, qualifiedPath: , forth: Error, filePath: /home/rcaillaud/Workspace/localws/ForkedProjects/flambeau/flambeau/raw_bindings/tensors.nim, line: 37, column: 13, doc: string literal expected, quality: 0, line: 37, prefix: None), (section: ideChk, symKind: skUnknown, qualifiedPath: , forth: Hint, filePath: /home/rcaillaud/Workspace/localws/ForkedProjects/flambeau/flambeau/raw_bindings/tensors.nim, line: 58, column: 44, doc: template/generic instantiation from here, quality: 0, line: 58, prefix: None), (section: ideChk, symKind: skUnknown, qualifiedPath: , forth: Error, filePath: /home/rcaillaud/Workspace/localws/ForkedProjects/flambeau/flambeau/raw_bindings/tensors.nim, line: 37, column: 13, doc: string literal expected, quality: 0, line: 37, prefix: None), (section: ideChk, symKind: skUnknown, qualifiedPath: , forth: Hint, filePath: /home/rcaillaud/Workspace/localws/ForkedProjects/flambeau/flambeau/raw_bindings/tensors.nim, line: 61, column: 46, doc: template/generic instantiation from here, quality: 0, line: 61, prefix: None), (section: ideChk, symKind: skUnknown, qualifiedPath: , forth: Error, filePath: /home/rcaillaud/Workspace/localws/ForkedProjects/flambeau/flambeau/raw_bindings/tensors.nim, line: 37, column: 13, doc: string literal expected, quality: 0, line: 37, prefix: None), (section: ideChk, symKind: skUnknown, qualifiedPath: , forth: Hint, filePath: /home/rcaillaud/Workspace/localws/ForkedProjects/flambeau/flambeau/raw_bindings/tensors.nim, line: 79, column: 14, doc: template/generic instantiation from here, quality: 0, line: 79, prefix: None), (section: ideChk, symKind: skUnknown, qualifiedPath: , forth: Error, filePath: /home/rcaillaud/Workspace/localws/ForkedProjects/flambeau/flambeau/raw_bindings/tensors.nim, line: 37, column: 13, doc: string literal expected, quality: 0, line: 37, prefix: None)] and 460 more

Trying to read frame

Once the bug occurs, I can only kill neovim with SIGINT .

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PMunch commented Apr 7, 2021

Hmm, strange. NimLSP just appears to be waiting for more requests. Do you see NimLSP consuming a lot of CPU when this happens? It might be a neovim or neovim/NimLSP interaction that just causes it to hang somehow.

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Clonkk commented Apr 7, 2021

When the bugs occurs, it's the process nvim that gets stuck at 100% CPU, nimlsp is fine.

I tried 2 different LSP Client (neoclide/coc and prabirshrestha/vim-lsp) and 2 different Nevoim version (latest devel and 0.4.3), with the same result

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zetashift commented Apr 7, 2021

Running neovim-nightly on Linux x64, using nvim-lspconfig and I can't reproduce? How long do I have to wait for it to spike to 100%?

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Clonkk commented Apr 7, 2021

Here is what I do that reproduce :

  • Open tensors.nim
  • Wait around 30 seconds
  • Press "o" (newline + insert mode)
  • Write "{" character

Sometimes I have to repeat the last 2 step once before triggerring it.

This is on NVIM v0.5.0-dev+1176-g94381310c2. I'll update to the new nightly NVIM v0.5.0-dev+1227-gb518b9076 and test again but I had the same result with v0.4.3 and v0.4.4.

I'm using OpenSuse Leap 15.2 and use nvim.appimage.

Opening non-Nim file (tried .jl, .cpp, .py files) do not have any issue.
Opening other Nim file trigger the issue

Edit with new nightly : NVIM v0.5.0-dev+1227-gb518b9076

  • Same results except it took a bit longer (I'd say around a minute) before bug appeared

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Ah yes, can reproduce, after writing the { character, neovim spikes all the way up...

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zetashift commented Apr 7, 2021

Might be syntax highlighting, I used :set syntax=off and it doesn't spike anymore.

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Clonkk commented Apr 7, 2021

Could be, as writing # { do not trigger the spike as well

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I'm using for syntax highlighting, if I use vim-polyglot for syntax highlighting, I cannot reproduce this.

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PMunch commented Apr 7, 2021

I use zah/nim.vim for highlighting with normal Vim (VIM - Vi IMproved 8.2 (2019 Dec 12, compiled Feb 09 2021 23:51:55)) and I can't reproduce.

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Clonkk commented Apr 7, 2021

Same result as @zetashift I use alaviss/nim.nvim as well. If I stop using the plugin or use another one it seems to work.

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That probably makes this a alaviss/nim.nvim issue no?

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Clonkk commented Apr 7, 2021

I created alaviss/nim.nvim#41

@Clonkk Clonkk closed this as completed Apr 7, 2021
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