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Pratik Pingale edited this page Sep 29, 2022 · 4 revisions


To install this script, you need to clone that repository:

git clone

You'll also need to install dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Of course, the TOR Hidden Service is needed:

Debian/Ubuntu: apt-get install tor (for more distros and instructions)


Args Long Description
-h --help Help
-g --gui Open with GUI backend.
-v --verbose Show more information about the progress
-u --url *.onion URL of Webpage to crawl or extract
-w --without Without the use of Relay TOR
-n --port number Port number of TOR Socks Proxy (default: 9050)
-f --folder The directory which will contain the generated files
-s --visualize Visualize the graphs and insights from the crawled data
-e --extract Extract page's code to terminal or file. (Default: Terminal)
-i --input filename Input file with URL(s) (separated by line)
-o --output filename Output page(s) to file(s) (for one page)
-y --yara 0|1 Perform yara keyword search (0 = search entire html object. 1 = search only text).
-c --crawl Crawl website (Default output on /links.txt)
-d --cdepth Set depth of crawl's travel (Default: 1)
-z --exclusion regexp Regex path that is ignored while crawling (Default: None)
-t --thread number How many pages to visit (Threads) at the same time (Default: 16)
-p --pause The length of time the crawler will pause (Default: 0)
-l --log Log file with visited URLs and their response code
-x --external Exclude external links while crawling a webpage (Default: include all links)
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