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CIMLA (Counterfactual Inference by Machine Learning and Attribution Models)

Saurabh Sinha’s Lab, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Sinha Lab


CIMLA is a counterfactual inference method for identifying differential causal associations between two groups from observational data.

Getting Started

CIMLA can be installed from PyPI, but we recommend to first create a conda environment:

conda create --name CIMLA_env python=3.8.12

Activate this environment and install CIMLA:

pip install CIMLA


CIMLA can be used in the enviornment created above. A YAML config file (see below) is required to run CIMLA:

cimla --config config_test.yaml

CIMLA Config File

The config file specifies user defined settings in four sections: data, ML, attribution, and post_process. A working example of config file is shown below:

 path_g1: {PATH-TO-DATA-GROUP1}
 path_g2: {PATH-TO-DATA-GROUP2}
 number_samples_g1: 3000
 number_samples_g2: 3000
 independent_parameters: {PATH-TO-INDEP-PAR-NAMES}
 dependent_parameters: {PATH-TO-DEP-PAR-NAMES}
 normalize: True
 test_size: 0.2
 split_random_state: 32

 #Allowed ML types: RF, MLP, XGB
 #Allowed ML tasks: regression, (classification is not yet fully supported)
 type: RF
 task: regression

 ## Tree (RF and XGBoost) specific parameters
 # Allowed scorings: Use "neg_mean_squared_error" for RF regression and "rmse" for XGB regression
 max_depth: [10, 30]
 scoring: neg_mean_squared_error

 ## RF specific parameters
 n_estimators: [50, 200]
 max_features: ['sqrt']
 min_samples_leaf: [1, 5]
 max_leaf_nodes: [50, 200]
 cv: 3

 ## XGBoost specific parameters
 min_child_weight: [5]
 subsample: [1]
 colsample: [1]
 eta: [0.1, 0.01]
 l2: [1, 5, 10]
 l1: [0.01, 0.1, 1]
 max_boost_round: 400
 early_stop_round: 30
 early_stop_tol: 0.01

 ## MLP specific parameters
 hidden_channels: [128,32]
 dropout: 0.5
 dense_layers_l2: 0.01

 #Allowed attribution types: tree_shap (for RF and XGB), deep_shap (for MLP)
 type: tree_shap
 data_split: train
 data_group: 1
 data_size: 0.75
 global_type: rmsd

 #Allowed post_processing metrics: r2, mse (for regression), accuracy (for classification)
 global_scores_path: {PATH-TO-WRITE}
 ML_performance_save_path: {PATH-TO-WRITE}
 ML_performance_metric: mse

Please see below for detailed explainations of config file parameters.


path_g1: string, required

Directory of the observational data for group 1. Data must be stored in .csv format with rows as samples and columns as variables, also header (column names) and row names are required.

path_g2: string, required

Directory of the observational data for group 2. Data must be stored in .csv format with rows as samples and columns as variables, also header (column names) and row names are required.

number_samples_g1: integer, required

Number of samples (rows) in the observational data of group 1.

number_samples_g2: integer, required

Number of samples (rows) in the observational data of group 2.

independent_parameters: string, required

Directory of a text file containing the names of independent variables. Data must be stored in one column (without any header or row name) with rows as independent variables' names.

dependent_parameters: string, required

Directory of a text file containing the name (>1 dependent parametera is not yet supported) of independent variable. Data must be stored in one column and one row (one entery, without any header or row name) containing the name of dependent variable.

normalize: bool, Default=False

True is recommended. If True, all variables (dependent and independent) are nornalized to have unit variance and zero mean (i.e. Standardization). Normalization typically improves performance.

test_size: float, required

Fraction of data (0<=test_size<=1) in each group to be randomly selected and excluded from training. Useful for testing ML models on holdout data.

split_random_state: integer, optional

Seed number for random selection of test data.

cache: string, optional

Directory for cache. If specified, data will be read from disk and model training is performed in batches. This can adversely impact model training and overall CIMLA performance. Useful when data is too large to fit in memory.

sample_column: string, optional

Name of the column containing row names in the observational data of both groups. Leave it empty if this column is not labled in data.


type: {RF , MLP , XGB}, required

Type of the ML model to be trained in each group. Tree-based models (RF,XGB) are trained by cross-validation on train split to select the best hyper-patameters among the various user-defined settings.

task: (regression), required

The ML task (i.e. loss) to train in each group. classification is not yet supported.

