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Example parsers using the ParserKt library ❤️

Let's create a CSV parser from scratch! Create a Gradle project with Kotlin(JS/JVM/Multiplatform) first.

Dependency config for ParserKt

Import repository first:

repositories {
  maven { url "" }

ParserKt is a Kotlin-multiplatform library, you can use it in Kotlin JVM/JS project simply:

dependencies {
  implementation "com.github.parserkt.parserkt:parserkt-jvm:$pktVersion"
  //^ or parserkt-js for Kotlin/JS

  implemeentation "com.github.parserkt.parserkt:parserkt-ext-jvm:$pktVersion"
  //^ for org.parserkt.pat.ext.*

...for multiplatform projects

Since we are extracting the same part from more platforms, it's a little more complicated for using multiplatform library in multiplatform projects.

dependencies {
  commonMainImplementation "com.github.parserkt.parserkt:parserkt-metadata:$ver"
  //^ for Kotlin-multiplatform metadata
  commonMainImplementation "com.github.parserkt.parserkt:parserkt-util-metadata:$ver"
  commonMainImplementation "com.github.parserkt.parserkt:parserkt-ext-metadata:$ver"
  // NOTE: com.github.parserkt.parserkt:parserkt-ext without metadata is also available

  jvmMainImplementation "com.github.parserkt.parserkt:parserkt-jvm:$ver"
  jvmMainImplementation "com.github.parserkt.parserkt:parserkt-util-jvm:$ver"
  jvmMainImplementation "com.github.parserkt.parserkt:parserkt-ext-jvm:$ver"
  //... jsMainImplementation for nearly-the-same package coordinates

Too much boilerplate code! But you can also add enableFeaturePreview("GRADLE_METADATA") to root project's settings.gradle, then just add a single dependency:

dependencies {
  commonMainImplementation "com.github.parserkt:parserkt:$pktVersion"

NOTE: Gradle metadata is an experimental feature, using even future release of Gradle != 5.6.2 may fail.
If build configuration acts wrong with single-dependency, use old-style with forEach instead.

dependencies {
  ["", "-util", "-ext"].forEach {
    commonMainImplementation "com.github.parserkt.parserkt:parserkt$it-metadata:$pktVersion"
    jvmMainImplementation "com.github.parserkt.parserkt:parserkt$it-jvm:$pktVersion"
    jsMainImplementation "com.github.parserkt.parserkt:parserkt$it-js:$pktVersion"

Creating CSV parser

Creating infix calculator


ParserKt is about Feed<T> sequence input, and Pattern<IN, T> extracting data from input.

It can also perform a process called "rebuild" — re-structure input sequence back from parse result. for this reason, combinators e.g. Decide should use mergeFirst/discardFirst to retrieve caseNo back from output value.

interface Feed<out T> {
  val peek: T
  fun consume(): T //< throws End
  class End: NoSuchElementException("no more")

interface Pattern<IN, T> {
  fun read(s: Feed<IN>): T?
  fun show(s: Output<IN> /*(T) -> Unit*/, value: T?)

Sequential inputs are divied into subparts by sub-patterns. For matched inputs, will return de-structed value, otherwise it will return null (aka notParsed)

(some super-types are omitted for brevity)

See org.parserkt.pat, basic model is defined in PatternModel.kt

// == Patterns ==
// SURDIES (Seq, Until, Repeat, Decide) (item, elementIn, satisfy, StickyEnd) (always, never)
// CCDP (Convert, Contextual, Deferred, Piped)
// SJIT (SurroundBy, JoinBy) (InfixPattern, TriePattern)

// == Extensions ==
// ArrangeModel: Sized, Slice, Tuple
// FoldModel: Fold
// TextPreety: Preety
// InputLayer: Feed, Input, CharInput

// == With OnItem / Rescue ==
// CharInput.OnItem
// JoinBy.OnItem, JoinBy.Rescue
// InfixPattern.Rescue

// == Special Repeat ==
// Repeat.InBounds(bounds, greedy = true)
// Repeat.Many -- with support for OptionalPattern

