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Dylan Ryman edited this page Apr 17, 2014 · 3 revisions

Arenas are the containers for players as they fight on the maps, but they are just as important too! Arenas control the players, spectators, lobbies, map links, resetting maps, rollbacks, and other behind the scenes stuff.

When a player joins an arena, they are teleported to a lobby in the hub world, where they will wait until enough players have joined (past the min players, and below the max players, but we'll get to that later), voting will begin, and a two minute countdown will start. If you have the maps configured correctly, the arena should have 5 maps to choose from. Once the countdown is up, a map will be selected and linked to the arena, the players will be frozen on their spawn points for 10 seconds, and the game will start. Simple! Huh?

OK, now for the setup tutorial (my favorite part <3):

  1. First we will need to build a lobby in our hub world (away from the main SG lobby) for our arena. After you have an arena lobby, stand in it and issue the command:
/sg admin

And select the create arena option

As you can see, main spawn (left) example lobby (right): Us issuing the 'createlobby' command inside of out newly world-edited lobby.

  1. Set the min and max players using the command:
/sg admin

Selection manage arenas, selecting your new arena, selecting the set min players, and set max players options, and filling in the information.

Next, we can join our arena. This command brings up the join menu, which displays the running games, and the top 5 waiting lobbies with the most players. The arena won't start yet, as there is only one player, yet we set the min players to 2.

/sg join

  1. Once we have joined, we can vote for a map (there is only one set up at this time):
/sg vote <mapid>

  1. To polish off the lobby, you can add a kit selection method. Either an endercrystal, or a sign that starts with [SGKit]

Pro tip: To create an ender crystal, use /sg setkitselectionlocation

I will go over the arena configs in a later tutorial.

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