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Peter Adams edited this page Nov 3, 2022 · 2 revisions

Isn't this just a mod for a game?


What game does it require?

Daggerfall Unity, a community maintained recreation of Daggerfall using the Unity engine.

Is this really a charity?

Registration is pending with the Imperial Office of Charities. Also, shh.

Do you really have to change every single house in the game? Aren't there hundreds of thousands?

There are, however many use the same building blocks. Of which there are considerably less, but still a few thousand.

What are you changing?

Houses are having windows installed or moved to match exteriors. As well as just making them look better, this will also improve the experience of the many players using the Transparent Windows mod.

Will this make the game run more slowly?

There will be more clutter and some additional/changed light sources. It may have a negligible effect on CPU overhead.

I use Vanilla Enhanced/D.R.E.A.M. etc. Will they be impacted?

Both overhaul existing models. You will see the buildings I'm modding with their overhauled visuals.

What about 3D model replacement mods like Handpainted Model Replacements?

These are more tricky as they replace billboard objects with no collision detection. I'm working to try to take this into considering as well as moving existing billboard objects that may cause obstruction as 3D collide-able objects.

When will this be finished?

Probably never. Currently only one person is working on it, but I aim to do as many as possible before I either die or get bored. I' always looking for help.

How can I get involved?

Pick a building I haven't done. Edit it in Unity (version 2019.4.40f1 is the most recent one supported for DFU). Send it to me. If it fits with the project, I can add it and/or give you collaborator access. I haven't thought too hard about this part as no-one has shown any interest yet, but who knows what the future may hold...