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added Example for use of not default Wire interface
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smkkHw committed Jan 3, 2018
1 parent b9cf19b commit 762f1c9
Showing 1 changed file with 215 additions and 0 deletions.
215 changes: 215 additions & 0 deletions examples/eepromTest_Wire1/eepromTest_Wire1.ino
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
//Test extEEPROM library.
//Writes the EEPROM full of 32-bit integers and reads them back to verify.
//Wire a button from digital pin 6 to ground, this is used as a start button
//so the sketch doesn't do unnecessary EEPROM writes every time it's reset.
//Jack Christensen 09Jul2014
//Paolo Paolucci 17Mar2016 (fix 28Jun2017)
//Mik 03Jan2017 (configured Library to use the Wire1 as I2C channel)

#include <extEEPROM.h> //

//One 24LC256 EEPROMs on the bus
const uint32_t totalKBytes = 32; //for read and write test functions
extEEPROM eep(kbits_256, 1, 64, 0x57); //device size, number of devices, page size

const uint8_t btnStart = 6; //start button

void setup(void)
uint8_t eepStatus;
pinMode(btnStart, INPUT_PULLUP);
while (!SerialUSB) {}

boolean channelInsert = false;
Serial.println(F("Select the number of Wire channel use the eeprom"));
Serial.println(F("0 = Wire"));
Serial.println(F("1 = Wire1"));
Serial.println(F("x = WIRE_INTERFACES_COUNT"));

do {
if (Serial.available()) {
char I2Cchannel =;

// only number that are less than WIRE_INTERFACES_COUNT are allowed
if ((I2Cchannel > '0') && (I2Cchannel < ('0' + WIRE_INTERFACES_COUNT))) {
channelInsert = true;

switch ((I2Cchannel - '0')) {

case 0:
Serial.println(F("Using the default Wire interface"));
eepStatus = eep.begin(eep.twiClock400kHz); //go fast!

case 1:
Serial.println(F("Using the Wire1 interface"));
eepStatus = eep.begin(eep.twiClock400kHz, &Wire1); //go fast!

Uncomment till the number of WIRE_INTERFACES_COUNT of your Arduino board
case 2:
Serial.println(F("Using the Wire2 interface"));
eepStatus = eep.begin(eep.twiClock400kHz, &Wire2); //go fast!
case 3:
Serial.println(F("Using the Wire3 interface"));
eepStatus = eep.begin(eep.twiClock400kHz, &Wire3); //go fast!
case 4:
Serial.println(F("Using the Wire4 interface"));
eepStatus = eep.begin(eep.twiClock400kHz, &Wire4); //go fast!
case 5:
Serial.println(F("Using the Wire5 interface"));
eepStatus = eep.begin(eep.twiClock400kHz, &Wire5); //go fast!

Serial.println(F("A wrong channel has been inserted (Arduino manage max 5)"));
} while (!channelInsert);

if (eepStatus) {
Serial.print(F("extEEPROM.begin() failed, status = "));
while (1);

Serial.println(F("Started !!"));

uint8_t chunkSize = 64; //this can be changed, but must be a multiple of 4 since we're writing 32-bit integers
// eeErase(chunkSize, 0, totalKBytes * 1024 - 1);

dump(0, 32); //the first 32 bytes
dump(32256, 64); //the last 64 bytes
//dump(32512, 64); //across the device boundary
//dump(65520, 16); //the last 16 bytes

void loop(void)

//write test data (32-bit integers) to eeprom, "chunk" bytes at a time
void eeWrite(uint8_t chunk)
chunk &= 0xFC; //force chunk to be a multiple of 4
uint8_t data[chunk];
uint32_t val = 0;
uint32_t msStart = millis();

for (uint32_t addr = 0; addr < totalKBytes * 1024; addr += chunk) {
if ( (addr & 0xFFF) == 0 ) Serial.println(addr);
for (uint8_t c = 0; c < chunk; c += 4) {
data[c + 0] = val >> 24;
data[c + 1] = val >> 16;
data[c + 2] = val >> 8;
data[c + 3] = val;
eep.write(addr, data, chunk);
uint32_t msLapse = millis() - msStart;
Serial.print(F("Write lapse: ")); Serial.print(msLapse); Serial.println(F(" ms"));

//read test data (32-bit integers) from eeprom, "chunk" bytes at a time
void eeRead(uint8_t chunk)
chunk &= 0xFC; //force chunk to be a multiple of 4
uint8_t data[chunk];
uint32_t val = 0, testVal;
uint32_t msStart = millis();

for (uint32_t addr = 0; addr < totalKBytes * 1024; addr += chunk) {
if ( (addr & 0xFFF) == 0 ) Serial.println(addr);, data, chunk);
for (uint8_t c = 0; c < chunk; c += 4) {
testVal = ((uint32_t)data[c + 0] << 24) + ((uint32_t)data[c + 1] << 16) + ((uint32_t)data[c + 2] << 8) + (uint32_t)data[c + 3];
if (testVal != val)
Serial.print(F("Error @ addr "));
Serial.print(addr + c);
Serial.print(F(" Expected "));
Serial.print(F(" Read "));
Serial.print(F(" 0x"));
Serial.println(testVal, HEX);
uint32_t msLapse = millis() - msStart;
Serial.print(F("Last value: "));
Serial.print(F(" Read lapse: "));
Serial.println(F(" ms"));

//write 0xFF to eeprom, "chunk" bytes at a time
void eeErase(uint8_t chunk, uint32_t startAddr, uint32_t endAddr)
chunk &= 0xFC; //force chunk to be a multiple of 4
uint8_t data[chunk];
for (int i = 0; i < chunk; i++) data[i] = 0xFF;
uint32_t msStart = millis();

for (uint32_t a = startAddr; a <= endAddr; a += chunk) {
if ( (a & 0xFFF) == 0 ) Serial.println(a);
eep.write(a, data, chunk);
uint32_t msLapse = millis() - msStart;
Serial.print(F("Erase lapse: "));
Serial.print(F(" ms"));

//dump eeprom contents, 16 bytes at a time.
//always dumps a multiple of 16 bytes.
void dump(uint32_t startAddr, uint32_t nBytes)
Serial.print(F("EEPROM DUMP 0x"));
Serial.print(startAddr, HEX);
Serial.print(F(" 0x"));
Serial.print(nBytes, HEX);
Serial.print(F(" "));
Serial.print(F(" "));
uint32_t nRows = (nBytes + 15) >> 4;

uint8_t d[16];
for (uint32_t r = 0; r < nRows; r++) {
uint32_t a = startAddr + 16 * r;, d, 16);
if ( a < 16 * 16 * 16 ) Serial.print(F("0"));
if ( a < 16 * 16 ) Serial.print(F("0"));
if ( a < 16 ) Serial.print(F("0"));
Serial.print(a, HEX); Serial.print(F(" "));
for ( int c = 0; c < 16; c++ ) {
if ( d[c] < 16 ) {
Serial.print(d[c], HEX);
Serial.print( c == 7 ? " " : " ");

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