// == Error Handling ==
// Input.addErrorList
// clam(messager), clamWhile(pat, defaultValue, messager)
// Pattern.toDefault(defaultValue), ConstantPattern.toDefault()

// == State ==
// AllFeed.withState, AllFeed.stateAs
// alsoDo -- Pattern, SatisfyPattern, SatisfyEqualTo

Detailed documents rest will be given by-example 😘

// import first if you want to tryout codes
import org.parserkt.*
import org.parserkt.util.*
import org.parserkt.pat.*
import org.parserkt.pat.complex.*
import org.parserkt.pat.ext.*

Atom pattern definition "IES"

"IES" means item, elementIn, satisfy and StickyEnd AtomIES.kt

val letter = elementIn('a'..'z', 'A'..'Z') or item('_')
val digit = elementIn('0'..'9')
val digitNZ = digit and !item('0')

val _3to4 = elementIn(3.0..4.0)
letter.test('a') //true'_') //_"9") //9"0") //notParsed //3.1415926
val white = elementIn(' ', '\t', '\n', '\r')
val dashPrefixed = satisfy<String>("dash prefixed") { it.startsWith("-") }
white //(' '|'\t'|'\n'|'\r')
white named "whitespace" //whitespace
dashPrefixed.test("-remove") //true

anyChar //anyChar
//^ EOF='\uFFFF', for rules supporting REPL
Seq(::CharTuple, item('a'), StickyEnd(EOF, 'e')).read(CharInput.STDIN)
//^ a<^D><^D> = (a, e)
// where ^=Key Control

StickyEnd means "value OK to peek but throwing Feed.End when consume", for instance, disambiguate octal-int-notation.

StickyEnd(pat_may_occur_again_in_peek, result_value_is_end, op_not_end = {notParsed})

for detailed designment about sticky end, see FeedModel.kt

If you don't run operation decide only by peek (and never consume), StickyEnd is not a problem

Combined pattern "SURD"

"SURD" means Seq, Until, Repeat, Decide CombSURD.kt

*Until, Repeat: They are FoldPattern, for multiply(repeating) reading, pair them for memorizing

absurd memorizing tricks~

For impreative program control flow, we have sequential-execution, branch condition, repeation. For pattern matching we have Seq, Decide, Repeat.

val _2char = Seq(::CharTuple, anyChar, anyChar)"a") //notParsed"ab") //(a, b)

val untilDash = Seq(::StringTuple, *item<Char>()/*=anyChar*/ until item('-'))"h") //notParsed"helloworld-") //(helloworld, -)

Operations on Tuple

See parserkt-util:ArrangementModel.kt for more operations

class Point: IntTuple(2) {
  var x by index(0)
  var y by index(1)
val int = Repeat(asInt(), LexicalBasics.digitFor('0'..'9'))
val point = SurroundBy(parens.toCharPat(), Seq(::Point, int suffix item(','), int))"(123,43)") //(123, 43) //Point

// Seq will NOT discard constant pattern items
// reason: not suitable for type system
// Typed tuples: Int,Long,Float,Double,Char,String are provided
tupleOf(::IntTuple, 1,2,3) //(1, 2, 3)
val (a,b) = tupleOf(::IntTuple, 1,2)

// Dynamic tuples: AnyTuple
val t = anyTupleOf("hello", 1)
t.getAs<Int>(1) //1

class Student: AnyTuple(2) {
  val name by indexAs<String>(0)
  var age by indexAs<Int>(1)
Student() //(null, null)
val john = tupleOf(::Student, "john", 17)
john.age++ //17
john //(john, 18)

Until and Repeat

Until: zero or more (also known as "many") item until terminate(could be tested with 1 char) is parsed

Remeber, ParserKt has no capacity for resetting input stream back

NOTE: Never use Until(terminate, fold pat) when Repeat(fold, !pat) is sufficient

object Ints: LexicalBasics() {
  val int = numInt
  val note = Until(int, asString(), white)
  val ints = Repeat(asList(), int suffix item(' '))
  //^ not a good approach
}"10 20 30 45 ") //[10, 20, 30, 45]
Ints.note.rebuild(" \t\n233 666 ")?.rawString() //" \t\n"
open class StringPart: LexicalBasics() {
  val escapes = mapOf('"' to '"', 'n' to '\n')
  val backslash = item('\\')
  val escape = MapPattern(escapes) prefix backslash

  val char = Decide(!(backslash or item('"')), escape).mergeFirst { if (it in escapes.values) 1 else 0 }
  val string = SurroundBy(clamly(dquotes), Repeat(asString(), char))

