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File metadata and controls

202 lines (128 loc) · 3.94 KB

Table o'Contents

  • Flask is a micro-framework for Python.

  • Jinja is a template engine for Python.

Together they allow developers to build more dynamic applications than it is possible with only HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Flask & Jinja

Flask powered website:

Returns the root of the website

  • We think of a website often having these routes we can go to see different parts of it.

Flask & Jinja

  • For this example /browse.cgi is the route we want to go to.

Flask & Jinja

  • We could even, add some parameters to it and look at particular books, using something like this, having parameters in these dot dot dots at the end here.

Flask & Jinja

  • You can imagine this website is full of these HTML pages look a bit like this. Or we have maybe trillions of HTML pages full of different text.

  • So if I were to request a page from this server right here, I can make an HTTP request. I might say this: Give me the slash browse.cgi page.

HTTP /browse.cgi

  • Instead of having this:


  • Would probably be better, if we could actually have a single HTML page and we could just kind of slot in some random string of text to that page using something like Python or Flask, in this case.

  • So we could do something like this, where instead of having millions and millions of pages that have all these random strings of text, we could have one page and we could use Python to slot in a single random string for us-- perhaps like in this example, we could have a placeholder.


Explore Library Flask app.

    <input type="text">
    <button type="submit">
  • This won't work because we need to specify where the data is going to be sent.

  • We need to specify the action and the method properties for the form.

<form action="/" method="post">
    <input type="text">
    <button type="submit">
  • If data is sent via POST, it won't show up in the URL.

  • But if data is sent via GET, it will show up in the URL using these URL parameters.

  • Notice how in addition to a type, which is now omitted up here by default, we have the name attribute of our input. And this one is called page.

  • We could reference that very same name in our Python code to then get the value that that input holds at the time the form is submitted.

  • If a request was submitted via GET, we could use request.args.get.

  • But if a request was submitted via POST, we could use request.form.get.

  • POST Example:


  • GET Example:



  • This SQL query creates a table called history
CREATE TABLE history ( 
    id INTEGER,
    page INTEGER, 
    PRIMARY KEY(id) 
id page
  • For now we have an empty table;

INSERT INTO history (page) 
VALUES (50);
id page
1 50

INSERT INTO history (page) 
VALUES (100);
id page
1 50
2 100

INSERT INTO history (page) 
VALUES (43);
id page
1 50
2 100
3 43

db.execute("INSERT INTO history (page) VALUES (43);")
db.execute("INSERT INTO history (page) VALUES (?);", placeholder)
id page
1 50
2 100
3 43

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