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pcomans edited this page Oct 21, 2011 · 2 revisions

You can write your own filters for bio-assign and bio-split. Filters are written in YAML but you don't have to know the entire YAML syntax to write them. Here's what an example filter looks like:

# Filter file for PhyTA 0.9
- Bacteria
- Archaea
- Viridiplantae
- Rhodophyta
- Glaucocystophyceae
- Alveolata
- Cryptophyta
- stramenopiles
- Amoebozoa
- Apusozoa
- Euglenozoa
- Fornicata
- Haptophyceae
- Heterolobosea
- Jakobida
- Katablepharidophyta
- Malawimonadidae
- Nucleariidae
- Oxymonadida
- Parabasalia
- Rhizaria
- unclassified eukaryotes
- Fungi
- Metazoa
- Choanoflagellida
- Opisthokonta incertae sedis
- Viruses

Easy, huh? The line starting with a # is a comment and is entirely optional. Just copy the text above into a new plain text file and modify it to your liking. Just make sure to copy the line with the three dashes over as well.

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