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Patent2net committed Jun 3, 2022
1 parent 19f5e7e commit ab444a2
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Showing 5 changed files with 280 additions and 29 deletions.
151 changes: 151 additions & 0 deletions Patent2Net/Carrot2/index.html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
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71 changes: 55 additions & 16 deletions Patent2Net/
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Expand Up @@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ def cycle (liste):
for inv in bre.IPCR7:
if ''.join(inv).strip().lower() != 'empty':
if inv.strip() not in Exclus:
tempoinv.append(inv.upper().strip()) [bre.Index, 'IPCR7' ] = tempoinv

if not isinstance(bre.IPCR4, list):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -367,28 +367,28 @@ def cycle (liste): [bre.Index, 'IPCR7'] = list(set(tempoIpc7 + bre.IPCR7)) [bre.Index, 'IPCR4'] = list(set(tempoIpc4 + bre.IPCR4)) [bre.Index, 'IPCR3'] = list(set(tempoIpc3 + bre.IPCR3)) [bre.Index, 'IPCR1'] = list(set(tempoIpc7 + bre.IPCR1)) [bre.Index, 'IPCR1'] = list(set(tempoIpc1 + bre.IPCR1))
elif len(bre.IPCR7)>0:
for ipc in bre.IPCR7:
tempoIpc3 .append(ipc[0:3])
tempoIpc4 .append(ipc[0:4])
tempoIpc1 .append(ipc[0:1]) [bre.Index, 'IPCR3'] = list(set(tempoIpc3 + bre.IPCR3)) [bre.Index, 'IPCR4'] = list(set(tempoIpc4 + bre.IPCR4)) [bre.Index, 'IPCR1'] = list(set(tempoIpc7 + bre.IPCR1)) [bre.Index, 'IPCR1'] = list(set(tempoIpc1 + bre.IPCR1))
elif len(bre.IPCR4)>0:
for ipc in bre.IPCR4:
tempoIpc3 .append(ipc[0:3])
tempoIpc1 .append(ipc[0:1]) [bre.Index, 'IPCR3'] = list(set(tempoIpc3 + bre.IPCR3)) [bre.Index, 'IPCR1'] = list(set(tempoIpc7 + bre.IPCR1)) [bre.Index, 'IPCR1'] = list(set(tempoIpc1 + bre.IPCR1))
elif len(bre.IPCR3)>0:
for ipc in bre.IPCR3:

tempoIpc1 .append(ipc[0:1]) [bre.Index, 'IPCR1'] = list(set(tempoIpc7 + bre.IPCR1)) [bre.Index, 'IPCR1'] = list(set(tempoIpc1 + bre.IPCR1))
# can't do better
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -615,7 +615,7 @@ def cycle (liste):
Networks = dict()
#next lines are here to avoid the changing scheme lecture of requete.cql

Networks["_CountryCrossTech"] = [configFile.CountryCrossTechNetwork, [ 'IPCR7', "country"]] # not finished yet
Networks["_CountryCrossTech"] = [configFile.CountryCrossTechNetwork, ['IPCR7', "country"]] # not finished yet
Networks["_CrossTech"] = [configFile.CrossTechNetwork, ['label','IPCR7','IPCR1', 'IPCR4', 'IPCR11']] # GraphTechnos
Networks["_Inventors_CrossTech"] = [configFile.InventorCrossTechNetwork, ['IPCR11','IPCR7','IPCR4','IPCR1',"Inventor"]]#, 'AutFr', 'AutEtr', 'PasSurPubMed']] # GraphTechnosAuthor
Networks["_Applicants_CrossTech"] = [configFile.ApplicantCrossTechNetwork, ['IPCR11','IPCR7','IPCR4','IPCR1', "Applicant"]] #, "Public", "Private"]] # GraphTechnosAppli
Expand All @@ -637,17 +637,29 @@ def cycle (liste):
GraphTechnos = nx.DiGraph() # IPC graphs
GraphTechnosAppli = nx.DiGraph() # IPC graphs
GraphTechnosAuthor = nx.DiGraph() # IPC graphs

GraphTechnosCountry = nx.DiGraph() # IPC graphs
# TypeBre = dict()

dicoAttrsTechnoCountry = dict()

for bre in df.itertuples():

if not isinstance(, list): = []

for country in
if len(country) > 0 and bool(country.strip()):
if country in dicoAttrsTechnoCountry.keys():
dicoAttrsTechnoCountry [country]['size'] +=1
dicoAttrsTechnoCountry[country] =dict()
dicoAttrsTechnoCountry[country]['size']= 1
dicoAttrsTechnoCountry[country]['category'] = 'country'
GraphBrevets.add_node(bre .label)
# followind are added if citation or ref or equivalents exists for curent node
# GraphBrevetsReferences.add_node(bre .label)
# GraphBrevetsEquivalents.add_node(bre .label)
GraphTechnos .add_node(bre .label)

count =0
for lab in bre.CitedBy:

