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MS-DOS definitions & commands

Comprehensive summary on the tools available for CMD for all Windows machines.

Command Summaries:

Select single command - Summarised with options

command_name /?

All commands - Summarised

help -- summarises all command names

Assigning attributes to files & folders

attrib [+R : -R] [+A : -A] [+S:-S] [+H : -H] [+I : -I] [drive:][path][filename] [/S [/D] [/L]]

+R -- Use the +R option to make a file read-only. Read-only files may be read but they can`t be changed or deleted.
-R -- Use the -R option to change the file protection attribute back to normal (so it can be read, changed, or deleted).
+A -- Use the +A option to set the ARCHIVE attribute of a file. When the +A option is used, this flags the file as available for archiving when using the BACKUP or XCOPY commands.
-A -- Use the -A option to turn off the ARCHIVE attribute.
+H -- Set the HIDDEN attribute of a file so that it will not appear in a directory listing.
-H -- Use the -H option to turn off the HIDDEN attribute.
+S -- Flags the file as a command file used only by DOS. The file will not appear in a directory listing. This attribute is generally reserved for programmers.
-S -- Use the -S option to turn off the SYSTEM attribute.
/S -- Use the /S switch to set attributes on subdirectories found within the specified path.

Process Management

List active processes


Kill active processes


Disk Management

Disk Defragmentation

defrag <volume>

Clean out temporary files from Disk Drives


Check Disk for errors

CHKDSK [volume[[path]filename]]] [/F] [/V] [/R] [/X] [/I] [/C] [/L[:size]] [/B]
volume -- Specifies the drive letter (followed by a colon), mount point, or volume name.
filename -- FAT/FAT32 only: Specifies the files to check for fragmentation.
/F -- Fixes errors on the disk.
/V -- On FAT/FAT32: Displays the full path and name of every file on the disk.
On NTFS: Displays cleanup messages if any.
/R -- Locates bad sectors and recovers readable information (implies /F).
/L:size -- NTFS only:  Changes the log file size to the specified number of kilobytes.  
If size is not specified, displays current size.
/X -- Forces the volume to dismount first if necessary.
/I -- NTFS only: Performs a less vigorous check of index entries.
/C -- NTFS only: Skips checking of cycles within the folder structure.
/B -- NTFS only: Re-evaluates bad clusters on the volume (implies /R)

Diskpart - Microsoft Partitioning Tool


System Information

systeminfo | more

Listing available servers

net view

Gather information on server - remote access

systeminfo /S server_name

Performance Monitor


File Checker - for corrupted or missing files


Driver Information

driverquery | more

Monitoring Active Internet Services

netstat [-a] [-n] [-b]
-a -- Displays all connections and listening ports
-n -- Displays addresses and port numbers in numerical form
-b -- Displays the executable involved in each connection (note: also provides PID)

Windows IP Configuration

/renew -- Renew the IPv4 address for the specified adaptor
/flushdns -- Purges the DNS Resolver cache

Ping & Tracing route from Destination to Local Machine

ping url
tracert url

Network Services

Requirement: Start -> services.msc -> Routing and Remote Access -- needs to be Enabled


Changing IP Address

netsh interface ip set address name=”Local Area Connection” static

This assumes the following:

  • The name of the interface you want to change the IP address for is Local Area Network

  • You want to statically assign an IP address of

  • You want to set a subnet mask of

  • You want to set a default gateway of

Changing DNS Address

netsh interface ip set dns name=”Local Area Connection” static

This assumes the following:

  • The name of the interface you want to change the primary DNS setting for is Local Area Network

  • The IP address of the DNS Server is

Change IP address of the secondary DNS server

Note: Google public DNS servers:

netsh interface ip add dns name=”Local Area Connection” index=2
Set DNS Servers to assign Dynamically
netsh interface ip set dnsservers name=”Local Area Connection” source=dhcp

Windows Registery

List of Operations

REG QUERY [ROOT\]RegKey /v ValueName [/s]
REG QUERY [ROOT\]RegKey /ve --This returns the (default) value

REG ADD [ROOT\]RegKey /v ValueName [/t DataType] [/S Separator] [/d Data] [/f]
REG ADD [ROOT\]RegKey /ve [/d Data] [/f] -- Set the (default) value

REG DELETE [ROOT\]RegKey /v ValueName [/f]
REG DELETE [ROOT\]RegKey /ve [/f] -- Remove the (default) value
REG DELETE [ROOT\]RegKey /va [/f] -- Delete all values under this key