Tree (RF and XGBoost) Specific Parameters:

max_depth: list(integer), required

The maximum depth of the decision trees. A list of integer(s) containing numbers to be evaluated in cross-validation during training.

scoring: {rmse , neg_mean_squared_error}, required

scoring function to be used during cross-validation for hyper-parameter tuning. Use rmse for XGB regression and neg_mean_squared_error for RF regression.

RF Specific Parameters:

n_estimators: list(integer), required

The number of decision trees in the forest. A list of integer(s) containing numbers to be evaluated in cross-validation during training.

max_features: list(int , float , "sqrt" , "log2"), required

The number of features to consider when looking for the best split.

min_samples_leaf: list(integer), required

The minimum number of samples required to be at a leaf node. A list of integer(s) containing numbers to be evaluated in cross-validation during training.

max_leaf_nodes: list(integer), required

The maximum number of leaf nodes a tree can attain during training (controls tree size). A list of integer(s) containing numbers to be evaluated in cross-validation during training.

cv: integer, required

Number of folds to be used for cross-validation during training.

XGBoost Specific Parameters

min_child_weight: list(integer), required

Minimum sum of instance weight (hessian) needed in a child. See XGBoost documentation for more details. A list of integer(s) containing numbers to be evaluated in cross-validation during training.

subsample: list(float), required

Subsample ratio of the training instances. Setting it to 0.5 means that XGBoost would randomly sample half of the training data prior to growing trees. See XGBoost documentation for more details. A list of float(s) containing numbers to be evaluated in cross-validation during training.

colsample: list(float), required

Controls colsample_bynode parameter of XGBoost. Subsample ratio of columns for each node (split). See XGBoost documentation for more details. A list of float(s) containing numbers to be evaluated in cross-validation during training.

eta: list(float), required

Step size shrinkage used in update to prevents overfitting. See XGBoost documentation for more details. A list of float(s) containing numbers to be evaluated in cross-validation during training.

l2: list(float), required

Controls lambda parameter of XGBoost. L2 regularization term on weights. See XGBoost documentation for more details. A list of float(s) containing numbers to be evaluated in cross-validation during training.

l1: list(float), required

Controls alpha parameter of XGBoost. L1 regularization term on weights. See XGBoost documentation for more details. A list of float(s) containing numbers to be evaluated in cross-validation during training.

max_boost_round: integer, required

Controls num_boost_round parameter of XGBoost. Maximum number of boosting iterations. See XGBoost documentation for more details.

early_stop_round: integer, required

Cross-Validation metric (average of validation metric computed over CV folds) needs to improve at least once in every early_stop_rounds round(s) to continue training. See XGBoost documentation for more details.

early_stop_tol: float, required

Minimum absolute change in score to be qualified as an improvement. See XGBoost documentation for more details.TODO

MLP Specific Parameters

hidden_channels: list(integer), required

A list of size h that determines the size of h hidden layers. The left most element corresponds to the layer right after the input, and the right most element correponds to the the layer before the output.

dropout: float, optional

If specified, a dropout layer with prob=dropout is used after the input layer. (0<dropout<=1)

dense_layers_l2: float, optional

If specified, l2 regularization term with the specified weight is applied to weights of each of the hidden layers.


type: {tree_shap , deep_shap}, required

Type of the attribution model to be used (must match with the type of the ML model). Currently, support tree_shap for tree-based ML models (RF and XGBoost) and deep-shap for MLP.

data_split: {train , test}, required

Split of data to be used for interpretation of the trained models.

data_group: {1 , 2}, required

The group of data to be used for interpretation of the trained models.

data_size: float, required

Fraction of data (0<data_size<=1) to be used for interpretation of the trained models. The specified fraction is randomly sampled from split = data_split of group = data_group.

global_type: {rmsd}, required

Function used for aggregating local scores into global scores. For now only support rmsd (Root-Mean-Square-Difference).


local_scores_path: string, optional

If specified, local attribution scores for both models are saved in specified directiory.

global_scores_path: string, optional

If specified, global CIMLA scores for both models are saved in specified directiory.

ML_performance_save_path: string, optional

If specified, performance of both ML models on both train and test splits are saved in specified directiory.

ML_performance_metric {r2 , accuracy , mse}, optional

Required if ML_performance_save_path is specified.


Counterfactual Inference by Machine Learning and Attribution Models







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