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Project Submission for the Udacity Robotics Software Engineer Nanodegree

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Project: 3D Perception

Date: July 18, 2018

By: Paul Griz

Project Submission for the Udacity Robotics Software Engineer Nanodegree

Udacity - Robotics NanoDegree Program

Perception Pipeline: Exercises 1, 2 and 3

Link to repo containing the exercises

VoxelGrid Downsampling Filter

RGB-D cameras provide detailed features and dense point clouds resulting in potentially a multitude of points in per unit volume. Using Big-O Notation, Computing point cloud data is on a for . So, the time required for processing a point cloud is linear to number of points (resolution). However, increasing the resolution is processing time may not yield any improvements. An optimal situation for this problem is finding the lowest for a given accuracy. To accomplish this, I "down-sampled" the data by applying a VoxelGrid Downsampling Filter to derive a point cloud with the lowest while maintaining the accuracy required in representing the input point cloud.

Figure from Udacity's "Voxel Grid Downsampling" Lesson

The figure above displays a 2D & 3D perspective of an example environment.

  • In 2D perspectives, the term "pixel" short for "picture element," and , where as the height & as the width.
  • In 3D perspectives, the term "voxel" is short for "volume element," and , where is the depth & is the size of a single voxel.

A voxel grid filter downsamples the data by increasing the :

vox = outlier_filtered.make_voxel_grid_filter()
LEAF_SIZE = 0.0165
vox.set_leaf_size(LEAF_SIZE, LEAF_SIZE, LEAF_SIZE)
vox_filtered = vox.filter()

Passthrough Filter

Link to Official Passthrough Filter Example from python-pcl

Applying a passthrough filter to a 3D point cloud is similar to cropping a photo.

The passthrough filter crops values outside of an input range. The range is specified for each axis with cut-off values along that axis.

PR2 robot's orientation (in the simulation) only required passthrough filters along the Y and Z axis.

  • Along the axis a range of was applied.
  • Along the axis a range of was applied.
# PassThrough Filter to remove the areas on the side of the table
#	(The Y axis)
passthrough_y = filtered_passthrough_z.make_passthrough_filter()
filter_axis = 'y'
y_axis_min = -0.425
y_axis_max = 0.425
passthrough_y.set_filter_limits(y_axis_min, y_axis_max)
# Filter results from PassThrough along the Y Axis
filtered_passthrough_y = passthrough_y.filter()

# PassThrough Filter to isolate only the objects on the table surface
#	(The Z axis)
passthrough_z = vox_filtered.make_passthrough_filter()
filter_axis = 'z'
z_axis_min = 0.59
z_axis_max = 1.05
passthrough_z.set_filter_limits(z_axis_min, z_axis_max)
# Filter results from PassThrough along the Z Axis
filtered_passthrough_z = passthrough_z.filter()
Passthrough Filter Results

RANSAC Plane Segmentation

Simple to how Regression Analysis finds the relationships among variables, Random Sample Consensus (RANSAC) will return a model containing inliers and outliers.

Fitted line with RANSAC; outliers have no influence on the result. Credit: Wikipedia

RANSAC is a powerful tool for isolating/identifying objects in computer vision projects. For this project, RANSAC was used to identify the table.

seg = cloud_filtered.make_segmenter()
max_distance = 0.01
inliers, coefficients = seg.segment()

# Table
cloud_table = cloud_filtered.extract(inliers, negative=False)
# Objects
cloud_objects = cloud_filtered.extract(inliers, negative=True)

The extracted inliers includes the table. It looks like this:

RANSAC Results

Euclidean Clustering

With the table's point cloud now separated from the objects, the objects need to be individually separated. To separate each object, the Density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN) clustering algorithm was used.

Credit: Wikipedia

DBSCAN forms clusters by grouping points within an input threshold distance from said point's nearest neighbors.

clusters = white_cloud.make_EuclideanClusterExtraction()
# Set tolerances for distance threshold
# Search the k-d tree for clusters
# Extract indices for each of the discovered clusters
cluster_indices = clusters.Extract()
DBSCAN / Euclidean Clustering Results

Object Recognition

TODO FILE SPELL CHECK: To accomplish object recognition, I edited the ./training/ to capture features of each object from 160 random positions each.

The features (output from were then used to train a Support Vector Machine (SVM) to characterize the parameter space of the features into named objects. The SVM uses the svm.LinearSVC Class from the scikit-learn Python library.

Training Results

Running the Simulation

  1. Open two terminals.
  2. In both terminals: cd ~/catkin_ws/src/RoboND-Perception-Project/pr2_robot
  3. In the first terminal: roslaunch pr2_robot pick_place_project.launch test_scene_num:=1
    1. Note: test_scene_num will load scenes [1, 2, or 3].
    2. Example for scene 3: roslaunch pr2_robot pick_place_project.launch test_scene_num:=3
  4. Wait for gazibo & Rviz to finish loading.
  5. In the second terminal: rosrun pr2_robot
    1. Note: Make sure you are within in the correct directory (see step 2).


Scene 1
Results: 33 Objects Detected
Scene 2
Results: 55 Objects Detected
Scene 3
Results: 88 Objects Detected

Note: The .yaml output files for scenes 1, 2, and 3 are within the output directory.

Possible improvements:

  1. Complete the collision mapping challenge by using the pick_place_server to execute the pick and place operation.
  2. Further Improve the SVM's training accuracy.
  3. Divide operates in the perception pipeline into separate methods to effectively time and improve operations that require excess computation.


Project Submission for the Udacity Robotics Software Engineer Nanodegree






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