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Mics Utilities For Unity and different utility classes for my other packages to work with.


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Different utility classes for my other packages to work with.

Add to project:

To add this package to the project, follow these steps:

  1. Open PackageManager;
  2. Select "Add package from get URL";
  3. insert this link


Additional tips

If you do not have a name conflict with my utilities, then you can make my namespace be added to the script automatically:

  1. Create a folder "ScriptTemplates" in the root of the project;
  2. Create a file with the name: "81-C# Script-NewBehaviourScript.cs";
  3. And replace all the text in it with this text (one tab before #ROOTNAMESPACEBEGIN# is required):
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Paulsams.MicsUtils;

public class #SCRIPTNAME# : MonoBehaviour

Different Custom Editors

  1. GameObjectLayer is a structure that allows you to select a layer in the inspector without bit shift operators, that is, for comparison with GameObject.layer;


  1. ReadonlyField is an attribute so that you can see the value in the inspector, but not change it (but, as I understand it, it only works on non-custom types that do not have their own PropertyDrawer. And I think this because the custom PropertyDrawer redraws what ReadonlyAttribute called).


  1. IgnoreAttribute - allows you to ignore the field itself and immediately draw all child fields.


Extensions and Utilities:


  1. AssetDatabaseUtilities:

    • GetPathsToAllScenesInProject()
    • GetPathToAllPrefabsAssets()
  2. MyEditorWindowUtility:

    • T GetWindowWithoutShow<T>() where T : EditorWindow - allows you to get a EditorWindow without showing it.
  3. MyProjectWindowUtility:

    • bool TryGetActiveFolderPathInApplication(out string path) - allows you to get the absolute path to the currently open folder in the Project Window.
    • bool TryGetActiveFolderRelativePath(out string path) - allows you to get the relative path to the currently open folder in the Project Window.
  4. CodeGeneration->ExtensionsFromRuntimeCreateScript - an extensions class for creating scripts in runtime. NOTE: I do not recommend using it alone at all, but it is useful if you combine it with templates:

    • void AppendLine(this StringBuilder stringBuilder, string text, int tabIndex)
    • void AppendOpeningBrace(this StringBuilder stringBuilder, ref int tabIndex)
    • void AppendBreakingBrace(this StringBuilder stringBuilder, ref int tabIndex, bool semicolon = false) - the "semilocon" argument is responsible for whether to put a semicolon after the breaking brace.
    • void AppendTabs(this StringBuilder stringBuilder, int tabIndex)
  5. CodeGeneration->BaseCreatorFileFromTemplate: base class for easier code generation through templates.

  6. SerializedPropertyExtensions:

    • object GetManagedReferenceValueFromPropertyPath(this SerializedProperty property) - allows you to get a managedReferenceValue that does not depend on the engine version.
    • object GetValueFromPropertyPath(this SerializedProperty property) - allows you to get an object through reflection on property path.
    • void SetValueFromPropertyPath(this SerializedProperty property, object value)
    • Type GetManagedReferenceFieldType(this SerializedProperty property) - allows you to get the Type of the object that currently lies in managedReferenceValue, that is, in an object with the [SerializeReference] attribute.
    • Type GetTypeObjectReference(this SerializedProperty property) - allows you to get the Type of field that is inherited from UnityEngine.Object.
    • IEnumerable<SerializedProperty> GetChildrens(this SerializedProperty property) - allows you to get all the children from the current SerializedProperty.
  7. SerializedPropertyUtilities:

    • int GetIndexFromArrayProperty(string dataArray) - allows you to get an index in the array for this type of string: "[xxx]".
  8. UnityObjectExtensions:

    • int GetLocalIdentifierInFile(this Object unityObject) - allows you to get a unique identifier of the object that is stored in the deserialization of UnityEngine.Object.


  1. MyCompare - script for comparing strings and numbers based on the enumeration responsible for comparing objects.

  2. DictionaryExtensions:

    • TKey KeyByValue<TKey, TValue>(this IDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary, TValue value) - allows you to get a key by value.
  3. ListExtensions:

    • void Resize<T>(this List list, int needSize) - allows you to resize the list.
    • List<T> Clone<T>(this IList<T> listToClone) where T : ICloneable - allows you to clone the list.
    • T FindMinDistanceElementOrDefault<T>(this IList<T> list, Vector3 position, Func<T, T, bool> additionally = null) where T : Component - allows you to find the closest GameObject by distance or default(T).
    • T FindMinDistanceElementOrDefault<T>(this IList<T> list, Func<T, Vector3> getVector, Func<T, T, bool> additionally = null)
    • T FindMaxDistanceElement<T>(this IReadOnlyList<T> list, Vector3 position, Func<T, T, bool> additionally = null) where T : Component - allows you to find the distant GameObject by distance.
    • T FindMaxDistanceElementOrDefault<T>(this IList<T> list, Func<T, Vector3> getVector, Func<T, T, bool> additionally = null)
  4. JsonSerializerUtility - a class to simplify working with Newtonsoft JSON.

    • void Serialize<T>(T serializedObject, string filePath, Formatting formatting = Formatting.Indented)
    • bool TryDeserialize<T>(out T needObject, string filePath)
  5. MathUtility:

    • float GetAngleFromVector(Vector2 direction) - allows you to get an angle based on the direction in the trigonometric system (0-360 degrees).
    • Vector2 GetVectorFromAngle(float angle) - allows you to get directions based on the angle in the trigonometric system (0-360 degrees).
    • float ClampAngle(float angle) - clamp angle in the range 0-360.
    • float NearestAngle(float angle, float stepRotation) - finds the nearest angle relative to the step.
    • float NearestAngle(float angle, float[] endAngles) - finds the nearest angle relative to the array of angles (-180-180).
  6. OptimizedRect - an optimized replacement for Unity Engine.Rect.

  7. PhysicsMyUtilities:

    • void IgnoreCollision(IList<Collider> collidersFirst, IList<Collider> collidersSecond, bool state) - ignoring collisions between arrays.
  8. ReflectionExtensions:

    • T[] GetPublicConstFields<T>(this Type type, bool checkForAssignableType = false)
    • T[] GetPublicStaticReadonlyFields<T>(this Type type, bool checkForAssignableType = false)
  9. ReflectionUtilities:

    • void CopyFieldsFromSourceToDestination(object source, object destination) - allows you to copy fields from completely different classes if they have the same Type and Name.
    • Type GetArrayOrListElementTypeOrThisType(Type type) - allows you to find out the type of an array or sheet element, or returns the same type.
    • IEnumerable<Type> GetAllTypesInCurrentDomain() - allows you to get a collection of all types in the current domain.
    • ReadOnlyCollection<Type> GetFinalAssignableTypesFromAllTypes(Type baseType) - allows you to find out all Types that are inherited from a given Type and are not abstract or interfaces.
  10. StringExtensions:

    • string SplitByUpperSymbols(this string text)
    • string ClearSpaces(this string text)
  11. CharExtensions:

    • bool IsUpper(this char c)


Mics Utilities For Unity and different utility classes for my other packages to work with.





