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Releases: Palindrom/JSON-Patch-Queue

ES6 Module

06 Aug 11:32
Choose a tag to compare
ES6 Module Pre-release

Make target object per instance

16 Oct 10:53
Choose a tag to compare

Even though JSON-Patch-Queue always needed to be instantiated by its constructor, it used to act a bit like a collection of static methods, that's why it needed the target object obj to be passed to every receive and reset call (eg: receive(obj, patch)).

From 3.x, JSON-Patch-Queue is more like a class that you need to instantiate with all your details including the target object. And then operate with those passed details. This means you no longer need to pass the target object with every API call, calling receive(patch) and reset(newState) is sufficient.

CommonJS, ES6, and TS includes support

09 Mar 17:06
Choose a tag to compare

Now you can install JSON-Patch-Queue from NPM as in:

npm install json-patch-queue

Usage examples:

<script src='dist/json-patch-queue-synchronous.min.js'></script>


<script src='dist/json-patch-queue.min.js'></script>

in Node's CommonJS

var JSONPatchQueue = require('json-patch-queue').JSONPatchQueue;


var JSONPatchQueue = require('json-patch-queue').JSONPatchQueueSynchronous;

in Node's TS and ES6

import { JSONPatchQueue } from 'json-patch-queue';


import { JSONPatchQueueSynchronous } from 'json-patch-queue';