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This is a plugin for Koha that allows you to make queries to the CLA Check Permissions service for biblios within your catalogue

Getting Started

Download this plugin by downloading the latest release .kpz file from the releases page.

The plugin system needs to be turned on by a system administrator.

To set up the Koha plugin system you must first make some changes to your install.

Change <enable_plugins>0<enable_plugins> to <enable_plugins>1</enable_plugins> in your koha-conf.xml file Confirm that the path to <pluginsdir> exists, is correct, and is writable by the web server. Restart your webserver. Once set up is complete you will need to alter your UseKohaPlugins system preference. Finally, on the "Koha Administration" page you will see the "Manage Plugins" option, select this to access the Plugins page.


Once your Koha has plugins turned on, as detailed above, installing the plugin is then a case of selecting the "Upload plugin" button on the Plugins page and navigating to the .kpz file you downloaded


The plugin requires configuration prior to usage. To configure the plugin, select the "Actions" button listed by the plugin in the "Plugins" page, then select "Configure". On the configure page, you are required to supply your Check Permissions API key, this can be obtained by registering on the CLA website and subscribing to the API (this is free). Once you have your key, enter it in the "API Key" field. Also, select which licence most applies to your institution, then click "Save configuration"


Once installed, the plugin can be used by navigating to a biblio in your catalogue, on the "Normal" tab, you will see a "CLA Check Permissions" button. This will take you to the CLA Check Permissions page, a request will be made to the API, when the request completes, a modal will be displayed containing the results of the query.


It is also possible to integrate Koha and DCS in the opposite direction. The CLA are able to integrate your catalogue into the DCS interface, details of how to do this can be found here

Ensure that the users you wish to use the CLA Check Permissions have the entire block of "plugins" related permissions assigned. It is not sufficient to select the individual permissions, the "(plugins) Koha plugins" checkbox must also be selected.


  • Andrew Isherwood