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213 lines (195 loc) · 10.9 KB

File metadata and controls

213 lines (195 loc) · 10.9 KB

compiling native comp from source

First download the code (could git clone or src tarball from

in that directory run

Then run a command like this:

./configure PKG_CONFIG_PATH='/path/to/individual/pkgconfig:/path/to/another/pkgconfig' CPPFLAGS='-I/path/to/pkg/include' LDFLAGS='-O3 -L/path/to/package/lib' CFLAGS='-O3 -march=native' --prefix /path/to/install_dir --with-gif=ifavailable --with-tiff=ifavailable --with-gnutls=yes --with-json=yes --with-nativecomp=yes --with-mailutils --with-dbus=yes --with-x-toolkit=lucid

followed by ==make -j8== and ==make install==

Then commands like these can be helpful to force native compilation and regular byte compilation of stuff


helm and marginalia

(use-package marginalia
  :ensure t

debug-on-entry reveals helm-completing-read-default-1 is getting called as a result of this bit:

emacs style makes marginalia work for helpful but issue is that it is very slow

(setq helm-completion-style 'helm)
(setq completion-styles '(basic partial-completion emacs22))

;(setq helm-completion-style 'emacs)
;(setq completion-styles '(flex))

for M-x and find-file not yet but in the case of M-x this seems variable is neat: helm-M-x-show-short-doc can toggle with C-]


use ((nil . ((buffer-read-only . t)))) per this stack exchange to open in read-only for reference sub-directories

custom info manuals

per this blogpost from this reddit post the snippet (add-to-list 'Info-additional-directory-list "/path/to/your/texinfo") can go along with use-package info to point to a custom make texinfo manual from something using sphinx documentation remember after the .info file gets created to add a file called dir which can be copied from one of the emacs packages with an info manual like magit

cd ~/development
git clone
cd cpython/Doc
make venv # if you dont have sphinx-build and friends
make texinfo
(cd build/texinfo && make)
mkdir -p ~/.texinfo/python
rsync -avz build/texinfo/* ~/.texinfo/python/
cp ~/.emacs.d/elpa/magit-20230215.1054/dir ~/.texinfo/python/ # and rename it

org settings for a good research notebook

#+TITLE: some title
#+PROPERTY: header-args:R :session *R:topic:* :eval never-export :exports code
#+PROPERTY: header-args:python :session *Python[topic]* :eval never-export :exports code
#+OPTIONS: num:nil
#+OPTIONS: ^:nil
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil
#+OPTIONS: tex:imagemagick
#+EXCLUDE_TAGS: noexport

emacs reference configs

a compiled list:

declare -A repos=(

pushd ~/development/emacsRefCfgs &> /dev/null
for url in "${!repos[@]}"; do

    if [ ! -d "$name" ]; then
        echo "$name missing, cloning!"
        git clone $url $name
bash ~/scripts/
(cd ~/development/emacsRefCfgs && for d in *; do pushd $d ; git reset --hard HEAD; git pull --rebase --autostash; popd; done)
(cd ~/development/emacsRefCfgs && for d in *; do cd $d; echo "UPDATES FOR $d"; git --no-pager log --pretty=format:"%h%x09%an%x09%ad%x09%s" --since="2 weeks ago" --no-merges -10; cd -; done)


how arch builds emacs

system-configuration-options variable, arch one is: “–prefix=/usr –sysconfdir=/etc –libexecdir=/usr/lib –localstatedir=/var –with-x-toolkit=gtk3 –with-xft –with-wide-int –with-modules –with-cairo –with-harfbuzz ‘CFLAGS=-march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fno-plt’ CPPFLAGS=-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 LDFLAGS=-Wl,-O1,–sort-common,–as-needed,-z,relro,-z,now”

random tips

M-x apropos-user-option then a package name to see all the configurable variables

emacs 29 prep

look into treesit-auto package



byte recompiling everything refs:

(byte-recompile-directory package-user-dir nil 'force)

some fixes for mid may 2023 update

to fix the org error message: the answer with 4 steps worked

for doom-modeline just wait for this commit to get to melpa: or add the quote yourself after it updates

then for orgit error with emacsql can delete emacsql old package and reinstall a fresh one as well as do the same for closql after that is done you may get this warning but all should be ok at least (it will build it) - but also very easy to just install sqlite3 package (likely libsqlite3 already installed pacman -Ss libsqlite3)

Warning (emacsql): Since your Emacs does not come with built-in SQLite support [1], but does support C modules, the best EmacSQL backend is provided by the third-party `sqlite3’ package [2].

Please install the `sqlite3’ Elisp package using your preferred Emacs package manager, and install the SQLite shared library using your distribution’s package manager. That package should be named something like `libsqlite3’ [3] and NOT just `sqlite3’.

In the current Emacs instance the legacy backend is used, which uses a custom SQLite executable. Using an external process like that is less reliable and less performant, and in a few releases support for that might be removed.