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This repository contains mandatory files that all repositories should have.


IMPORTANT: Because changes to this repository creates many PRs in many repositories, PRs in this repository should not be merged lightly. If possible, try to stage multiple PRs and merge them as a group to limit the amount of PRs that must go through the CI pipeline.

  • Changes to this repository are made via PRs.
  • Automation detects changes to this repository on a schedule and opens PRs against other repositories.
  • Changes will be applied to the default branch plus any release-* branches of a target repository containing a .reposync.yml marker file.
  • Only new or updated files are supported. Removing a previously synchronized file must be done manually.
  • This file is not synchronized.
  • The .config.yml file is not synchronized. See Centralized configuration below.

Customization of synchronized files

The files managed by the synchronization tool cannot be customized in individual code repositories because any customizations will be overwritten (via a PR) when the scheduled sync runs.

The following files have an extension point that allow for customization:

  • Directory.Build.props: Include any custom settings in a Custom.Build.props file located next to the Directory.Build.props file. .gitignore: Use nested ignore files to ignore custom files and folders.

Centralized configuration

Some broad-based configuration can be accomplished through the .config.yml file in this repository.

Public vs. private repos

Some files are not needed in private repos, which are used for internal tools, and are not part of the Particular Service Platform.


Files can also be excluded from syncing to public repos:

  - private/

Default vs. release branches

Some files are only valid on the repo's default branch. This is especially true for GitHub-related configuration files like for Dependabot. We accept that these files will no longer be synchronized and fall out-of-date once a release branch is created, and we make no effort to edit or remove these files from release branches.

  - .github/dependabot.yml
  - .github/workflows/workflow-with-cron-trigger.yml

Files can also be limited to release branches only. When a new release branch is made, it would get a PR to add these files the next time synchronization is run:

  - directory/release-branch-only.ext

Target repository configuration

Finer-grained configuration can be accomplished at the level of the target repository using the .reposync.yml file in each target repository.


If a branch of a repository should not be synchronized, an ignore flag can be added to that branch's .reposync.yml configuration file.

ignore: true


If a file included in the RepoStandards repository is not appropriate for a repository, an exclusion can be defined in the .reposync.yml configuration file to prevent the file from being synchronized.

- src/NServiceBus.snk


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