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Dylan Ryman edited this page Apr 17, 2014 · 3 revisions

Player Commands

/sg join (opens join menu)

/sg leave (leave an arena)

/sg vote <map number> (vote for map in lobby phase only)

/sg help <page number> (displays help for that page)

/bounty <player> <points> (opens the bounty menu)

/sponsor (opens the player sponsor menu)

/party invite (Invites a player to your party)

/party join (Joins the party you were invited to)

/party leave (Leaves your current party)

/party decline (Declines your current party invite)

/party list (Displays your current party members)

/party kick (Removes a player from your party)

/party promote (Promotes another player to party leader)

/party chat (Toggles whether or not to speak in party chat only)

Admin Commands

/sg admin (Opens admin actions menu)

/sg setkitselectionlocation (creates an endercrystal that users can click to select a kit)

/sg removekitselectionlocation (removes all endercrystals in a 20 block radius)

/tpx <world folder name> (teleports you to a SG imported world to allow you to edit it)

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