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Pawl edited this page Jan 13, 2022 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the Dynamic-Voice-Channels wiki!

Getting started

  1. Invite the bot by clicking here
  2. Setup a new channel using /dvc setup
  3. Test it out by joining the newly created voice channel
  4. Set your settings for newly created channels:
Setting Command Inheritance Default
name /default name no @user's channel
position /default position no at the bottom
limit /default limit yes
bitrate /default bitrate yes
category /default category yes
region yes
video quality yes
permissions yes

Inheritance means that this setting is copied from the joined channel




Most of the time the bot isn't working because it is missing permissions. Make sure the bot has all required permissions.

  • Use /bot permcheck to check for missing permissions
  • Try out different permissions. E.g. the bot needs connect permissions to delete a channel (idk why either)
  • If you trust this bot, try out administrator permissions (DO NOT TRUST BOTS JUST BECAUSE THEY'RE OPEN SOURCE)

If it still doesn't work

Go to issues