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Releases: PSAppDeployToolkit/PSAppDeployToolkit

PowerShell App Deployment Toolkit 3.6.3

29 Apr 22:10
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Lots of fixes and improvements! :)

  • Added an informational tooltip to the 'Continue' button on the close apps screen to make it clear that it can only be used after closing the listed applications
  • Added -PendingStatusWait as a configurable option to functions Start-ServiceAndDependencies and Stop-ServiceAndDependencies
  • Added translations for following languages to config XML: Arabic, Hebrew, Korean, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Chinese (Traditional), Chinese (Simplified)
  • Fixed issue with Get-ScheduledTask not working properly with non-English languages
  • Fixed issue with Write-Log throwing error on Windows 7 when discovering script source under certain conditions
  • Fixed issue with Get-RunningProcesses on Windows 7 where the custom object did not return ProcessDescription property unless -PassThru option was used
  • Fixed issue with the creation of the blocked apps cleanup scheduled task to avoid 259 character limit for the 'Command' property
  • Fixed issue where a file remnant from an old version of the toolkit caused failure in ability to copy toolkit to temporary folder defined in config XML
  • Fixed issue with Set-ActiveSetup where StubExePath was a manadatory parameter when purging active setup entry
  • Fixed issue in config XML where two letter ISO language code for Norwegian was defined as NB instead of NO
  • Fixed issue in Write-Log where hashtable is storing $LogfilePath instead of $LogFileName for LogfileName property when archiving logs
  • Changed icon for Deploy-Application.exe
  • Improved Get-LoggedOnUser by increasing performance. Added IsActiveUserSession and IsRdpSession properties.
  • Improved documentation

PowerShell App Deployment Toolkit 3.6.2

14 Apr 11:28
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We have moved to a new homepage! You can now find us as

Note that the CodePlex discussion forums will remain in place for historical purposes only (as we couldn't migrate them). Additionally, we urge all toolkit extension authors to post their extensions in the new forums. Thank you! :)

There are a number of important bugfixes in 3.6.2:

  • Improved capture of error details in function Invoke-HKCURegistrySettingsForAllUsers when a user profile fails to load
  • Improved internal function Test-MsiExecMutex: renamed function to Test-IsMutexAvailable, added parameters to allow checking for any named mutex, improved error trapping and messages
  • Improved Get-LoggedOnUser by increasing performance (should be much faster now)
  • Improved Show-WelcomePrompt by adding horizontal scrollbar for listbox items that are longer then the window
  • Changed toolkit so that all custom C# code is now in a separate file called "AppDeployToolkitMain.cs" which gets compiled once after functions are declared
  • Added an alias called 'Text' for the -Message parameter in Write-Log for backwards compatibility
  • Fixed issue with retrieving the active logged in user's system DPI scale factor because of typo in registry key
  • Fixed issue with malformed log entries being inserted into log file when dot sourcing scriptblock to retrieve logged in user session details
  • Fixed issue in Remove-MSIApplications where 'Path' key could be added to hash table more than once
  • Fixed issue with detecting a logged in user's locale
  • Fixed issue in Get-RunningProcesses where a regex match would detect processes that partially matched the name of the process being searched for
  • Fixed issue in Get-RunningProcesses and Show-InstallationWelcome where a specified custom process description was ignored
  • Fixed issue where Deploy-Application.ps1 script version would be set to toolkit version if it was not specified