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=== Sudoku Solver ===
Contributors: Paul Varoutsos
Tags: SAT, SAT-solver, satisfiability, solver, Sudoku, Java
Requires at least: Java 1.5

A SAT-solver based Sudoku puzzle solver.

== Description ==

This is a Sudoku solver that transforms a Sudoku puzzle into an instance of a the NP-complete SAT problem.
This Sudoku solver consists of three parts:
1. A Sudoku-to-SAT and SAT-to-Sudoku mapper
2. A SAT-Solver.
3. A JFrame used to open the sudoku puzzle file.
The mapper will first take the input of the Sudoku puzzle in from a file, using the file format outlined below.  
It will then take the puzzle and map it into the CNF SAT format used by most SAT solvers.  From there it
will pass the SAT-encoded Sudoku puzzle to the SAT solver to be solved.  After the SAT solver is finished, it will
then pass the result back to the unmapper where the result will be unmapped back into a completed Sudoku puzzle.

There is also a standalone SAT solver in its own package which can be used to read in any CNF format SAT files.

Read LICENSE for license information. 

Credit: Author (Paul Varoutsos) should be given proper credit if source is used.

== Installation ==

1. Download the SudokuSolver.jar file.
2. Run the JAR and open the sudoku puzzle file of your choice.

== Example Sudoku puzzle file format ==

Comment lines start with a 'c' (no quotes)
Puzzle values are given on one line each with the format:
row column value 0
So if the first row, fifth colmn has a 3:
1 5 3 0

Empty Sudoku squares are not included.


c An example Sudoku puzzle.
1 1 3 0
1 3 5 0
1 4 6 0
1 6 2 0
2 9 9 0
3 2 2 0
3 5 8 0
3 8 1 0
4 1 5 0
4 4 9 0
4 7 1 0
4 8 2 0
5 5 4 0
6 2 3 0
6 3 2 0
6 6 7 0
6 9 6 0
7 2 6 0
7 5 5 0
7 8 7 0
8 1 4 0
9 4 4 0
9 6 6 0
9 7 5 0
9 9 3 0

== Changelog ==

1.1 GUI added.
1.0 Initial version. 


A SAT-solver based Sudoku puzzle solver.







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