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Structures and classes tips and tricks

These notes start where the chapters 9 and 10 of TPIL ends. It assumes some familiarity with those chapters.

Record update new notation

One preliminary remark is the notation { record-obj with (<field-name> := <expr>)* } covered in Section 9.2 is deprecated. We now use {fields, ..s} for the structure update instead of {s with fields}. One can specify several sources, which are tried in order. For instance, the example

structure point (α : Type) :=
mk :: (x : α) (y : α)

def p : point nat :=
{x := 1, y := 2}

#reduce {p with y := 3}
#reduce {p with x := 3}

now reads:

structure point (α : Type) :=
mk :: (x : α) (y : α)

def p : point nat :=
{x := 1, y := 2}

#reduce {y := 3, ..p}
#reduce {x := 3, ..p}

About the namespace shortcut

As explained in TPIL, "every structure declaration introduces a namespace with the same name" and, still using the point structure example, "Given p : point nat, the notation p.x is shorthand for point.x p. This provides a convenient way of accessing the fields of a structure".

But actually this trick has a wider scope. For every function f in the point namespace, p.f is f where the first explicit argument with type point ... is replaced by p. For instance:

structure point (α : Type) := (x : α) (y : α)

namespace point
def sum (α : Type) [has_add α] (p : point α) := p.x + p.y

def diff_x (α : Type) [has_sub α] (p q : point α) := p.x - q.x
end point

variables (α : Type) [has_add α] [has_sub α] (p : point α)
#reduce p.sum α      -- p.x + p.y
#reduce p.diff_x α   -- λ (q : point α), p.x - q.x

Note that, in p.diff_x, p becomes the first argument of point.diff_x.

The rebinding pattern

Especially when bundling data and properties, the default argument types (explicit, implicit, inferred by type class resolution) may not be suitable. For instance, consider the following bundled version of group homomorphisms.

structure group_hom (α β) [group α] [group β]:=
(map : α → β)
(mul : ∀ a b : α, map (a * b) = map a * map b)

variable f : group_hom α β 
#check f.mul  -- f.mul : ∀ (a b : α), (a * b) = a * b

We see that a and b are explicit arguments to f.mul. The following is only restating that condition with different binders.

lemma group_hom.mul' (f : group_hom α β) {a b : α} : (a*b) = ( a)*( b) :=
f.mul _ _

Compare the two versions in the following (which uses theorem mul_self_iff_eq_one : a * a = a ↔ a = 1 from mathlib

lemma one (f : group_hom α β) : 1 = 1 :=
mul_self_iff_eq_one.1 $ calc
( 1)*( 1) = (1*1) : (f.mul _ _).symm
                ... = 1 : by simp
lemma one' (f : group_hom α β) : 1 = 1 :=
mul_self_iff_eq_one.1 $ calc
( 1)*( 1) = (1*1) : f.mul'.symm
                ... = 1 : by simp