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File metadata and controls

139 lines (113 loc) · 2.9 KB

Creating a virtual enviroment ''' python -m venv blockchain-env '''

Activate the virtual environment command ''' source blockchain-env/Scripts/activate '''

Install all packages ''' pip3 install -r requirements.txt '''

Treating the directory as a package use the in every folder that you want to be treated as a package

To now run the module in the command line example block module ''' python -m backend.blockchain.block '''

Running the tests ''' python -m pytest backend/tests ''' This is because pytest expects a location not a module

Run the application and api Make sure to activate the enviroment ''' python -m '''

Installing pubnub pip3 install pubnub==4.1.6

Run a peer instance Make sure to activate the enviroment

''' export PEER=True && python -m '''

Creating the frontend react project ''' npx create-react-app --project name-- '''

Running the frontend In the frontend directory run ''' npm run start '''

React hooks We have two react hooks usestate hook and useffect hook

Search and using apis from outside App.js ''' import React, { useState } from 'react'; import Joke from './Joke';

function App() { const [userQuery , setUserQuery] = useState(''); //This is also the same // const state=useState(''); // const userQuery=state[0]; // const setUserQuery=[1]; const updateUserQuery = event =>{ console.log('userQuery',userQuery); setUserQuery(; } const searchQuery = () => {${userQuery}); } const handleKeyPress = event => { if (event.key === 'Enter'){ searchQuery(); } } return (


); }

export default App;


Joke.js ''' import React, {useEffect, useState} from 'react';

function Joke(){ const [joke,setJoke]=useState({}); useEffect(() => { fetch('') .then(response => response.json()) .then(json =>{ console.log('joke json', json) setJoke(json) });

const {setup, punchline}=joke;
//const setup=joke.setup
//const punchline=joke.setup

return (

} export default Joke; '''

Seed the backend with data ''' export SEED_DATA=True && python -m '''

Installing react-router and react-router-dom

npm i react-router@5.0.1 react-router-dom@5.0.1 history@4.0.9 --save