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Android App Config App

This app belongs to the project AppConfig, please also see details there.

Config Entries

A config entry defines how an app under test is accessed and what key/values are sent to it. In the App Config app, you can add a config entry as follows.

  • On the main screen of App Config app, press on the + icon on bottom right to add a new entry.
  • Enter name and authority and press the back key.

Config Entry

  • Name: A name displayed within Config App to identify the entry. It is not sent to the app under test.
  • Authority: The authority of the ContentProvider of the app under test. This string must match exactly.
  • Key/values: Key/Value pairs to be sent to the app under test (see below).


The key/values belong to a Config Entry and are sent to the app under test where they are set as SharedPreferences by default. You can specify as many key/values you like.

  • Key: The key, by default used as key in SharedPreferences inside of the app under test.
  • Value: The value to be set for the given key. It can also be null. When it's null, the given key is deleted by default in the app under test.

External Config

The External Config feature allows you to centraly manage App Config app configurations that are automatically synced to all subscribed App Config apps. So if there are multiple Devs, QAs and Product Managers on a project, a single person can manage the configuration of all the instances of App Config app within that project.

External Config requires a publicly accessible https URL where the External Config is fetched from by the App Config app. There, a YAML file is placed that defines the configuration available to all subscribed users. The file format YAML was chosen to allow a build script to easily append new entries to it.

Config File

Example External Config YAML file.

- id: example-prod
  name: Example Prod
  authority: com.example.config
    - key: START_URL
- id: example-staging
  name: Example Staging
  authority: com.example.config
    - key: START_URL

The id identifies entries on the App Config app and allows to modify them over time. The other fields are identical to the Config Entry as described above.
In the example above, the entry example-staging sets the START_URL to while the entry example-prod clears START_URL so that the app under test falls back to the default URL.
You can spedify as many keys as you like.

Configuration in App Config app

Use the following steps to subscribe an instance of App Config app to such an External Config URL.

  • On main screen, press on the Cog Wheel icon on top right
  • Press on the + icon on bottom right to add a new entry
  • Type a name for the External Config like Example App
  • Type the whole public URL including https://, e.g.


Enhancements and improvements are welcome.


Android AppConfigApp
Copyright (c) 2020 Peter Rosenberg (

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.