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -698,13 +710,19 @@ def cycle (liste):

for ipc in joliTecno:
if bool(ipc.strip()):
GraphTechnos .add_edge(bre .label,ipc)
GraphTechnos .add_edge(bre .label,ipc)
for ipcUp in bre.IPCR7:

if ipc.startswith (ipcUp) and bool(ipcUp.strip()):
GraphTechnos .add_edge(ipcUp, ipc)
GraphTechnosAppli .add_edge(ipcUp, ipc)
GraphTechnosAuthor .add_edge(ipcUp, ipc)
GraphTechnosAuthor .add_edge(ipcUp, ipc)
for country in
if len(country) >0 and bool(country.strip()):
GraphTechnosCountry.add_edge(country, ipcUp)

#for ipc in bre.IPCR7:
# if bool(ipc.strip()):
for ipcUpUp in bre.IPCR4:
Expand All @@ -724,7 +742,10 @@ def cycle (liste):

if len(joliTecno) ==0 or sum([bool(ipc.strip()) for ipc in joliTecno])==0:
for ipcUp in bre.IPCR7:
GraphTechnos .add_edge(bre .label,ipcUp)
GraphTechnos .add_edge(bre .label,ipcUp)
for country in
if len(country) > 0 and bool(country.strip()):
GraphTechnosCountry.add_edge(country, ipcUp)
# if bool(ipcUp.strip()):
# GraphTechnos .add_edge(ipcUp, ipc)
# GraphTechnosAppli .add_edge(ipcUp, ipc)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -752,6 +773,9 @@ def cycle (liste):
GraphTechnos .add_edge(ipcUpUpUp, ipcUpUp)
GraphTechnosAppli .add_edge(ipcUpUpUp, ipcUpUp)
GraphTechnosAuthor .add_edge(ipcUpUpUp, ipcUpUp)
for country in
if len(country) > 0 and bool(country.strip()):
GraphTechnosCountry.add_edge(country, ipcUpUp)

if len(joliTecno) ==0 and len(bre.IPCR7) == 0 and len(bre.IPCR4) == 0 or sum([bool(ipc.strip()) for ipc in bre.IPCR4] )==0:
for ipcUpUp in bre.IPCR3:
Expand All @@ -761,7 +785,9 @@ def cycle (liste):
GraphTechnos .add_edge(ipcUpUpUp, ipcUpUp)
GraphTechnosAppli .add_edge(ipcUpUpUp, ipcUpUp)
GraphTechnosAuthor .add_edge(ipcUpUpUp, ipcUpUp)

for country in
if len(country) > 0 and bool(country.strip()):
GraphTechnosCountry.add_edge(country, ipcUpUp)

# for ipc in bre.IPCR1 + bre.IPCR4 + bre.IPCR7 + joliTecno:
# if bool(ipc.strip()):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -976,6 +1002,8 @@ def cycle (liste):
nx.set_node_attributes(GraphTechnos, dicoAttrsTechno) # IPC graphs
nx.set_node_attributes(GraphTechnosAppli, dicoAttrsTechno)
nx.set_node_attributes(GraphTechnosAppli, dicoAttrsAppli)
nx.set_node_attributes(GraphTechnosCountry, dicoAttrsTechno)
nx.set_node_attributes(GraphTechnosCountry, dicoAttrsTechnoCountry)
nx.set_node_attributes( GraphTechnosAuthor, dicoAttrsTechno)
nx.set_node_attributes( GraphTechnosAuthor, dicoAttrsAut)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1025,6 +1053,8 @@ def cycle (liste):
(GraphTechnos, "_CrossTech"),
(GraphTechnosAppli, "_Applicants_CrossTech"),
(GraphTechnosAuthor, "_Inventors_CrossTech"),
(GraphTechnosCountry, "_CountryCrossTech")

# (GraphFull, "_Full")
if len(G) == 0:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1121,7 +1151,13 @@ def cycle (liste):
Visu['color']['b']= int(127)
Visu['shape'] ="square"
G.nodes[k]['url'] =UrlPatent(k)[0]

elif G.nodes[k]['category'] == 'country':
Visu['color']['a'] = 1
Visu['color']['r']= int(0)
Visu['color']['g']= int(63)
Visu['color']['b']= int(63)
Visu['shape'] ="square"
G.nodes[k]['url'] =UrlPatent(k)[0]
elif G.nodes[k]['category'] == "equivalents":
Visu['color']['a'] = 1
Visu['color']['r']= int(127)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1208,7 +1244,10 @@ def cycle (liste):
# count = mixNet.index(categ)
# else:
# count = mixNet.index(G.node[k]['category'])
count = Networks [network][1].index(G.nodes[k]['category'])
if G.nodes[k]['category'] in Networks [network][1]:
count = Networks [network][1].index(G.nodes[k]['category'])
count = 0
Visu['position']= {'x':(int(pos[k][0]*factx)+posx), 'y':(int(pos[k][1]*facty)+posy), 'z':0.0}
# Visu['size'] = np.log(int(G.node[k]["weight"])+1)+4#
Visu['color']['a']= count
Expand Down

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