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Migration from v6 to v7

Pawel Gerr edited this page Nov 28, 2023 · 4 revisions


Entity Framework Core Support

  • Renamed extension method AddEnumAndValueObjectConverters to AddValueObjectConverters

Smart Enums

  • Use SmartEnumAttribute<T> instead of EnumGenerationAttribute
  • Use SmartEnumAttribute<T> instead of IEnum<T>
// OLD
[EnumGeneration(KeyPropertyName = "Name")]
public sealed partial class ProductCategory : IEnum<string>
   public static readonly ProductCategory Fruits = new("Fruits");
   public static readonly ProductCategory Dairy = new("Dairy");

// NEW
[SmartEnum<string>(KeyPropertyName = "Name")]
public sealed partial class ProductCategory
   public static readonly ProductCategory Fruits = new("Fruits");
   public static readonly ProductCategory Dairy = new("Dairy");
  • Use SmartEnumAttribute<T>(IsValidatable = true) instead of IValidatableEnum<T>
// OLD
public sealed partial class ProductCategory : IValidatableEnum<string>
   public static readonly ProductCategory Fruits = new("Fruits");
   public static readonly ProductCategory Dairy = new("Dairy");

// NEW
[SmartEnum<string>(IsValidatable = true)]
public sealed partial class ProductCategory
   public static readonly ProductCategory Fruits = new("Fruits");
   public static readonly ProductCategory Dairy = new("Dairy");
  • Use KeyMemberName instead of KeyPropertyName to change the name of the key member.
// OLD
[SmartEnum<string>(KeyPropertyName = "Name")] 
public sealed partial class ProductCategory 

// NEW
[SmartEnum<string>(KeyMemberName = "Name")] 
public sealed partial class ProductCategory 
  • Use ValueObjectKeyMemberEqualityComparerAttribute instead of static IEqualityComparer<string> KeyEqualityComparer to change the equality comparer.
// OLD
public sealed partial class ProductCategoryWithCaseSensitiveComparer
   public static IEqualityComparer<string> KeyEqualityComparer => StringComparer.Ordinal; 

// NEW
[ValueObjectKeyMemberEqualityComparer<ComparerAccessors.StringOrdinal, string>]
public sealed partial class ProductCategoryWithCaseSensitiveComparer

Value Objects

  • Use ValueObjectAttribute<T> for simple value objects and remove the key member, where T is the type of the key member.
    • Optional: Use KeyMemberName, KeyMemberAccessModifier and KeyMemberKind to change the generation of the key member.
// OLD
public sealed partial class ProductName 
   private string Value { get; } 

public sealed partial class ProductName 
  • Use ComplexValueObjectAttribute for complex value object
// OLD
public sealed partial class Boundary 
   public decimal Lower { get; } 
   public decimal Upper { get; } 

// NEW
public sealed partial class Boundary 
   public decimal Lower { get; } 
   public decimal Upper { get; } 
  • Use ValueObjectKeyMemberComparerAttribute/ValueObjectKeyMemberEqualityComparerAttribute instead of ValueObjectMemberEqualityComparer/ ValueObjectMemberComparer to change the equality comparer and comparer.
// OLD
public sealed partial class ProductName
   [ValueObjectMemberEqualityComparer<ComparerAccessors.StringOrdinalIgnoreCase, string>] 
   [ValueObjectMemberComparer<ComparerAccessors.StringOrdinalIgnoreCase, string>] 
   private string Value { get; } 

// NEW
[ValueObjectKeyMemberComparer<ComparerAccessors.StringOrdinal, string>]
[ValueObjectKeyMemberEqualityComparer<ComparerAccessors.StringOrdinal, string>]
public sealed partial class ProductName
  • Use ValidationError instead of ValidationResult
// OLD
public sealed partial class Boundary 
   public decimal Lower { get; } 
   public decimal Upper { get; } 
   static partial void ValidateFactoryArguments(ref ValidationResult? validationResult, ref decimal lower, ref decimal upper) 
      if (lower <= upper) 
      validationResult = new ValidationResult($"Lower boundary '{lower}' must be less than upper boundary '{upper}'", 
                                              new[] { nameof(Lower), nameof(Upper) }); 

// NEW
public sealed partial class Boundary 
   public decimal Lower { get; } 
   public decimal Upper { get; } 
   static partial void ValidateFactoryArguments(ref ValidationError? validationError, ref decimal lower, ref decimal upper) 
      if (lower <= upper) 
      validationError = new ValidationError($"Lower boundary '{lower}' must be less than upper boundary '{upper}'"); 