REG COPY \[\\SourceMachine\][ROOT\]RegKey \[\\DestMachine\][ROOT\]RegKey

REG EXPORT [ROOT\]RegKey FileName.reg
REG IMPORT FileName.reg
REG RESTORE \\MachineName\[ROOT]\KeyName

REG LOAD KeyName FileName

REG COMPARE [ROOT\]RegKey [ROOT\]RegKey [/v ValueName] [Output] [/s]
REG COMPARE [ROOT\]RegKey [ROOT\]RegKey [/ve] [Output] [/s]
   ROOT :
         HKLM = HKey_Local_machine (default)
         HKCU = HKey_current_user
         HKU  = HKey_users
         HKCR = HKey_classes_root

   ValueName : The value, under the selected RegKey, to edit.
               (default is all keys and values)

   /d Data   : The actual data to store as a "String", integer etc

   /f        : Force an update without prompting "Value exists, overwrite Y/N"

   \\Machine : Name of remote machine - omitting defaults to current machine.
                Only HKLM and HKU are available on remote machines.

   FileName  : The filename to save or restore a registry hive.

   KeyName   : A key name to load a hive file into. (Creating a new key)

   /S        : Query all subkeys and values.

   /S Separator : Character to use as the separator in REG_MULTI_SZ values
                  the default is "\0"

   /t DataType  : REG_SZ (default) | REG_DWORD | REG_EXPAND_SZ | REG_MULTI_SZ

   /reg:32   : Force REG.exe to write to the 32-bit registry location
   /reg:64   : Force REG.exe to write to the 64-bit registry location

             By default a 32-bit process (such as an SCCM client or a 32 bit MSI installer)
             on a 64 bit machine, will use a 32-bit view of the registry: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node
             Use the /REG switch to over-ride this. See Q305097 for more details.

   Output    : /od (only differences) /os (only matches) /oa (all) /on (no output)

Basic Task Scheduling

Query tasks

schtasks /query

Creating tasks

schtasks /create /tn "Task Name" /tr "Path" /sc "schedule_time"

Deleting tasks

schtasks /delete /tn "task_name"
Additional Information:

Thorough Explaination on Schtasks

Remote PC Control

Requirement: Windows Features -> Enable Telnet Client & Telnet Server

telnet server_address [port]

Windows NT Service Controller Services

Service Controller Information


Query the Services/ a service

SC query [service_name]

Stop a service

SC [server_name] stop service_name

Start a service

SC [server_name] start service_name

Configuration details of Service

SC [server_name] qc service_name

Thorough Explaination on SC

Advanced File Management

Encryption and Decryption

/A -- AddUser - encryption to unique user
/E -- Encryption
/D -- Decryption
/X -- Create keys for copying to another machine/pen drive <to provide access>
/W -- Removes data from available unused disk space on the entire volume.
      <Permanent deletion to deleted files>

File Allocation Table (FAT) and NTFS file systems Tools

FSUTIL is a powerful command-line utility that can provide very technical information about your computer's drives, or if utilized incorrectly can cause damage to the file system.

Supported Commands

Warning: use this command at your own risk...

fsutil 8dot3name: 8dot3name management
fsutil behavior: Control file system behavior
fsutil dirty: Manage volume dirty bit
fsutil file: File specific commands
fsutil fsinfo: File system information
fsutil hardlink: Hardlink management
fsutil objectid: Object ID management
fsutil quota: Quota management
fsutil repair: Self healing management
fsutil reparsepoint: Reparse point management
fsutil resource: Transactional Resource Manager management
fsutil sparse: Sparse file control
fsutil transaction: Transaction management
fsutil usn: USN management
fsutil volume: Volume management

Thorough Explaination on Fsutil

Additional available commands

Remember help will offer examples, syntax for the command you want.

command_name /?

Other commands note worthy for consideration

convert -- Displays or alters the compression of files on NTFS partions
exe2bin -- Converts .exe files to binary format
shutdown -- shutdown operation
finger -- Displays information about a user on a specified system running the finger service.
hostname -- reveals hostname
ftp -- File Transfer Protocol
rcp -- Copies files to and from computer running the RCP service.
lpr -- Sends a print job to a network printer
arp -- Displays and modifies the IP-to-Physical address translation tables used by address resolution protocol
getmac -- Returns mac address
pathping -- Used for testing ping with limitations
nslookup -- Displays information that you can use to diagnose Domain Name System (DNS) infrastructure.
Doskey /history -- Dos command history
powercfg -- Controls the power settings on a system.
cscript -- Windows Script Host that provides command-line options for setting script properties.
wscript -- Set the script host properties.
route -- Manipulates network routing tables.
net view -- network view