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GuacChain is a blockchain proof of concept (PoC) created by Danny Pan. This application highlights blockchain's ability to show food provenance through tracking avocados from regional farmer aggregation to purchase at a supermarket or consumption at a restaurant.

Directory Structure

GuacChain is built using a micro service architecture with each individual folder from root representing it's own application. Here is a description of each folder and a link to their respective README.

  • blockchain - smart contract that represent the GuacChain DApp
  • user - user service that manage user credentialing and wallets


The application requires these tools, libraries, and applications to installed or running with target versions as necessary:

  • Node.js (version 8.9.4 or greater)
  • Docker
  • Ethereum RPC Client (Ganache, Quorum, Geth)
  • PostgreSQL

Running the application locally

  1. Install all the dependencies listed above
  2. Start an instance of ganache
# Install ganache-cli globally if it is not on the system
npm install -g ganache-cli

# Run ganache in a separate shell window. directory does not matter
  1. Build and deploy blockchain contracts
# Navigate to blockchain directory
cd blockchain

# Install all NPM dependencies
npm install

# Compile smart contracts
npx truffle compile

# Deploy smart contracts to local ganache test rpc instance
npx truffle migrate
  1. Configure TypeORM configuration files (.ormconfig) with DB information in these services

    • user
  2. Use Docker to deploy remaining smart contracts (Make sure Docker daemon is running)

# build and micro services with docker-compose
docker-compose up
  1. Refer to the docker-compose.yml file for each service's port


Blockchain application to track avocado sourcing







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