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The Fast Sequentially Markovian Coalescent (FastSMC) algorithm is an extension to the ASMC algorithm, adding an identification step by hashing (currently using an improved version of the GERMLINE algorithm). FastSMC is an accurate method to detect Identical-By-Descent segments which enables estimating the time to most recent common ancestor for IBD individuals, and provides an estimate of uncertainty for detected IBD regions.

This document is not intended as an extensive guide, a more detailed user manual is under development, data and annotations from the FastSMC paper can be found here.


FastSMC is regularly built and tested on Ubuntu and macOS. It is a C++ library with optional Python bindings.

The FastSMC C++ library requires:

  • A C++ compiler (C++17 or later)
  • CMake (3.15 or later)
  • Boost (1.62 or later)
  • Eigen (3.3.4 or later)
  • {fmt}
  • OpenMP
  • zlib

Building the optional Python bindings additionally requires:

  • Python (3.6 or later) with development files
  • PyBind11 (distributed with this repository as a submodule)

Install dependencies

Ubuntu (using the package manager)

sudo apt install g++ cmake libboost-all-dev libeigen3-dev

macOS (using homebrew and assuming Xcode is installed)

brew install cmake boost eigen

Getting and compiling FastSMC

C++ library and executable

First, get the code.

For code users

git clone --recurse-submodules
cd FastSMC

For code developers

git clone --recurse-submodules
cd FastSMC_dev

Then, build the library and executable

cmake ..
cmake --build .

Note: you can locate the build directory outside the FastSMC directory if you wish: just run cmake /path/to/FastSMC from any directory you like.

C++ library and Python bindings

First, get the code.

For code users

git clone --recurse-submodules
cd FastSMC

For code developers

git clone --recurse-submodules
cd FastSMC_dev

Then, build the library and executable

pip install .

Note: the --recurse-submodules is important as PyBind11 is distributed as a submodule. You will not get PyBind11 if you download the zip archive from GitHub.

Decoding Quantities

To generate decoding quantities, several additional requirements are required.

Ubuntu (using the package manager)

sudo apt install libgmp-dev libmpfr-dev libgsl0-dev default-jdk jblas

macOS (using homebrew and assuming cask is installed)

brew install mpfr gmp gsl
brew cask install java

Install python dependencies

pip install cython numpy
pip install -r TOOLS/PREPARE_DECODING/requirements.txt

Basic functionality for generating decoding quantities can be seen in:


Running FastSMC

You can run FastSMC as a C++ compiled executable or using Python (see below for examples).

Detailed command line options

See ASMC's documentation for parameters related to the validation step. Additional parameters related to the identification step are listed below. Note: default parameter values are likely to change in future versions.

  --inFileRoot                	Prefix of input files (.hap, .samples, .map).
  --decodingQuantFile         	Decoding quantities file.
  --outFileRoot               	Prefix of output file.
  --hashing                  	Use of hashing to pre-process IBD segments. If off, no identification step will be performed.
                              	[default 1/on]
  --min_m arg (=1)		Minimum match length (in cM).
				[default = 1.0]
  --time arg (=100)		Time threshold to define IBD in number of generations.
				[default = 100]
  --skip arg (=0)		Skip words with (seeds/samples) less than this value
				[default 0.0]
  --min_maf arg (=0)		Minimum minor allele frequency
				[default 0.0]
  --gap arg (=1)		Allowed gaps
                                [default 1]
  --max_seeds arg (=0)		Dynamic hash seed cutoff
				[default 0/off]
  --recall arg (=3)		Recall level from 0 to 3 (higher value means higher recall).
				[default = 3]
  --segmentLength		Output length in centimorgans of each IBD segment.
				[default 1/on]
  --perPairMAP			Output MAP age estimate for each IBD segment.
				[default 1/on]
  --perPairPosteriorMeans	Output posterior mean age estimate for each IBD segment.
				[default 1/on]
  --noConditionalAgeEstimates	Do not condition the age estimates on the TMRCA being between present time and t generations ago
				(where t is the time threshold).
				[default 0/off]
  --bin				Binary output
				[default off]
  --batchSize			Size of batches to be decoded.
				[default = 32]

Suggested optimal parameters for IBD detection within the past 25, 50, 100, 150 and 200 generations are provided in the FastSMC paper.