StringPart()"\"hello\\nworld\"") //"hello\nworld"

Inner class Repeat.InBounds(bounds, greedy = true) and Repeat.Many() are also avaliable. source

Use UntilUn, RepeatUn

Fold is a non-invertible operation (e.g. reading numbers by shifting), but providing an unfold operation back to Iterable<IN> will enable rebuilding for such fold-pattern

Default unfold operation for String and List (actually Iterable) are provided

// Improve: use LexicalBasics.digitFor & pat.ext.asInt()
val digit = Convert(elementIn('0'..'9'), { it-'0' }, { '0'+it })
val asInt = JoinFold(0) { this*10 + it }

val int = RepeatUn(asInt, digit) { i -> i.toString().map { it-'0' } }"2019") //2019 //Int //2019 //String

Wrapper pattern "CCDP"

"CCDP" means Convert, Contextual, Deferred, Piped WrapperCCDP.kt

pat/ext/MiscHelper.kt, and class ConvertAs source

fun digitFor(cs: CharRange, zero: Char = '0', pad: Int = 0): Convert<Char, Char, Int>
  = Convert(elementIn(cs), { (it - zero) +pad }, { zero + (it -pad) })
//^ a bit complicated

data class NameWrapper(override val v: String): ConvertAs.Box<String>
val name = Repeat(asString(), elementIn('a'..'z')) typed ::NameWrapper"nihao") //NameWrapper(v=nihao)
name.rebuild("nihao") //nihao

name.force<Char, NameWrapper/*T:T1*/, Any/*T1*/>().read("emmm") //NameWrapper(v=nihao) //Any

// force() pattern must run force-cast on show(v: Any)

See hanCalc:Calc.kt for more

val sign = elementIn('+', '-').toDefault('+')
val strPart = LexicalBasics.stringFor(anyChar)
val str = Contextual(sign) { sign ->
  if (sign != '+') Piped(strPart) { it?.reversed() }
  else strPart
}.discardFirst() //first=sign"haha") //haha"-haha") //ahah

The main usage for Deferred is to create recursive syntax

// infite parens for (a)
lateinit var a: Pattern<Char, String>
val str = LexicalBasics.stringFor(!item(')'))
val paren = SurroundBy(parens.toCharPat(), Deferred{a})
a = Decide(paren, str).discardFirst()"((hello))") //hello"((a") //""
//^ Decide fall-thru to str when ')' is missing, make right-paren clam() can produce explicit error

Complex patterns "SJIT"

"SJIT" means SurroudBy, JoinBy, InfixPattern, TriePattern (pat/complex/) AuxiliarySJ.kt InfixPattern TriePattern.kt


DSL operations: Pattern.prefix, Pattern.suffix

val dot2 = item('.') suffix item('.').toDefault()".") =="..") //true
dot2.rebuild(".") //..

NOTE: OptionalPattern is not ConstantPattern, constant pattern does not always parsed


val comma = item(',')
val list = JoinBy(comma, Repeat(asString(), !comma)).mergeConstantJoin()
//^ NOTE: mergeConstantJoin supports constant item or depth-1 PatternWrapper"hello,world") //[hello, world]

Extensions: mergeConstantJoin(value), mergeConstantJoin(), concatCharJoin(). source

Rescue and OnItem

See hanCalc:Calc.kt

//incomplete code
val duoLine = int prefix item('\n')
expr = InfixPattern(atom, ops).Rescue { s, base, op1 ->
  print("|") ?: notParsed.also { s.error("expecting rhs for $base $op1") }

