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Salary Simulator Documentation


This application is built using Vite and React, along with libraries like Jotai, Clsx, and Tailwind CSS for styling. It uses bun as the package manager, but you can switch as usual.

Salary simulator


  1. Clone into the repository and cd into it

  2. Run bun install

    • If you don't have bun installed:
    curl -fsSL | bash
    • Or you can choose a different package manager: pnpm install | yarn install | npm install. Delete bun.lockb in that case.



bun dev starts the development server

Data and the Excel parser

grades.json are the paygrades

"Junior": {
  "monthlyBaseSalary": 2700,
  "minDailyRate": 350,
  "defaultYearlyGrossSalary": 35168.66
"Junior+": {

The defaultYearlyGrossSalary is taken in the result column on parsing. It is not used by the calculator but is checked against the calculated result when running the tests.

ssData.json is social security data

"trancheACeiling": 3377,

There are two ways to update the data:

  1. bun parse This will look for src/data/spreadsheet.xlsm and regenerate src/data/grades.json and src/data/ssData.json according to the spreadsheet data.

    • It is using exceljs.
    • The spreadsheet must be named spreadsheet.xlsm and must be placed in src/data/.
    • The spreadsheet is ignored by git, and will not be pushed to the repo.
  2. Updating src/data/grades.json and src/data/ssData.json manually.

experience.json is the years to title mapping and is only updated manually

  "title": "Junior",
  "minExperience": 0,
  "maxExperience": 2
  "title": "Junior+",


bun test runs the tests using


bun build builds the application for production bun preview serves a production build locally


bun lint runs the linter