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Pawel Decowski edited this page Oct 9, 2016 · 5 revisions

Trie data structure


Clarity of prefix declarations, ease of updates.

Take Discover regex:


Using a trie and a helper Range class, it can be represented more clearly:

6011, 622126-622925, 644-649, 65



Tests have shown that the initial implementation of trie is about as fast as a regex.

Sample implementation

class Trie
  constructor: ->
    @trie = {}
  push: (value) ->
    value = value.toString()
    obj = @trie
    for char, i in value.split('')
      if not obj[char]?
        if i == (value.length - 1)
          obj[char] = null
          obj[char] = {}
      obj = obj[char]
  find: (value) ->
    value = value.toString()
    obj = @trie
    for char, i in value.split('')
      if obj.hasOwnProperty char
        if obj[char] == null
          return true
        return false
      obj = obj[char]      
class Range
  constructor: (@trie) ->
    if @trie.constructor != Trie
      throw 'Range constructor requires a Trie parameter'
  @rangeWithString: (ranges) ->
    if typeof ranges != 'string'
      throw 'rangeWithString requires a string parameter'
    ranges = ranges.replace(/ /g, '')
    ranges = ranges.split ','  
    trie = new Trie
    for range in ranges
      if r = range.match /^(\d+)-(\d+)$/
        for n in [r[1]..r[2]]
          trie.push +n
      else if range.match /^\d+$/
          trie.push +range
        throw "Invalid range '#{r}'"
    new Range trie
  match: (number) ->
    return @trie.find(number)
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