// function main
fun ps1() = print("> ")
val input = CharInput.STDIN

val line = Decide(expr,
  StickyEnd(EOF, 233)).discardFirst()
val repl = JoinBy(item('\n'), line)
  .OnItem { println("= $it"); ps1() }
java -cp build/libs/Examples-s.jar example.HanCalc
> 360*
= 1080
> 一百加
= 250
> = 233
> [1080, 250, 233]

InfixPattern and TriePattern

object Calc: LexicalBasics() {
  val ops = KeywordPattern<InfixOp<Int>>().apply {
    register("+" infixl 0 join Int::plus)
    register("-" infixl 0 join Int::minus)
  val expr = InfixPattern(numInt, ops)
}"1+2-3") //0"3+1") //4 //!UnsupportedOperationException: infix show

// Precedence(-1, isRAssoc=false)
// InfixOp<Int>("*", prec, Int::times)
Calc.ops["*"] = "*" infixl (-1) join Int::times"1+2*3") //7

And we can also create a parser for right-associative chain:

sealed class Type {
  data class Named(override val v: String): Type(), ConvertAs.Box<String>
  data class Fn(val arg: String, val res: Type): Type()

val ops = KeywordPattern<InfixOp<Type>>().apply {
  register("->" infixr 0 join { t, r -> Type.Fn((t as Type.Named).v, r) })
val upcase = elementIn('A'..'Z')
val lowcase = elementIn('a'..'z')

val typeId = { prefix1(upcase, stringFor(upcase or lowcase)) }
val _atomType = typeId typed { Type.Named(it) }
val atomType: Pattern<Char, Type> = _atomType.force()

val expr = InfixPattern(atomType, ops)"User") //Named(v=User)"Int->String->String") //Fn(arg=Int, res=Fn(arg=String, res=Named(v=String)))

See Parserkt/ for examples about TriePattern.

For detailed information about MapPattern/TriePattern/PairedTriePattern, see source.

NOTE: In ParserKt, bi-directional mappings are UNCHECKED, taking reverse map for single-value-multiply-key Map is undefined behavior

About mergeXXX

ParserKt have many Pattern<IN, Tuple2<A, B>> — e.g. Decide: ...<Int/*CaseNo*/, T>, Contextual: ...<A, B>, JoinBy: ...<ITEM, SEP>

But it's too complicated to create storage for them! So we can use Convert to extract only a certain part from read result.

val abc123 = Decide(elementIn('1'..'3'), elementIn('a'..'c'))
val got = Convert(abc123, { it.second }, { Tuple2( if (it in '1'..'3') 0 else 1, it) })"a") //a //Char
got.rebuild("a") //a //String

Why not to use mergeFirst/mergeSecond? And we can also apply discardFirst/discardSecond for patterns that has no need to keep original informating

val abc123 = Decide(elementIn('1'..'3'), elementIn('a'..'c')).mergeFirst { if (it in '1'..'3') 0 else 1 }

— e.g. signed integer can be outputed directly via toString, without recursively call showBy could be used for this approach.

val int = Repeat(asInt(), LexicalBasics.digitFor('0'..'9')).showByString { it.toString() }"12345") //12345 //Int
int.rebuild("12345") //12345 //String

There are also a operation named flatten source

// pattern [a, a]
val i2 = Seq(::IntTuple, *Contextual(item<Int>()) { item(it) }.flatten().items()),2) //notParsed,1) //(1, 1) //IntTuple
i2.rebuild(1,1) //[1, 1] //List<Int>

Clam — Error handling

See PatternMisc.kt

Using Input<IN>.addErrorList() / CharInput.addErrorList(), or (SatisfyPattern/SatisfyEqualToPattern).clam(messager)

val (es, input) = inputOf("123").addErrorList()
input //Input:Slice('1'...123):<string>:1:0#0
elementIn('a'..'c').clam {"expecting [a-c]"}.read(input) //notParsed
es //[(<string>:1:0#0, expecting [a-c])]
es[0].first.tag //<string>:1:0
val (es, input) = inputOf("hello", "world!", "---").addErrorList()
input //Input:Slice("hello"...hello, |...
satisfy<String>("..!") { it.endsWith("!") }.clam().read(input) //world!
es //[(hello, expecting (..!))]

