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Cyber resilience

Pradyumna Joshi edited this page Sep 13, 2021 · 1 revision

CyberSecurity trends

At present, the three dominant topics in cybersecurity are: visibility, resilience and automation

In the view of recent cyber attacks on many organization, it is imperative for the organizations to take a proactive stance on cybersecurity and formulate a cyber stratergy.


Awareness is key to controlling and protecting your important assets irrespective of users/devices/appliances in the network. Networks are not linear and often, you need to integrate many technologies and processes to get clear and complete picture.

Everyday attackers are launching attacks that affect infrastructure, network appliances/devices and applications and new vulnerabilities in different applications are discovered by security researchers. How often attacks are succedding in the organization? How long does it take for you to discover them?

Building resilience

Attacks are happening day-in day-out and you need to have mechanisms in place to recover from them quickly. Cyber security focuses on defense of IT infrastructure, defining and maintaining user access roles and identifying and identifying/isolating threat areas - the main goal being protection of systems, network and data. The main goal of cyber resiliency is business continuity inspite of risks existing in the enterprise including the human factors.

Maintaining organization's ability to deliver intended outcome is the shared goal for all areas of organization domains. For this, establish required processes by having a dialog with management and deploy tool/techniques/methods to establish resilience in IT environment.

If you combine visibility and resilience metrics using automation, your capabilities to thwart cyber attacks is increased by many folds. Of course, achiving full automation is not simple and there are lot of pain points.

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