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Smart Workflows

This is a repository for agentic Github workflows that use an AI agent to automate Github projects in powerful ways.

  • Plug-and-play - Works out-of-the box, just copy YAML files
  • Fully Customizable using natural language instructions.
  • LLM Best Practices baked in, so you can focus on what matters

To use them in your project:

  1. Install the AI agent on your repository
  2. Add the 🔄 Import Workflow tool to your project
  3. Use the tool to import any workflow you like

That's it!

Plug-and-Play Workflows

Smart Workflows come in two flavors Automations and Tools.


Workflows that run automatically in response to Github events

Name Description
🤖 Chat Bot Turn any Github issue into a conversation with your AI agent by adding the chat label
📝 Format and Label New Issues Automatically format and label every new issue created in your project
🔍 PR Auto Review Every new PR will be reviewed by an AI Agent according to your preferences
🐞 Investigate Bug Automatically investigates issues labeled as bug by analyzing the codebase and providing suggestions
📚 Help with Documentation Automatically assists with documentation tasks when the needs-documentation label is added to an issue
🔍 Refine Issue Automatically refines issues labeled with needs-refinement by analyzing the issue description, searching the codebase for related files, and enhancing the issue with relevant context and acceptance criteria
🛠 Help with Implementation Automatically assists with implementation tasks when the needs-work label is added to an issue by reading the issue, understanding the requirements, searching for related files, and writing the necessary changes
📐 Enforce Contribution Guidelines Automatically ensures that new pull requests adhere to the project's contribution guidelines
📋 Work on TODO List Automatically works on items listed in the file when updated on the main branch. If all items are completed, it deletes the file.


Workflows for you to run manually via the Github Actions tab in your repository.

Name Description
🚀 Quick Task Instruct the agent to do something for you in your own words
🤖 Answer Question Ask a question about your project / code
🧙‍♂️ Generate Automation Generate custom automations tailored to your project
🧙‍♂️ Generate Tool Generate custom tools tailored to your project
🔄 Import Workflow One-click solution for adding Smart Workflows to your project
🛠 Quick Code Change Facilitate quick code modifications through an AI agent based on user inputs
✍️ Write User Story Generate comprehensive user stories for your code base
✍️ Write Technical Specification Generates technical specifications based on user stories through an AI agent
📊 Draw Diagram Generate Mermaid diagrams based on the repository's code and files
🚀 Initialize Project Assist users in setting up a new project by generating a Github issue with concise, actionable instructions and a list of files to be created, based on the specified programming language and optional framework


If you'd like to contribute workflows, simply:

  1. Fork the project
  2. Run the 🧙‍♂️ Generate Automation or 🧙‍♂️ Generate Tool workflows
  3. Customize the code the agent generated for you in a PR and merge it
  4. Open a PR to this project