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Ruby toolkit for the [go-server][go-server] API. Client code forked from octokit.rb [go-server]:

# Provide authentication credentials
Gocdkit.configure do |c|
  c.login = 'i_am_a_go_user'
  c.password = 'continuous_delivery_R0X'

# Fetch all pipelines


# Provide authentication credentials
client = => 'i_am_a_go_user', :password => 'continuous_delivery_R0X')
# Fetch all pipelines

Accessing HTTP responses

While most methods return a Resource object, sometimes you may need access to the raw HTTP response headers. You can access the last HTTP response with Client#last_response:

config      = Gocdkit.config
response    = Gocdkit.last_response
# TODO finish example


Basic Http Auth

client = \
  :login    => 'i_am_a_go_user',
  :password => 'continuous_delivery_R0X'

user = client.user
# => "i_am_a_go_user"

Using a .netrc file

Gocdkit supports reading credentials from a netrc file (defaulting to ~/.netrc). Given these lines in your netrc:

machine my.go.server
  login i_am_a_go_user
  password continuous_delivery_R0X

You can now create a client with those credentials:

client = => true)
# => "i_am_a_go_user"

Configuration and defaults

While Gocdkit::Client accepts a range of options when creating a new client instance, Gocdkit's configuration API allows you to set your configuration options at the module level. This is particularly handy if you're creating a number of client instances based on some shared defaults.

Configuring module defaults

Every writable attribute in {Gocdkit::Configurable} can be set one at a time:

Gocdkit.api_endpoint = 'http://my.go.server/go/api'
Gocdkit.web_endpoint = 'http://my.go.server/go'

or in batch:

Gocdkit.configure do |c|
  c.api_endpoint = 'http://my.go.server/go/api'
  c.web_endpoint = 'http://my.go.server/go'

Using ENV variables

Default configuration values are specified in {Gocdkit::Default}. Many attributes will look for a default value from the ENV before returning Gocdkit's default.

# Given $GOCDKIT_API_ENDPOINT is "http://my.go.server/go/api"

# => "http://my.go.server/go/api"

Deprecation warnings and API endpoints in development preview warnings are printed to STDOUT by default, these can be disabled by setting the ENV GOCDKIT_SILENT=true.

Advanced usage

Since Gocdkit employs [Faraday][faraday] under the hood, some behavior can be extended via middleware.


Often, it helps to know what Gocdkit is doing under the hood. You can add a logger to the middleware that enables you to peek into the underlying HTTP traffic:

stack = do |builder|
  builder.response :logger
  builder.use Gocdkit::Response::RaiseError
  builder.adapter Faraday.default_adapter
Gocdkit.middleware = stack
Gocdkit.user 'oh_nooo'

See the [Faraday README][faraday] for more middleware magic.

Hacking on Gocdkit.rb

If you want to hack on Gocdkit locally, we try to make [bootstrapping the project][bootstrapping] as painless as possible. To start hacking, clone and run:


This will install project dependencies and get you up and running. If you want to run a Ruby console to poke on Gocdkit, you can crank one up with:


Using the scripts in ./scripts instead of bundle exec rspec, bundle console, etc. ensures your dependencies are up-to-date.

Running and writing new tests

Gocdkit uses [VCR][] for recording and playing back API fixtures during test runs. These cassettes (fixtures) are part of the Git project in the spec/cassettes folder. If you're not recording new cassettes you can run the specs with existing cassettes with:


Gocdkit uses environmental variables for storing credentials used in testing. If you are testing an API endpoint that doesn't require authentication, you can get away without any additional configuration. Here is the full list of configurable environmental variables for testing Gocdkit:

ENV Variable Description
GOCDKIT_TEST_LOGIN GitHub login name (preferably one created specifically for testing against).
GOCDKIT_TEST_PASSWORD Password for the test GitHub login.

Supported Ruby Versions

This library was tested against the following Ruby implementations:

  • Ruby 2.1.4


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