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A collection of problems from DS and Algorithms domain which are interesting solve and will help in improving our coding skills and also in clearing the coding challenge rounds of Interviews. Collected from various coding platforms like Hackerrank, Hackerearth, LeetCode, InterviewBit and many more

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DS and Algo Problem Questions

Includes various problem questions and solutions for interesting coding challenge questions covered as a part of Challenges covered on major coding Platforms.

Includes coding questions from Hackerrank, Hackerearth, LeetCode, InterviewBit and other reputed platforms. Includes solutions in different types of languages(Js, Java, C++ and C) and more than one solutions for most of the problems.

- Only the solution logic is posted for many of the problems as the logic would cover a greater part of the solution.
- Accepting inputs and outputs is to be done seperately or an online IDE from any of the above coding platforms with the I/O logic is needed.
  • "Can help in clearing the Coding Challenge rounds for major companies like #FAANG and other PBCs."

Direct Links to every question mentioning the type, sol langs available and source of quo

Balance Array - Algo - Js - InterviewBit
LRU Cache - Algo - Java - LeetCode
Account Manager - Algo - Js - InterviewBit
Backspace String Compare - Algo - Js, Java - LeetCode
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II - Algo - Js, Java - LeetCode
Bitwise AND of Numbers Range - Algo - Java - LeetCode
Contiguous Array - Algo - Js, Java - LeetCode
First Unique Number - Algo - Java - LeetCode
Counting Elements - Algo - Js, Java - LeetCode
Group Anagrams - Algo - Js, Java - LeetCode
Happy Number - Algo - Js, Java - LeetCode
Last Stone Weight - Algo - Js, Java - LeetCode
Jump Game - Algo - Java - LeetCode
Leftmost Column with at Least a One - Algo - Java - LeetCode
Longest Common Subsequence - Algo - Java - LeetCode
Maximal Square - Algo - Java - LeetCode
Minimum Appends for Palindrome! - Algo - Js, Java - InterviewBit
Minimum Path Sum - Algo - Java - LeetCode
Move Zeroes - Algo - Js, Java - LeetCode
Number of Islands - Algo - Java - LeetCode
Perform String Shifts - Algo - Java - LeetCode
Product Of Array Except Self - Algo - Java - LeetCode
Search in Rotated Sorted Array - Algo - Js, Java - LeetCode
Single Number - Algo - Js, Java - LeetCode
Subarray Sum Equals K - Algo - Java - LeetCode
sum(1)(2)(3)...(n) - Javascript Core Concept - Js - Youtube


A collection of problems from DS and Algorithms domain which are interesting solve and will help in improving our coding skills and also in clearing the coding challenge rounds of Interviews. Collected from various coding platforms like Hackerrank, Hackerearth, LeetCode, InterviewBit and many more







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