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vjt committed Jul 20, 2010
1 parent 51feab1 commit f48a68f
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Showing 2 changed files with 126 additions and 1 deletion.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion README

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126 changes: 126 additions & 0 deletions
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ReCaptcha for Rails - With AJAX Validation


This plugin implements view helpers to generate ReCaptcha code,
to interface with the HTTP API for captcha verification, a DSL
to generate a `before_filter` and the necessary hacky code to
implement AJAX captcha validation.


For AJAX validation, a request to ReCaptcha HTTP server must be
made in order to verify the user input, but captchas can be
checked only once.

The plugin thus, in case of a successful verification, uses
`Rails.cache` to cache the result and then the before filter
checks the cache without issuing a second request to the
ReCaptcha HTTP service.


script/plugin install git://

Gems will follow soon, hopefully after the July 22nd Ruby Social Club in Milan.


In your config/environment.rb:

:private_key => 'your private key',
:public_key => 'your public key

In your controller, say, the `UsersController` for a signup action:

require_valid_captcha :only => :create

def invalid_captcha
@user = params[:user]
@user.errors.add_to_base('Captcha failed')

render :new, :layout => 'login'

The `invalid_captcha` method is called by the plugin when captcha
verification fails, and *must* be overwritten or a `NotImplementedError`
exception will be thrown.

In your view:

<%= recaptcha :label => 'Are you human?', :theme => 'clean' %>

You can pass any `RecaptchaOptions` valid option, as stated by the
service documentation. The only nonstandard option `:label` is used
by the plugin to print a label before the captcha widget.

AJAX Validation

To cache the results of a successful captcha verification, a cache
key is needed: this is generated by a `proc` passed to the `:ajax`
option of the `require_valid_captcha` controller method. E.g.:

require_valid_captcha :only => :create, :ajax => proc { params[:email] }

This will use the user submitted e-mail as a cache key. When the
form is validated via AJAX, the eventual successful result will
be cached; when the form is submitted, the result will be fetched
from the cache and the signup will continue.

On Panmind we use our `jquery.ajax-validation` plugin, that you
can download from and
the Javascript code located in the `js/signup-sample.js` file.

On the backend, an example checker that returns different HTTP
status code follows:

def signup_checker
if params[:email].blank?
render :nothing => true, :status => :bad_request and return

email = CGI.unescape(params[:email])

# more thorough checks on email should go here

if User.exists?(['email = ?', email])
render :nothing => true, :status => :not_acceptable and return

unless valid_captcha?
invalid_captcha and return

render :nothing => true, :status => :ok

Moreover, the client Javascript code should be informed via an
HTTP status when validation fails, thus the `invalid_captcha`
must contain a special `render` when the request comes from XHR:

def invalid_captcha
render :nothing => true, :status => 412 and return true if request.xhr?
# Same invalid_captcha code as above


The `:ajax` option is clumsy, and should not require the user to pass
a proc with semantics that are closely tied to the method that requires
captcha verification.

Maybe the `authenticity_token` is a good fit for a validation cache key?

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