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Repository files navigation

This is the future PantherHackers website.

Currently the site is planned to be pure rails on both front and back.

A list of features our MVP will include are:

-Log in/account system for administrators to make changes and submit blog posts.

+Account authentication is going to be handled via the devise gem

+Profile models willl be associated 1 to 1 with the devise users

+admin will just be a bool on the profile or user model

-Blog system

+The editing/making of blog posts will be accept markup handled on the backend via the gem redcarpet

+Blogs will be indexed on the homepage with a fade/stubbed out version available

+Editing system for ADMINS ONLY

-Hackathon list

+Hackathons will be scraped from the MLH website currently, however we are in the process of getting access to thier API

+Will index all of the upcoming hackathons and have a marker for whether or not we plan on attending that hackathon AS pantherhackers. The whole div will be a link to that hackathon's site

-Event list

+Events will be pulled from various sources and listed out chronologically

+Will be editable by admins (deletable and updateable)

In panther hackers and want to contribute? Have a suggestion for another feature?

Contact us via email: or our slack channel: