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PedroAlvesV edited this page Apr 22, 2017 · 6 revisions

Big README Comparison

Big README Comparison

local abstk = require 'abstk'

local scr = abstk.new_screen("Software Selection")

local message = "At the moment, only the core of the system is installed. You may want to install some of the softwares listed below."
scr:add_label('message', message)

scr:create_selector('installation_type', "Installation type:",
   }, 3

local software_list = {
   {"Desktop environment", true},
   {"... GNOME", true},
   {"... XFCE", false},
   {"... KDE", false},
   {"... Cinnamon", false},
   {"... MATE", false},
   {"... LXDE", false},
   {"Web Server", false},
   {"Print Server", true},
   {"SSH Server", false},
   {"Standard System Utilities", true},
scr:create_checklist('software_checklist', "Choose softwares to install:", software_list)

scr:add_label('space_required', "Space required: 20.8MB")

Screen README Comparison

Screen README Comparison

local abstk = require 'abstk'
local scr = abstk.new_screen("My First AbsTK UI")
scr:add_image('logo', 'images/abstk_logo.png')
scr:add_label('hellow', "Hello, World!")
scr:add_label('msg1', "This is a minimal example to demonstrate AbsTK.")
scr:add_label('msg2', "The Screen is the main object of the toolkit. It can run as  standalone or added to a Wizard. Its routine consists on creating it (line 2), populating it (lines 3 to 7) and running it (line 8).")

Wizard README Comparison

Wizard README Comparison

local abstk = require 'abstk'
local wizard = abstk.new_wizard("My First AbsTK Wizard")
local scr1 = abstk.new_screen("Page 1")
local scr2 = abstk.new_screen("Page 2")
local scr3 = abstk.new_screen("Page 3")
scr1:add_image('logo', 'images/abstk_logo.png')
scr1:add_label('hellow', "Hello, World!")
scr1:add_label('msg1', "This is a minimal example to demonstrate AbsTK.")
scr2:add_image('logo', 'images/abstk_logo.png')
scr2:add_label('msg2', "The Wizard is what AbsTK was firstly developed. Instead of running Screens, it insert them into an assistant-like interface. Its routine consists on creating it (line 2), creating screens (lines 3 to 5), populating the screens (lines 6 to 12), adding screens to wizard (lines 13 to 15) and running the wizard (line 16).")
scr3:add_image('logo', 'images/abstk_logo.png')
scr3:add_label('thanks_label', "Thank you <3")
wizard:add_page('page1', scr1)
wizard:add_page('page2', scr2)
wizard:add_page('page3', scr3)

Buttons Test

Buttons Test

local abstk = require 'abstk'

local scr = abstk.new_screen("AbsTK Complete Test - Buttons Module")

local bt_callback = function(id, value)
   print(id, value)

scr:add_label('label1', 'Simple Buttons')
scr:add_button('bt1', 'Button1', "tooltip", bt_callback)
scr:add_button('bt2', 'Button2', nil, bt_callback)

scr:add_label('label2', 'ButtonBox')
scr:create_button_box('bbox', {'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'}, nil, {bt_callback, bt_callback, bt_callback, bt_callback})

scr:create_combobox('cbox', "ComboBox", {'Label1', 'Label2', 'Label3'}, nil, nil, bt_callback)


Images Test

Images Test

local abstk = require 'abstk'

local scr = abstk.new_screen("AbsTK Complete Test - Images Module")

scr:add_image('lua_img', 'images/lua.png')
scr:add_image('batman_img', 'images/batman.png', {512, 384})


Text Input Test

Text Input Test

local abstk = require 'abstk'

local scr = abstk.new_screen("AbsTK Complete Test - Text Input Module")

local txt_callback = function(id, value)
   print(id, value)

scr:add_text_input('input1', "Username", nil, nil, txt_callback)
scr:add_password('input2', "Password", nil, nil, txt_callback)
scr:add_text_input('input3', nil, nil, nil, txt_callback)

scr:add_textbox('box', "TextBox", "Lorem\nIpsum")


Lists Test

Lists Test

local abstk = require 'abstk'

local scr = abstk.new_screen("AbsTK Complete Test - Lists Module")

local chk_callback = function(id, index, value)
   print(scr:get_value(id, index))
local slct_callback = function(id, value)

scr:add_checkbox('chkbox', "Test CheckBox", nil, nil, chk_callback)

scr:create_checklist('chklist1', "CheckList (short, default construction)", {'a', 'b', 'c'}, nil, nil, chk_callback)

scr:create_checklist('chklist2', "CheckList (short, constructed by passing values by default_value)", {'7', '8', '9'}, {true, false, true}, nil, chk_callback)

local checklist_values = {
   {'z', false},
   {'x', true},
   {'c', true},
scr:create_checklist('chklist3', "CheckList (short, constructed by passing values in the elements table)", checklist_values, nil, nil, chk_callback)

local long_checklist = {
   { "Item1", false },
   { "Item2", true },
   { "Item3", true },
   { "Item4", false },
   { "Item5", false },
   { "Item6", false },
   { "Item7", true },
   { "Item8", false },
   { "Item9", false },
scr:create_checklist('chklist4', "CheckList (long, constructed by passing booleans in the elements table)", long_checklist , nil, nil, chk_callback)

scr:create_selector('selector1', "Selector (short, default construction)", {'x', 'y', 'z'}, nil, nil, slct_callback)

scr:create_selector('selector2', "Selector (short, constructed by passing index by default_value)", {'a', 's', 'd'}, 3, nil, slct_callback)

local short_selector_table = {
   {'q', false},
   {'w', true},
   {'e', false},
scr:create_selector('selector3', "Selector (short, constructed by passing booleans in the elements table)", short_selector_table, nil, nil, slct_callback)

scr:create_selector('selector4', "Selector (long, default construction)", {'v1', 'v2', 'v3', 'v4', 'v5', 'v6'}, nil, nil, slct_callback)


Complete Test

Complete Test

local abstk = require 'abstk'

-- Create wizard
local wizard = abstk.new_wizard("AbsTK Complete Test", 800, 600)

-- Create screens
local scr1 = abstk.new_screen("Labels Module")
local scr2 = abstk.new_screen("Buttons Module")
local scr3 = abstk.new_screen("Images Module")
local scr4 = abstk.new_screen("Lists Module")
local scr5 = abstk.new_screen("Text Input Module")

-- Test callbacks
local bt_callback = function(id, label)
   print(label.." clicado.")
local subbt_callback = function(id, index, label)
   print(label.." clicado.")
local default_callback = function(id, value)
   print(id, value)
local chk_callback = function(id, index, value)
   print(scr4:get_value(id, index))
local slct_callback = function(id, value)

-- Fill the first screen
scr1:add_label('label1', 'Parameter 1:\t\t1234')
scr1:add_label('label2', 'Parameter 2:\t\tABCD')
scr1:add_label('label3', 'Parameter 3:\t\tWXYZ')

-- Fill the second screen
scr2:add_label('label1', 'Simple Buttons')
scr2:add_button('bt1', 'Button1', "tooltip", bt_callback)
scr2:add_button('bt2', 'Button2', nil, bt_callback)
scr2:add_label('label2', 'ButtonBox')
scr2:create_button_box('bbox', {'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'}, nil, {subbt_callback, subbt_callback, subbt_callback, subbt_callback})
scr2:create_combobox('cbox', "ComboBox", {'Label1', 'Label2', 'Label3'}, nil, nil, default_callback)

-- Fill the third screen
scr3:add_image('lua_img', 'images/lua.png')
scr3:add_image('batman_img', 'images/batman.png', {512, 384})

-- Fill the fourth screen
scr4:add_checkbox('chkbox', "Test CheckBox", nil, nil, chk_callback)
scr4:create_checklist('chklist1', "CheckList (short, default construction)", {'a', 'b', 'c'}, nil, nil, chk_callback)
scr4:create_checklist('chklist2', "CheckList (short, constructed by passing values by default_value)", {'7', '8', '9'}, {true, false, true}, nil, chk_callback)
local checklist_values = {
   {'z', false},
   {'x', true},
   {'c', true},
scr4:create_checklist('chklist3', "CheckList (short, constructed by passing values in the elements table)", checklist_values, nil, nil, chk_callback)
local long_checklist = {
   { "Item1", false },
   { "Item2", true },
   { "Item3", true },
   { "Item4", false },
   { "Item5", false },
   { "Item6", false },
   { "Item7", true },
   { "Item8", false },
   { "Item9", false },
scr4:create_checklist('chklist4', "CheckList (long, constructed by passing booleans in the elements table)", long_checklist , nil, nil, chk_callback)
scr4:create_selector('selector1', "Selector (short, default construction)", {'x', 'y', 'z'}, nil, nil, slct_callback)
scr4:create_selector('selector2', "Selector (short, constructed by passing index by default_value)", {'a', 's', 'd'}, 3, nil, slct_callback)
local short_selector_table = {
   {'q', false},
   {'w', true},
   {'e', false},
scr4:create_selector('selector3', "Selector (short, constructed by passing booleans in the elements table)", short_selector_table, nil, nil, slct_callback)
scr4:create_selector('selector4', "Selector (long, default construction)", {'v1', 'v2', 'v3', 'v4', 'v5', 'v6'}, nil, nil, slct_callback)

-- Fill the fifth screen
scr5:add_text_input('input1', 'Username', nil, nil, default_callback)
scr5:add_password('input2', 'Password', nil, nil, default_callback)
scr5:add_text_input('input3', nil, nil, nil, default_callback)
local txt = ""
local n = 100
for i=1, n do
   txt = txt..i
   if i ~= n then
      txt = txt.."\n"
scr5:add_textbox('tbox', "TextBox", txt)

-- Add all screens to wizard
wizard:add_page('screen1', scr1)
wizard:add_page('screen2', scr2)
wizard:add_page('screen3', scr3)
wizard:add_page('screen4', scr4)
wizard:add_page('screen5', scr5)

-- Run wizard and collect data
local data = wizard:run()