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Discord bot made with discord.js lib, makes usage of the following API's


This is a personal bot, which is used in my private discord channel. List of commands:

  • kick -> kicks a person
  • setprefix -> changes the bot his prefix
  • pm -> send a private message to another player
  • complain -> complains for you
  • dogo -> gives you a random picture of a dogo
  • emojiconvert -> converts your sentence into an emoji sentence
  • memes -> gives you a given amount popular meme templates, usage !memes 5
  • pls -> Use to add pictures to the database, usage pls create or pls size
  • say -> lets the bot speak for you
  • vakantiesquad -> mensen toevoegen aan de vakantiesquad
  • botinfo -> gives information about this bot.
  • commands -> List all the commands
  • gameinfo -> gives you some info about the player ingame data.
  • getrank -> finds the rank of a person for you.
  • askrobin -> kan je vragen stellen aan mij :)
  • coinflip -> flips a coin for you.
  • addresponse -> Create a custom response.
  • responses -> Lists all the current responses in the server. The bot will react whenever he sees the occurence of the word you entered.


Second create a config.json in the main folder and make it look like this When complain is set true, the bot will say random words if you don't give him attention.

  "bot_activity": "The action the bot is doing",
  "token": "discord_token",   
  "general_id": "discord_id_general_channel",
  "prefix": "prefix_you_want_to_use",
  "league_token": "league_of_legends_api_key",
  "dog_API_url": "",
  "complain" : true ,
  "admin_ids": ["put user ids here who he can't modify"]

after that use . Use npm install to install al the modules, than use node index.js to launch the bot.


A discord bot made with DiscordJs






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