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Encounter Handler for TTRPG system Pathfinder 2e (remaster)

This is done as a training exercise.
System logic will be based on:
Using MariaDB database.

Recommended to install first:

  • Java (17)
  • git (with Git Bash)

How to set up locally:

  1. Download (this repo)
  2. For now the only external dependency is MariaDB database.
    You may install it locally if you want to, matching it with src/main/resources/ file.
    But it's easier with docker:
    • install (and run) rancher desktop or docker desktop or any other docker tool that you like
    • download mariadb image with command docker pull mariadb
      if you want, you can read more about this image on
    • now we need to run this image in a container. You can do it yourself if you want to, but...
      you can also run bash script for that, it is in repository root of this project
  3. Run src/main/java/com/pbuczek/pf/ (database structure will be created by Liquibase)

DBeaver (or other db management tool) connection properties to connect with MariaDB server:

(if you changed setup of db, please adjust below values accordingly)
Server Host: Port: 3306 Username: root Password: PASSWORD Driver name: MariaDB
leave Database blank
note: for some tools it may be required to set driver property allowPublicKeyRetrieval to true

Containerization with Docker (not yet fully established):

  1. Run Maven goal: mvn clean package -DskipTests
  2. Build Docker image locally: docker build -t pbuczek/encounter-handler-pf2e-back .
  3. Run Docker image docker run -p 8080:8080 pbuczek/encounter-handler-pf2e-back
    (it will fail for now because it cannot connect to database)

Notes about usage:

  • there are 2 User types, STANDARD and ADMIN
  • when creating new User, it will always have STANDARD type
  • only ADMIN type users are allowed to change user types, so if you want to test out ADMIN only endpoints you need to change user type in database
  • authentication & authorization can be done by Basic Auth (providing username and password) or by API Key (using X-API-KEY header). API Keys are always bound to a User and have the same authorities or by using Oauth 2.0 JWT Token (as usual with Refresh Tokens and Access Tokens)
    (by default authorization server runs on port 9000)


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