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How to use Squidnodes

Pasta edited this page Sep 11, 2022 · 14 revisions

Basic Principles

The basic setup of the Squidnodes addon uses a main node group for almost everything, but also has the capacity to be combined with other node groups for effects like Transmission, Emission and others.


Splatoon BSDF

Splatoon BSDF

The Splatoon BSDF the general use shader of Squidnodes. It includes all of the most common texture types for Splatoon models, and allows customisation and recoloring of textures. Essentially, it is used by importing the image textures for the model, setting the correct colour space for each one, and plugging them in where they should go. The "Team Color" input is only used if a Team Color Texture is present, whereas the "Tint" input can be used to tint the entire material. When using alpha textures, remember to change the material settings so they work correctly, either by using Alpha Clip or Alpha Blend.

Transmission BSDF

Transmission BSDF

The Transmission BSDF provides both glassy and subsurface transmission in one node. To change between the two, drag the "Transmission Type" slider, with a value of 0 representing subsurface and 1 representing glassy transmission types respectively.

At times, subsurface type will be placed incorrectly. If this occurs, change the value of the "THC Invert" slider.

Ink Splatter BSDF

Ink Splatter BSDF

The Ink Splatter BSDF is used to create the ink splatters on models as seen in Splatoon. Their use is somewhat complicated, and the process is laid out below:

  1. Duplicate the object that you want to put ink on.
  2. Create a new material on the duplicate object.
  3. Add a solidify modifier to the duplicate. Set it so the boxes labelled "Fill" and "Rim Only" are ticked.
  4. Adjust the height of the modifier until it looks right and apply it.
  5. Add the Ink Splatter BSDF to your new material, and plug it into the Material Output.
  6. Change the material settings to Alpha Clip.
  7. Import your 2cl texture and connect it to the appropriate input.
  8. Go ahead and change the node settings until the material looks good.

Ta Da! All done.

Effect BSDF

![Effect BSDF]((

The Effect BSDF is used to add shiny Fresnel-like highlights and other effects as seen particularly clearly on the Squid Sister's Dresses. A comparison of the dresses with and without the Effect BSDF applied is shown below:

With Effects Without Effects

If you don't want to tint the Effect BSDF's output, plug the HLT texture into the "HLT Tint" input along with the standard HLT input. The Effect BSDF almost always goes hand in hand with the FX Transform node group. For more info on how to use the Effect BSDF, go to the "Node Setups" page of this wiki.

Emission BSDF

Emission BSDF

The Emission BSDF creates "Glowy" areas on a model. Both intensity and color of emission can be controlled through this node, but keep in mind that some models use a different UV map for emission textures. For more info on this, see the "Node Setups" page of the Squidnodes wiki.

Lightwarp BSDF

Lightwarp BSDF

The Lightwarp BSDF allows the use of RFT/Lightwarp textures on a model. Essentially, these are Fresnel textures, and the Lightwarp BSDF provides controls for the intensity of the effect. RFT textures are fairly uncommon on Splatoon models.

Quick BSDFs



Eyes in Splatoon 2 use a different method of Team Color texturing than other models, so this node group facilitates recolouring eyes without excessive amounts of nodes outside the node groups. It also integrates eye movement into the same node.

This group is only used in Splatoon 2 Player Models, Non-Player Models and ones from Splatoon 3 use the standard Splatoon BSDF and Eye Transform node groups.



Splatoon Player Models use one set of textures for all eyebrows/mouths, no matter the gender/species of the model. This group has these textures embedded, so all you need to do is choose the colours and possibly edit the UV map.

This system is not used for Non-Player Models, whose mouths use their skin material and eyebrows use their hair material.



Hair in Splatoon 3 uses a HLT effect within the spots on the ends. This node group allows this to work without needing to set up additional nodes to achieve the effect.

The HLT effect is not used for some Non-Player Models, they should use other node groups in conjunction with the Splatoon BSDF and other node groups to shade hair. Splatoon 2 models use the LegacyHair node group.


FX Transform

FX Transform

FX Transform is a crucial node group, used in many models. It is responsible for many textures, most notably HLT textures. To use it, plug the node's "Vector" output into the "Vector" input of the applicable image texture/s, like so:

FX Transform Setup

The "Normal Map" input won't always be used or may be used by an MFK texture. Try using FX transform with and without the normal map connected to see what looks best. More info can be found on the "Node Setups" page of this wiki.

You can also use the "FX Adjust" sliders to tweak the location of effects as desired.

Eye Transform

Eye Transform

The Eye Transform node group is simply used to change the direction of the model's eyes instead of eye bones. Funnily enough, a lack of eye bones is very unusual in a videogame. It is plugged into the "Vector" inputs of every image texture of the eye material, with the exception of MTLA textures which are attached to an FX Transform node in eyes.

Alpha Combine

Alpha Combine

Alpha textures are used to hide parts of a model to prevent clipping. Often more than one need to be used, and the Alpha Combine node group can combine up to three of these alpha textures. More can be combined if several Alpha Combine node groups are chained together.

Normal Fix

Normal Fix

Sometimes, after exporting a model, the Normal maps will be broken in several ways, often making the entire model look shadowed or areas that are meant to look pushed out appearing recessed. Use this node to invert the required channels.

Hint: If the whole model looks shadowed, increase the Blue Invert slider to 1, and if the other issue occurs, invert the red and green channels.




Splatoon 2 player models use a different hair system than Splatoon 3 models, and this node group is used for them.