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Easy terminal

An easy to use web terminal without any dependency and minified.



npm i easy-terminal


see the example folder for a complete case.

import { EasyTerminal } from './node_modules/easy-terminal/index.js';
const terminalElement = window.document.getElementById('terminal'); // div where you want the terminal
new EasyTerminal({
    elementHtml: terminalElement,
    window: { show: true, title: 'EasyTerminal' },
    nativeCommands: true,
    welcome: 'Welcome to EasyTerminal',
    history: true,
    noEmptyCommand: true,
    customCommands: [
            name: 'test',
            help: 'test command',
            method: async function (cmd) {
                return await, true)
            name: 'test2',
            help: 'test2 command',
            method: async function (cmd) {
                return await, false)
            name: 'askAge',
            help: 'ask age to user',
            method: async function (cmd) {
                const age = await cmd.ask('age ?', true);
                cmd.echo('Age: ' + age);


Terminal Config

name type default desc
window Object N/A Some style for the termianal
welcome String null Welcome message (first line)
elementHtml HTMLElement null div where you want the terminal
data-ps string $ Char before command input
history boolean false If yes you can access history with arrow up and down
noEmptyCommand boolean false If true cancel empty command
nativeCommands boolean false Native commands are help and clear
customCommands ITerminalCommand N/A Pass you're commands here

Window interface

name type default desc
show boolean false Show a window
title string 'EasyTerminal' Title of the window
bgColor string #198754 Background color
textColor string white Text color

ITerminalCommand interface

name type required desc
name string true Command name
method function true function called
help string true Text show on help command