Using Pattern.clamWhile and Feed.clamWhile

val num = Repeat(asList(), elementIn('0'..'9')).clamWhile(item(' '), emptyList()) {"number required"}
num.readPartial("233") //([], [2, 3, 3])
num.readPartial("   666") //([(<string>:1:0#0, number required)], [])

we can make a pattern skip something when it fails to match

val num = Repeat(asString(), elementIn('0'..'9'))
val str=Repeat(asString(), elementIn('a'..'z', 'A'..'Z'))

val element = Decide(num, str.clamWhile(!item(','), "") {"expecting element"}).discardFirst()

JoinBy(item(','), element).mergeConstantJoin().readPartial("123,abc,-4232,a")
//([(<string>:1:8#8, expecting element)], [123, abc, , a])

you can also use it with pseudo pattern never() (never parsed) and always(value).

Storing context in Feeds

See PatternMisc.kt: interface State

Use Input<IN>.withState(value) or CharInput.withState(value) to create wrapper feed with certain value associated

ParserKt provides many Pattern receiving Feed<IN>.() -> ... as argument, use AllFeed.stateAs<ST>(): ST? to acquire state from Feed<*> instance.

Modifing state with parse result

Simply use (Pattern/SatisfyPattern/SatisfyEqualTo).alsoDo(ConsumerOn<AllFeed, T>)

fun AllFeed.notInState(item: Char) = stateAs<Set<Char>>()?.contains(item)?.not() ?: true
val differentChar = Piped(anyChar) { res -> res?.takeIf { notInState(it) } }.alsoDo { stateAs<MutableSet<Char>>()?.add(it) }

val differentChars = Repeat(asString(), differentChar)"asdf").withState(mutableSetOf<Char>())) //asdf"asdfae").withState(mutableSetOf<Char>())) //asdf

Operation on Feeds

See FeedModel.kt, there are SliceFeed and StreamFeed (IteratorFeed, ReaderFeed)

Consume operations e.g. consumeOrNull(null when EOS), consumeIf, takeWhileNotEnd

takeWhile will throw Feed.End when EOS encountered

Helper operations: isStickyEnd (has side-effect, see source for detail), catchError(Producer)

Convert operations: asSequence, asIterable

Collect operations: toList, readText


toConstant and toDefault

See PatternModel.kt

ConstantPattern are patterns e.g. item('\n') with constant values can be ignored in read result (without losing required information for running rebuild)

val NL = elementIn('\r', '\n').toConstant('\n')
val white = elementIn(' ', '\t').toConstant(' ')

OptionalPattern are patterns with default values, since notParsed is identical to null and ParserKt encodes match success/fail using value nullability, OptionalPattern always result non-null

val sign = elementIn('+', '-').toDefault('+')

"POPCorn" (rest 3 upper-cased character denotes OptionalPattern, PatternWrapper, ConstantPattern)


See CombSURD.kt's ext funs after RepeatUn

typealias MonoPair<T> = Pair<T, T>
//^ "mono" means "pair of same thing" in this project

//^ must be single-char string

Pattern<IN, Int>.toLongPat()
Seq<IN=Char, Char, CharTuple>.toStringPat()
//^ e.g. Seq(::CharTuple, anyChar, anyChar).toStringPat()

Using org.parserkt.pat.ext

NumUnit, LayoutPattern, DictTrie, GreedyPairedTrie, ... source

val num = RepeatUn(asInt(), LexicalBasics.digitFor('0'..'9')) { it.toString().map { it-'0' } }
val timeUnit = PairedKeywordPattern<Int>().apply { mergeStrings("s" to 1, "min" to 60, "hr" to 60*60) }
val time = TrieNumUnit(num, timeUnit, IntOps)"1hr") //3600 //1min

For more examples of pat.ext, please view source files in extendedSyntax

  • LayoutPattern can be used for parsing Python-like def : , if : indentation-based blocks
  • DictTrie is a kind of BackTrie (also PairedTriePattern) with back reversed trie pattern
  • GreedyPairedTrie is a kind of LazyPairedTrie, it will translate all known words(String) to word-unknown-word list without tokenizer required

for more documents, see ParserKt wiki