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Calorie Coacher

Calorie coacher is a calorie tracking/recipe app build in NodeJS. It consists of 3 main components.

  • A microservice for getting recipes using the edamam API @
  • This app which serves API endpoints for foods and meals. This app hits the microservice for some functionality and is hit by the below frontend.
  • A frontend that hits both this app and the microservice to display data to a user
  • Meal and food information is stored on the main app via a many-to-many. Recipes functionally have a many-to-many relationship with foods but we don't store this relation in the database. Rather in exists when our main service queries our microservice with a food type and we get back recipes containing this food type.


Local Setup

To run this endpoint on your local machine first git clone

End point Documentation

Here are the endpoints this API supports. These endpoints can be hit either locally, following the above local setup, or in production at I.E.

Food endpoints

GET /api/v1/foods

  • Returns an index of all foods in DB in the format
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Banana",
    "calories": 150
    "id": 2,
    "name": "Apple",
    "calories": 150

GET /api/v1/foods/:id

Successfully returns a show page of one food in the format

    "id": 1,
    "name": "Banana",
    "calories": 150

Returns 404 if food not found

PATCH /api/v1/foods


{ "name": "Steak", "calories": "300"}

successfully returns the updated food item:

Status: 200

  'id': 2,
  'name': 'steak',
  'calories': 300
  • Only calories can be updated
  • Food to update must exist

POST /api/v1/foods


{ "name": "Milk", "calories": "80"}

successfully returns the created food item:

Status: 201

  'id': 2,
  'name': 'Milk',
  'calories': 80
  • Name must be present
  • Calories must be present and numeric
  • Food by name must not exist in the database

DELETE /api/v1/foods

Successfully returns Status 204

Meal endpoints

GET /api/v1/meals

Returns all meals and associated foods in the following format:

        "id": 1,
        "name": "Breakfast",
        "foods": [
                "id": 1,
                "name": "Banana",
                "calories": 150
                "id": 6,
                "name": "Yogurt",
                "calories": 550
                "id": 12,
                "name": "Apple",
                "calories": 220
        "id": 2,
        "name": "Snack",
        "foods": [
                "id": 1,
                "name": "Banana",
                "calories": 150
                "id": 9,
                "name": "Gum",
                "calories": 50
                "id": 10,
                "name": "Cheese",
                "calories": 400

GET /api/v1/meals/:meal_id/foods

Successfully returns one meal and associated foods in the following format:

    "id": 1,
    "name": "Breakfast",
    "foods": [
            "id": 1,
            "name": "Banana",
            "calories": 150
            "id": 6,
            "name": "Yogurt",
            "calories": 550
            "id": 12,
            "name": "Apple",
            "calories": 220

Returns 404 if meal not found

POST /api/v1/meals/:meal_id/foods/:food_id

Successfully returns a 201 with the following body:

    "message": "Successfully added FOODNAME to MEALNAME"

Returns 404 if either meal or food cannot be found

DELETE /api/v1/meals/:meal_id/foods/:food_id

  • Removes the food from the meal and successfully returns Status 204
  • Returns 404 if either meal or food cannot be found

Recipe endpoints

GET /api/v1/recipes/average_calories?q=chicken

Successfully returns the average calorie total for all recipes that contain q, a food ingredient, in the format:

  food_type: chicken,
  calorie_average_per_serving: 173 

Returns a 404 if no foods are found with food type given.

GET /api/v1/recipes?sort=numIngredient

Successfully returns all recipes sorted by ingredient count:

    name: "chicken fried rice",
    calories: 200,
    prepTime: 75,
    numIngredients: 3,
    cuisine_type: 'chinese',
    servings: 10,
    thumbnail: "",
    url: ""
    name: "tacos",
    calories: 250,
    prepTime: 60,
    numIngredients: 4,
    cuisine_type: 'mexican',
    servings: 10,
    thumbnail: "",
    url: ""

Currently numIngredients is the only supported sort function.

Running Tests

Tests are written in Mocha and Chai. The tests that hit the recipe microservice use the live, hosted microservice, which has its environmental variables configured to hit the Edamam API. As such, testing consists of running npm test to run the test suite. Make sure you've run npm install in the initial setup.

Built With


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