Input file formats

Input files are provided to FastSMC with the --inFileRoot option. You may want to look at files in FILES/FASTSMC_EXAMPLE/* for examples of the file formats described below.

Phased haplotypes in Oxford haps/sample format (.hap/.hap.gz, .samples)

These files are provided in input to FastSMC. The file format explained here. These files are output by phasing programs like Eagle and Shapeit.

Genetic map (.map)

The genetic map file needs to provide physical positions (in base pairs) and genetic positions (in centimorgans). FastSMC expects a tab separated file containing at least 3 columns, with physical positions in the first column and genetic positions in the third column. The second column may contain any values. The file may be optionally compressed using gzip.

Decoding quantities (.decodingQuantities.gz)

See the instructions above to generate decoding quantities files and the ASMC manual here for more details.

Output format

FastSMC generates an .ibd.gz (or .bibd.gz if binary output) file in the specified location. Each line corresponds to a pairwise shared segment, with the following fields:

0. First individual's family identifier
1. First individual identifier
2. First individual haplotype identifier (1 or 2)
3. Second individual's family identifier
4. Second individual identifier
5. Second individual haplotype identifier (1 or 2)
6. Chromosome number
7. Starting position of the IBD segment (inclusive)
8. Ending position of the IBD segment (inclusive)
9. (optional) Length in centimorgans of IBD segment
10. IBD score
11. (optional) Average mean posterior age estimate of the IBD segment
12. (optional) Average MAP age estimate of the IBD segment

Binary output

If you use the --bin option, FastSMC will generate a compressed binary (.bib.gz) output. This can be then converted to text format using the BinaryDataReader class in Python (see notebooks for an example) and using the convertBinary executable in C++ (see the C++ example below).

Examples using the Python bindings (Python)

FastSMC can also be run using Python. See the notebooks directory for an example. There are two Jupyter notebooks:

  • a minimal working example, where sensible defaults for parameters are chosen automatically
  • a more detailed example that demonstrates how to customise parameters, how to convert the binary file to text format, and how to analyse the output if it is too large to fit in memory.

Example using the compiled FastSMC executable (C++)

Following the compilation instructions above will create an executable


which can be used by providing command line arguments summarised above. For an example of IBD detection within the past 50 generations, please run the following command line:

sh cpp_example/

To parallelise this run over 4 independent jobs, you can run the following command line instead:

sh cpp_example/

This example will run multiple jobs in different threads on the same machine. If you are running FastSMC on a cluster then it may be more appropriate to instead use the job scheduler such as qsub.

A binary output file will be generated and then converted to text format using the convertBinary executable. The first 10 lines will be printed.

Either way of running FastSMC (Python bindings or C++) will run it on a simulated dataset as described in the FastSMC paper. An output file with IBD segments will be generated (in notebooks/ or c++_example/ respectively), and run time should be less than 4s.

Relationship to ASMC

The Ascertained Sequentially Markovian Coalescent is a method to efficiently estimate pairwise coalescence time along the genome. It can be run using SNP array or whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data.

FastSMC builds on ASMC, and this repository can be used to run ASMC analysis. A user manual can be found here and data and annotations from the ASMC paper can be found here.


ASMC and FastSMC are distributed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 (GPLv3). For any questions or comments on ASMC, please contact Pier Palamara using <lastname>


If you use this software, please cite the appropriate reference(s) below.

The ASMC algorithm and software were developed in

  • P. Palamara, J. Terhorst, Y. Song, A. Price. High-throughput inference of pairwise coalescence times identifies signals of selection and enriched disease heritability. Nature Genetics, 2018.

The FastSMC algorithm and software were developed in

  • J. Nait Saada, G. Kalantzis, D. Shyr, F. Cooper, M. Robinson, A. Gusev, P. F. Palamara. Identity-by-descent detection across 487,409 British samples reveals fine-scale evolutionary history and trait associations. Nature Communications, in press.